Pathfinder - Pathfinder Society - Scenario 23 - Tide of Morning.pdf

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Tide of Morning™
Pathfinder Society Scenario 23
Design: Steven Robert
Development: Joshua J. Frost
Editing: Joshua J. Frost
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Technical Director: Vic Wertz
Publisher: Erik Mona
Pathfinder Society Scenario 23: Tide of Morning
is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 5th level characters (Tiers: 1–2
and 4–5). This scenario is designed for play in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, but can easily be adapted for use with any
world. This scenario is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the 3.5 edition of the world’s
most popular fantasy roleplaying game.
The OGL can be found on page 12 of this product.
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Tide of
By Steven roBert
he treasures of the Verduran Forest may not glitter, but
the Pathfinder Society has nevertheless heard their
siren call. Thousands of years ago, the forest, and the
druids who tended it, stretched across much of modern
Andoran. Today these guardians have all but vanished,
their heritage preserved only by the eroded remnants
of mysterious stone circles dotting the forest. However,
legends hold that the ancient druids also concealed untold
riches in the dark groves of the Verduran, treasures and
tomes that recorded their unequalled powers over earth
and sky.
Countless explorers have spent their lives pursuing
these tales of treasure, but now the Society has finally
uncovered a legitimate lead. A wild-haired druid
named Hemzel recently appeared at the Civic Library
of Augustana and demanded access to the archive. One
of the Pathfinder Society’s contacts followed the druid’s
trail of manuscripts and discovered that Hemzel had
found a
a minor artifact that when used properly
in a druid circle gives the bearer all of the accumulated
knowledge of the druids of the Verduran Forest.
Unfortunately, Hemzel has been a thorn in the
Pathfinders Society’s side for years, resisting the
exploration of his beloved forest with angry diatribes,
subtle magic, and even occasional violence. To Hemzel
and his gnome allies, the Pathfinders are no better than
To further complicate matters, a new force has risen in
the Verduran. A vicious quickling named Cyflymder has
gathered many of the forest’s fey to him, under the banner
of reclaiming the territory that the ancient druids stole
from the forest’s rightful masters—the fey themselves.
Cyflymder’s gang recently trailed Hemzel to one of the
crumbling druid circles, where they spotted his
The quickling swore to punish the druid by destroying
both him and his sacred treasure.
Just before the Pathfinders arrive at Hemzel’s hut to
inquire about his
Cyflymder’s group of racist fey
ambush Hemzel at his forest home. They brutally torture
the druid and learn that the stone is attuned to the stars,
and sunlight focused through a druid circle disintegrates
it. The fey leader steals the artifact, racing for a nearby
circle. Only the Pathfinders can save the relic, and
whatever knowledge it contains, from annihilation.
The PCs are tasked with finding Hemzel and acquiring
for the Society. The adventure begins as
the PCs approach Hemzel’s forest abode shortly after
Cyflymder’s theft. A fey sentry and swarms of vermin
attack the PCs, although diplomatic PCs can learn many
useful things from the sentry.
Shortly after, the PCs notice flames filling Hemzel’s
hut. Inside, the fey arsonist ambushes them. The
is missing, but the PCs can save Hemzel’s journal—from
which they learn that the
has been stolen, but not
where it has been taken.
After they escape the inferno, a band of suspicious
gnomes surround the PCs. The PCs must convince them
of their good intentions in order to learn that a druidic
circle sits on a nearby island in one of Verduran Forest’s
idyllic lakes.
The PCs then journey through the night to the circle.
The first glimmerings of dawn light the sky as the PCs
approach the lake. There they find a trapped log bridge to
the island, guarded by dangerous reptiles.
Finally, the PCs reach the ruined circle, where
Cyflymder and his allies are on the verge of destroying
Fortunately, the artifact’s magical defenses
hold dawn temporarily at bay. If the PCs can wrest the
away from Cyflymder before the morning sun
strikes the stone, they can then safely transport it back
to Absalom.
geTTing STArTed
Read or paraphrase the following to get the adventure
In Absalom, the Venture-Captains claimed it would be a nice
walk in the woods, a pleasant change of pace from the bustle of
the city. Obviously they forgot about the brambles, boulders,
and biting insects of the Verduran Forest, which turned the
jouney into an arduous three-day scramble of detours, torn
clothes, and near falls. Fortunately, Venture-Captain Dennel
Pathfinder Society Scenario
Hamshanks made a firm impression before the expedition left
The air grew still as Hamshanks rolled into a meeting room
deep inside the Pathfinder Lodge in Absalom, his jowls flowing
and his enormous axe clanking against his thigh. The man’s
black eyes scanned the room. “You lot?” Hamshanks spat.
“Well, maybe you’ll surprise me.
“Your boat leaves in an hour, so I’ll be brief. One of the
Society’s contacts in Andoran sent us an interesting little
nugget this morning. A druid named Hemzel swept into
Augustana’s Civic Library last week, demanding his right
of research. Our contact learned that Hemzel acquired a
from somewhere in the Verduran Forest. Heard of
such a thing?” Hamshanks paused expectantly and spat again.
“Of course not. Heard of druids, at least? And their crazy stone
circles? Well thank Gorum for that.
are somehow
connected to them—supposedly they can bestow you with all
of the knowledge of the druids. We’d like to know how, so we
want that stone and you’re going to get it for us.
“Unfortunately, the Society is not a friend to Hemzel. He’s
the self-declared protector of the Verduran Forest inside
Andoran’s borders and some of our more eager explorers
have angered him and his little band of gnomes. He’s sworn a
blood feud with the Pathfinders.
“Break out your skills of persuasion and get me that
Do what you need to—sweep the floors or plant some trees
for the old man. Something nice—let him know we’re there to
study and not to slash and burn.”
As the sun sets on the third day of travel in the Verduran
Forest, the welcome sight of a puffing chimney—Hemzel’s
home, according to the map—reveals itself atop a hill.
Hemzel built his home on a steep hill and surrounded
it with a thick barricade of vines to guard against
unwelcome intruders. Some squares are so dense as to
be all but impassable, although they can be slashed open
(Hardness 1, 15 hit points) or climbed (DC 10), and some
are merely difficult terrain. Tiny (or smaller) creatures
(such as the swarm) treat the impassable squares as only
difficult terrain.
The encounter begins with a quickling
sentry at the spot marked “Q” on the map. Unless the PCs
can see invisible creatures, it gains surprise and uses its
spell-like ability on a rotten log (at the spot marked
“S”), freeing a swarm.
On the first round, the quickling flees through the
hedge to the north. He leaves the swarm and an atomie
named Gire to defeat the PCs. (Atomies are mischievous
woodland faeries with insect wings.) Gire was initially
seduced by the quickling’s promises of a grand new fey
empire, but the gore and violence within Hemzel’s hut
terrified her. She now doubts whether this path is the
correct one.
Gire is also exceptionally talkative, and she cannot stop
herself from chattering during the encounter. She begins
by describing the horrifying fate that awaits the PCs
unless they flee. PCs who succeed at a DC 15 Sense Motive
check realize that Gire is herself horrified by the violence
she describes. Success on a second Sense Motive check
the next round suggests explicitly that the atomie may be
sufficiently horrified to turn on her leader. As a standard
action, PCs can convince her to abandon Cyflymder’s
cause with a successful DC 20 Diplomacy check. They
receive a +4 bonus if they insist on their own peaceful
intentions. If this occurs, Gire uses
and shouts
encouragement, although she does not actually attack
the swarm. See the “Development” section below if PCs
question her further.
(eL 2 or eL 4)
Tier 1–2 (EL 2)
If the PCs manage to capture or stop the quickling, use
the statistics for Cyflymder from Act
except that he
lacks poison and the
brooch of shielding.
The PCs begin the adventure at the south edge of the map
of Hemzel’s hut (see page 7). Sunset has just passed, and
the thick forest is shrouded in shadowy illumination.
Smoke rises lazily from a chimney set atop a small, round
wooden hut just over a steep hillside covered in thick vines
and brambles. “Too late, too late for Hemzel!” a high voice
cackles from behind the hut. “Gire, finish them!”
Cyflymder’s fey gang struck Hemzel’s hut about an hour
ago, murdering him and stealing the
A few of
his gang are still inside ransacking and setting fire to the
building, while others stand guard outside.
Spider Swarm
9 (MM 239)
CR 1
CR 1
Female atomie (Tome
of Horrors Revised
CN Tiny fey
low-light vision; Listen +3, Spot +3
16, touch 15, flat-footed 13
(+3 Dex, +1 natural, +2 size)
2 (1/2d6+1)
Tide of Morning
Defensive Abilities
5/cold iron;
40 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
short sword +5 (1d3-3)
light crossbow +5 (1d4)
2 1/2 ft.;
0 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities
(CL 9th)
(DC 13),
(self only),
pass without
trace, speak with animals
Before Combat
Gire casts
before combat begins.
During Combat
Once the swarm covers the PCs, Gire uses her
ability to pin opponents near it. She then hides and
summons creatures from her
bag of tricks,
ordering them to
“guard” the hut. She does not attack the PCs unless she herself
is attacked.
Gire does not flee the combat, but she may be convinced
to help the PCs (see above).
Base Atk
Dodge, Weapon Finesse
Concentration +3, Craft (woodworking) +3, Escape Artist
+6, Handle Animal +4, Hide +6 (+11 in forests), Listen +3,
Move Silently +5 (+10 in forests), Perform (dance) +3, Perform
(singing) +3, Search +2, Spot +3
Common, Sylvan
bag of tricks
(gray), light crossbow, onyx ring (Tier 1–2: 300
gp value; Tier 4–5: 1,500 gp value), quiver with 20 bolts, short
heritage. I think he is cruel—it would be better if you fled
on your own, wouldn’t it?”
Where is Cyflymder?
“He went north to a druid circle
so he could destroy the
What happened to the
“The smooth rock?
Cyflymder took it with him after he killed that druid.”
Is anybody left inside?
“Yes. Cyflymder left a few of
us behind to gather the rest of the fey treasure he said
Hemzel stole from us.”
Why do you hate druids so much?
“Cyflymder says the
druids only exist to trick us and help humanity steal our
treasure. But… but I’m not so sure he’s right.”
If questioned about the combat abilities of the fey, Gire
quickly launches into lurid tales of their bloodthirstiness
but offers little real information.
Gire will not accompany the PCs inside the hut, and she
flees into the forest as soon as the PCs go inside unless
otherwise restrained.
If the PCs manage to befriend Gire rather
than kill her, they find the body of another atomie on the
front porch of Hemzel’s hut. This atomie (with a DC 10
Heal check) appears to have been savaged by Hemzel’s
wolf. The dead atomie has the same gear as Gire. If the
PCs kill Gire in combat, the dead atomie was removed by
Cyflymder’s gang.
If the PCs defeat the swarm and Gire (or
befriend her), reward each tier thusly:
Tier 1–2:
Give each player 104 gp.
Tier 4–5:
Give each player 204 gp.
Atomies have +5 racial bonuses to Hide and Move Silently
in forests.
Tier 4–5 (EL 4)
As Tier 1–2, but replace the spider swarm with two rat
ACT 2: feY fLAMeS
(eL 3 or eL 5)
Rat Swarms (2)
13 (MM 239)
CR 2
After a few rounds of recovery and conversation with
Gire, the PCs notice that the smoke is no longer confined
to Hemzel’s chimney—the walls of the hut are starting
to smolder. The PCs should roll initiative at this point in
order to keep track of time during this encounter.
When the PCs enter Hemzel’s hut, read the following:
The heat is palpable inside the primitive, one-room hovel.
Tinder from the fireplace is strewn about, sparking the fires
that now climb the reed walls. The room itself is in shambles.
An eviscerated human body sprawls across the floor, and a
butchered wolf lies against the wall by the front door. Puddles
of blood surround them. The man’s hands are tied to a rough
wooden table, upon which sits an ornate—but empty—box
and a blood-spattered manuscript.
Cyflymder ordered his goons to burn the hut before
fleeing. The PCs enter as the flames just begin to take
Although Gire is not privy to Cyflymder’s
plans, she can give the PCs some crucial background and
warn them of the dangers that lie ahead. Below are some
answers to likely questions from the PCs:
Where is Hemzel?
“Cyflymder said Hemzel was going
to lead the humans to destroy the fey! So we pounced and
surprised him. Cyflymder and his brutes tore the druid
apart. His poor wolf friend too! So much blood!”
Who is Cyflymder?
“A great, bold fey. He’s promised
to clear the Verduran Forest of the scum who stole our
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