E. M. Lynley - Brand New Flavor.pdf

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For ice cream, gelato, and sorbet lovers everywhere: a story
that tickles your taste buds as well as your fancy, where the
hero gets the guy and a lifetime supply of ice cream.
And to Kramer, Nate, and the staff at Scream Sorbet in
Oakland, California, for letting me get in their way and
answering all my questions.
Brand New Flavor | EM Lynley
Chapter One
M MMM , oh yeah, mmmm.” Cameron Clay closed his eyes,
not quite sure if he was referring to the bright, surprising
flavors bursting in his mouth or his reaction to the
enormous hand with its long, strong fingers firm around his
chin. The owner of the hand dropped another amazing
spoonful of the most exquisite ice cream Cameron had ever
tasted into his waiting mouth.
“Creamy, huh?” a voice as beautiful as its owner asked.
“More sort of icy but….”
“Just wait,” the voice said, not taking his hand off of
Cameron’s chin. “Let it melt on your tongue and swirl it
around in your mouth, kind of like wine.”
Cameron did as instructed. The flavors morphed and
evolved into entirely new sensations as he did so. And as the
ice cream melted on his tongue, he discovered its slightly icy
texture had turned surprisingly smooth and creamy. He’d
never had ice cream like this before, and he’d eaten a lot of
ice cream. More than a lot. As a food critic, eating was part
of his job. That’s why he was at this food and wine tasting
event in the first place, sampling this delectable ice cream
from an equally appetizing and enthusiastic server.
“Wow, yeah, that’s creamy. It’s wonderful. I’ve never
tasted this combination of flavors before,” Cameron
“And when you swirled it?” the guy asked eagerly.
Brand New Flavor | EM Lynley
“Totally different.”
“You know you have four different kinds of taste buds in
your mouth. Sweet, salty, sour, and bitter, and to really taste
something, you need to make sure it touches all four kinds.
That’s why you want to swirl.”
“I’d heard that, about the taste buds.” Cameron avoided
pointing out how this basic tasting lesson was ever-so-
slightly insulting, but then again, maybe the guy didn’t
recognize him. A nice change for Cameron, to go
unrecognized at a food event. When he opened his eyes and
stared up into the enormous green-gold eyes of his ice cream
tutor, Cameron decided he wouldn’t have minded if the guy
had been teaching him multiplication tables. He was good-
looking and had such a lovely, eager way about him and a
beautiful resonant voice that Cameron decided he could
listen to the guy reading the phone book and manage to get
a hard-on in about five seconds flat. Unfortunatelysince
they were in full view of dozens of peoplethat situation was
far too likely at the moment, especially because the gorgeous
ice cream giant still had his warm strong fingers cupping
Cameron’s chin.
“Oh, uh, sorry,” the giant said and pulled his hands
away, and Cameron wanted to scream at the loss of the
contact. He wanted those hands back on him and not just on
his chin. He was afraid he had let that desire become all too
clear, but he didn’t care. Why not mix some business with
“What do you taste?”
“Ginger, and is that pear?” Cameron ventured a guess,
and the beautiful giant nodded, bangs falling into his eyes in
such a charming way that Cameron didn’t even worry about
Brand New Flavor | EM Lynley
the potential health code violation. “And pistachio? Not
“Yes! You’re good!” Words tumbled excitedly from
perfectly formed lips.
“But the texture, it’s amazing. Icy, then creamy smooth,
and almost silky once it starts to melt. I’ve never tasted
anything like it before either.” Cameron wondered how he
could think about ice cream because his cock made it feel
like his pants might have shrunk a size.
“That’s my secret process.” The giant smiled, all dimples
and pearly teeth that suddenly made the sun seem dim.
“It’s unbelievable.” Cameron practically groaned as he
praised the ice cream, but his compliment was simply the
truth. It had nothing at all to do with how this ice cream
hunk looked pretty fucking unbelievably delicious too.
“Iuhhave some other flavors in the van.” He inclined
his head in the direction of the parking lot.
Cameron immediately got the picture, and it had very
little to do with ice cream. And he liked the images that
flashed through his mind of the delights awaiting them both
in the van. Cameron had never believed in the concept of
fuck-or-die sex, but now he understood perfectly because he
had to have this guy immediately. He also suspected he’d
never be the same again. He’d judge all future guysall
future hookupsby what happened here today with the guy
serving him the most amazing ice cream he’d ever tasted,
ever even imagined.
“Sounds perfect.”
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