Pathfinder - Pathfinder Society - Scenario 53 - Echoes of the Everwar - Part 4, The Faithless Dead.pdf

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EchoEs of thE EvErwar, Part Iv:
thE faIthlEss DEaD
Pathfinder Society Scenario 53
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Pathfinder Society Scenario 53: Echoes of the Everwar, Part IV: The Faithless Dead
is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed
for 7th- to 11th-level characters (Tiers: 7–8 and 10–11). This scenario is designed for play in Pathfinder Society
Organized Play, but can easily be adapted for use with any world. This scenario is compliant with the Open Game
License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
The OGL can be found on page 22 of this product.
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EchoEs of thE EvErwar, Part Iv:
thE faIthlEss DEaD
By neil SPicer
EchoEs of thE EvErwar
n 4305 ar, Cheliax initiated a series of imperial
conquests which eventually became known as the
Everwar. At the same time, an enterprising Osirian
named Khalfani Zuberi, who’d made his money buying
and selling everything from slaves to weapons for
Osirion’s conquerors (the Qadiri), decided the Everwar
presented yet another opportunity to expand his wealth.
He gave his three most trusted concubines rings which
magically fused to their fingers, allowing him to track
their status and general direction even as he sent them
to three separate locations across the new Chelish
frontier so they could manipulate the Everwar’s markets
to his advantage. Their untold success brought Zuberi
unimaginable wealth, which he put to use finding ways
to extend his life and perpetuate his mercantile empire.
In 4307, Zuberi drank his first
sun orchid elixir,
a life-
giving potion which the nation of Thuvia sells only a few
of each year to the highest bidder—a position virtually
assured by Zuberi’s riches. This renewed his life even as
he continued to expand his holdings. In 4350 ar, however,
Zuberi met an ill fate on the road to Thuvia to get another
sun orchid elixir.
A cleric of an Osirian death cult and his
hired thugs assaulted Zuberi’s caravan and murdered
his servants, slaves, and soldiers. They left Zuberi alive
and laid a terrible curse upon him. With its completion,
Zuberi felt the power of his concubines’ rings wink out, his
connection to them severed. In his horror, he never realized
the severed connection also caused their immediate and
untimely deaths. Instead, concerned only for himself,
Zuberi felt his own limbs grow tired, his bones become
brittle, and his muscles go weak. In essence, the weight of
his true age took hold again. The cleric of the death cult
then justified his curse to Zuberi, blaming his obsession
with living—a heresy to most Osirians. And, since Zuberi
wanted life so badly, the priest decided he could have it—
forever. But Zuberi would never again be able to drink the
sun orchid elixir—instead,
he’d spend eternity
as an old man.
The curse also included an overwhelming compulsion,
driving Zuberi back to Sothis and making it impossible
for him to leave the city. As a result, he collapsed his
empire inward, selling off his holdings, and storing
The Faithless Dead
completes the final chapter of a four-part
Pathfinder Society arc called
Echoes of the Everwar.
It cannot be
played until the players have played the first three parts (#36:
The Prisoner of Skull Hill,
Watcher of Ages,
and #44:
at Whistledown),
which can be played in any order.
all his wealth in an underground vault within the
Necropolis of the Faithful. He also faked his own death,
retreating into his tomb of treasure, where he has
resided ever since.
Fifty years ago, however, Zuberi’s connection to
his concubines’ rings mysteriously reactivated. With
renewed hope, he spent his money consulting every
shaman, priest, wizard, or cleric who would listen to
him, wanting to know if he could use the connection to
the rings to finally lift his curse. An old wizard, a scribe
and servant of the Ruby Prince, provided the answer he
needed: if he could bring the three rings together again,
the wizard could perform a ritual that would undo the
curse. Unfortunately, Zuberi no longer knew the location
of the rings—so he asked for a second ritual: he wanted
the connection’s power increased so he could discern
exactly where the bodies of his concubines lay. The
wizard warned him that doing so could have unforeseen
consequences on the resting places of the rings. But
Zuberi did not care and offered great wealth to convince
the wizard to do it. And so he did.
The locations of his concubines confirmed, Zuberi
then concocted a plan to find them and bring their
remains back to him in Sothis. It took years to make
the right connections, through blackmail, sabotage,
and assassination, but finally, in 4709 ar, Zuberi found
the right person to help him: Venture-Captain Norden
Balentiir of the Sothis Pathfinder Lodge. Through
planted clues and paid informants, Zuberi secretly
convinced Balentiir to commission Pathfinders who
would seek out each location, tasked with retrieving the
bodies of the concubines and their artifacts as national
treasures. These heroes faced horrific challenges at each
Pathfinder Society Scenario
resting place, for the ritual to find the concubines had
indeed wrought tremendous damage at each location.
But triumphant, the heroes finally returned with the
bodies still bearing Zuberi’s rings, and unknowingly
providing him the means to lift his curse and return
to power.
Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir summons the PCs to
the Pathf inder Lodge in Sothis to inform them about
the theft of the concubine remains from the Necropolis
of the Faithful, and to ask their assistance in tracking
them down again. However, before the PCs arrive, the
death cultists take Balentiir prisoner and lay a trap
for them in retaliation for their perceived alliance
with Zuberi. Upon defeating the cultists, and either
interrogating the survivors or consulting Balentiir,
the PCs learn of Zuberi’s curse, his connection to the
concubines, and the threat he poses to Osirion and the
entire Inner Sea region.
Balentiir suggests they consult an elder gynosphinx
named Sekhmanu to help locate the bodies and
learn more about Zuberi before opposing him. After
impressing the sphinx with gifts of knowledge and an
exchange of riddles, Sekhmanu helps the PCs by casting
legend lore
on each of the personal items (sword, staff,
and wand) that once belonged to the concubines. This
process unleashes their spirits, which manifest and
impart additional information about Zuberi and his
allies. Then the concubines pledge to aid the PCs by
leading them to Zuberi.
Zuberi’s tomb lies within the Necropolis of the
Faithful. To identify the proper entrance leading from
his false burial chamber into the deeper passageways
of his treasure-laden stronghold, the PCs must solve
a simple puzzle of hieroglyphs. Once inside, they
discover the slaughtered remains of the second group
of death cultists sent to stop him. Making their
way past several traps, they then encounter Zuberi’s
former slaves and bodyguards, raised from the dead
to serve him again. These sentinels exist as living
monoliths (a prestige class from
Pathf inder Campaign
Setting: Osirion, Land of Pharaohs),
imbued with ancient
powers and protections from the great sphinxes of
a bygone age. Winning past these guardians, the
PCs then come face to face with an immense ettin
with the heads of a jackal and a falcon, a champion
partially possessed by Zuberi’s spirit by means of a
magic jar
If the PCs defeat the guardians, they interrupt Zuberi’s
wizard before he can complete the ritual, leaving him a
frail, dying old man bereft of the life given to him from
his concubines. The power of the rings broken, Zuberi
withers away, leaving behind only dust and sand.
The Followers of Almaut
After receiving all three of the concubines’ remains,
Venture-Captain Balentiir had each one laid to rest in
the Necropolis of the Faithful amid great fanfare and
celebration in the Osirian capital of Sothis. Soon after,
however, Zuberi’s minions broke into the sepulcher and
stole them away, moving the bodies to his own false tomb
so the old wizard could perform the ritual to lift the
curse. These actions did not go unnoticed, however.
Through the ages, the original Osirian death cult
also persevered. Known as the Followers of Almaut, each
member carries a charge to ensure Zuberi’s punishment
endures. Through their divinations, they too sensed the
reactivation of the rings—a clear signal the curse could
soon end. Unfortunately, the death cultists mistook
Venture-Captain Balentiir as an active ally of Zuberi,
assuming he knowingly intended to circumvent the
curse by sending Pathfinders to find the concubines
at his master’s behest. After witnessing the theft of the
bodies from the Necropolis of the Faithful, the cultists
sent a group of assassins to punish the venture-captain
and the heroes who returned them to Sothis. At the same
time, another band followed Zuberi’s minions back to
his tomb, determined to stop him before he can undo
the curse.
The Faithless Dead
Among the deceased who eventually face Pharasma’s
judgment, true atheists—the faithless dead—impact the
very solidity of their souls, disrupting their natural ability
to migrate through the Astral Plane to their final reward.
Those who reach Pharasma’s Boneyard are locked away
in the tombs and graves of her palace to await their fate at
the End of Time. But those who resist or flee Pharasma’s
judgment remain behind as ghosts or spirits on the
Material Plane, hiding themselves in places or objects—
often emotionally driven to finish some incomplete task.
Thus did Zuberi’s concubines—Akila, Kamilah, and
Meskhenet—come to exist upon their untimely deaths
with the severing of their connection to Zuberi. Hiding
their spirits within the weapons and objects they once
wielded in his service, they now seethe with rage at his
continued existence. For they sense the extension of his
life as a result of theirs and they’d like nothing more than
to go to their reward in Pharasma’s Boneyard—but only
if they can take Zuberi with them.
Recovered Items
At the start of this scenario, you should ask each
player to show you the chronicle sheet for the three
previous adventures in the
Echoes of the Everwar
echoeS of the everwar , Part iv: the faithleSS dead
Before play begins, make a note for each character
detailing whether or not they retrieved the body of
the concubine (as noted by the ring checkbox) and the
personal item of the concubine in each of the previous
adventures (a wand in #36, a
staf f of swarming insects
in #42, and a
+2) f laming burst keen falchion
#44). Players receive a bonus later in the adventure
for each concubine they helped retrieve in a previous
adventure. They do not need to have bought the magic
item to receive this bonus.
Read the following to get the adventure underway:
Sothis, throne of the pharaohs, and capital of Osirion, is
a city rooted in ancient tradition. Of these, perhaps none
is more sacred than funeral rights. As such, it came as no
surprise when Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir invited
you once again to Osirion’s capital for the funerals of three
important figures who once played a significant role in
their nation’s history—a powerful sorceress named Akila,
a warrior-woman called Kamilah, and a lady smuggler
known as Meskhenet the Wise. As you were involved with
retrieving their remains, Balentiir celebrated your success
and asked that you remain after the ceremony, while he
continued to study these women in an effort to better
understand their—and Osirion’s—past. Weeks passed,
allowing you to rest from your recent exploits and enjoy
the wondrous city of Sothis, but your vacation ended when
Balentiir sent word, asking for your immediate counsel at
the Pathfinder Lodge.
Prior to receiving Balentiir’s summons, the PCs
should have had an opportunity to receive the missives
from their faction contacts. Each benefactor has kept a
close eye on Osirion’s celebration and many have their
own questions about the historical significance of the
concubines. Since helping to retrieve the remains,
the PCs should also have had ample time to purchase
and restock any equipment they need in Sothis. Once
Balentiir’s messenger departs they should have no
trouble reaching the lodge after gathering their things.
Since the PCs have been stationed together, they arrive
at the lodge as a group.
house prisoners. Now it serves as a storehouse, barracks,
and training facility for Pathfinder agents. The grounds
inside the walls contain a variety of trees—date palms,
sycamores, and tamarisk—all designed to create a small
oasis of tranquility in the city.
The primary structure of the lodge is constructed
of f ine white limestone blocks. Ceiling height
reaches 12 feet in most rooms. The external and
internal doors are made of wood, but covered in
copper to reinforce them (hardness 5, hp 20, break
DC 23). They remain unlocked unless otherwise
specif ied. Common lamps f illed with sootless castor
oil illuminate each room. And the rooms themselves
prove mostly empty since the Followers of Almaut
have already slain most of the guards, servants,
and Pathf inders. The PCs arrive at night, thereby
restricting their vision to dim light conditions, as
altered by any light sources they bring with them.
Lamps and torches illuminate some parts of the
compound as noted in each location’s description.
1. Courtyard (CR 4)
The main entrance to the Pathfinder Lodge passes through
the double doors of an immense archway towering over the
12-foot-high exterior walls surrounding the grounds. The
doors stand slightly ajar and unbarred, despite the late hour.
Beyond the archway, torchlight illuminates the approach
toward a natural garden of shade trees and undergrowth
occupying much of the inner courtyard and blocking view of
the lodge itself on the far side.
Upon gaining entrance to the compound, the Followers
of Almaut slew the guards and servants who would
otherwise be stationed here, dragging their bodies off
into the undergrowth of the gardens. A DC 20 Perception
check made by PCs that intentionally look through the
doors for signs of trouble spot fresh bloodstains on the
pavement and signs of struggle.
The leader of the cultists cast a
glyph of warding
over the inner archway, set to trigger when any non-
follower of their faith passes through. Its activation also
warns the cultists at area
who hear the
sound burst
without needing to make a check.
Glyph of Warding
Disable Device
CR 4
The Pathfinder Lodge of Sothis has its own unique past.
Once a police station, it actually comprises an entirely
walled compound with a two-story structure providing
access to a series of underground vaults once used to
proximity (glyph
of warding—triggered
by non-followers
of Almaut death cult);
spell effect (spell glyph—sound
1d8 points of sonic
damage to all creatures within 10 feet, creatures also stunned 1
round unless they succeed on a DC 13 Fortitude save)
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