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Two-line Systems
Large systems with
dispersed lube points
Problem-free readjustment
of metered lubricant
output after installation.
Optimum monitoring
and control possibility
with a field bus system.
Easy to extend.
Consequently, the system always
operates at a maximum pressure.
With the Lincoln self-thinking
two-line system, the pressure is
constantly monitored and modi-
fied accordingly. The system
thereby automatically regulates
the pressure and can compen-
sate for temperature fluctuations.
Manual adjustments of the
system, even during installation,
are no longer required.
Since only the effective required
pressure is generated during
each lubrication cycle, the pump
and other system components
have a longer service life, the
system always operates in its
most efficient mode and the
grease is subjected to less strain.
Varying lubrication quantities
Ideal for rigorous conditions
(e.g. coldness)
Sample applications:
Large systems using grease
up to NLGI 2
Cement plants, steel mills, power
plants, mining, large machines
The advantage of a two-line
system is that it supplies an
exact metered quantity of lubricant
from one pumpstation over large
The metering devices are operated
by two main lines, whereby here
the lubricant is simultaneously
the control medium of the system.
The two-line system can be com-
bined with secondary progressive
metering devices, thereby
increasing the total number of
lubrication points that are served
by a two-line metering device.
Lincoln‘s high pressure
capability allows small
diameter tubing to be used,
thereby reducing installation
and material costs.
Additionally, this reduces the
amount of grease in the tubing
which over a long period of
time may deteriorate.
The Self-thinking System
The special components of a
Lincoln self-thinking two-line
system adjust the system to the
optimum required pressure.
Conventional two-line systems
operate on a fixed pressure
difference principle. This means
that the change-over process
is then initialized when a fixed
pressure at the end of the lines
has been reached.
Visual or electric monitoring
of each metering device
outlet pair.
If a bearing clogs or a metering
device outlet fails to function, all
other outlet pairs will continue
to function normally.
Simple and individual
metering of lubricant.
Schematic Two-line System
A further advantage is the direct
display of all important parame-
ters on the controller.
This enables full monitoring of the
system and the pump.
Function of a Two-Line System
In the first half-cycle, the lubricant
is pumped into the main line (A)
and the main line (B) is connected
to the relief line. The lubricant,
which is also the control medium
for the system, is supplied to the
metering devices. The pistons of
the metering devices are moved
into their adjusted end positions,
thus dispensing an exact metered
quantity of grease. Once all
metering devices have dispensed
their lubricant to the consumption
point, the system is hydraulically
closed which causes the pressure
in main line (A) to rise, and is
measured by the pressure trans-
ducer. The control unit turns the
pump off and signals the change-
over valve to relieve main line (A).
At this point half of the lubrication
points in the system have been
lubricated. In the second half-
cycle, main line (B) is pressurized
and the cycle continues as before.
Common Components
with reservoir:
for drums:
HJ2 manual pumps, ZPU01/02, ZPU08/14/24
electric pumps
PowerMaster pneumatic pumps*,
Lubrigun pneumatic pumps
metering devices:
change-over valves: DU1 pressure change-over valve
EM-U2 electric change-over valve
MP2 pneumatic change-over valve
MHY1 hydraulic change-over valve
*Not covered in this catalogue – ask your Lincoln representative for details.
Schematic Two-line System
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