
(396 KB) Pobierz
Kelly Wallace
©2011 All Rights Reserved
This is a work of fiction. The characters, in-
cidents and dialogues in this book are of the
author’s imagination and are not to be con-
strued as real. Any resemblance to actual
events or persons, living or dead, is com-
pletely coincidental.
Books By Kelly Wallace
Contacting And Working With Your Spirit
Energy Work – Aura Clearing and Healing
Psychic Living – Developing Your Intuition
10 Minutes A Day To A Powerful New Life!
Soulmates – How To Find and Keep The One
Spirit Guides and Healing Energy
Success - What To Do & How To Do It So
You Can Have It
Contacting and Working with your Angels
How To Be Happy All The Time
Fiction - Erotic Romances
A Bitter Pill - Romantic Comedy
Lust In The Outback - Romantic Adventure
Intergalactic Affair - Romantic Suspense
Invisible Evidence - Romantic Suspense
Looking For Mr. Right - Romantic Comedy
Love Immortal - Paranormal Romance
Cowboys Make Better Lovers - Romantic
Phantom Lover - Romantic Suspense
Bound To The Night - A Dark Romance
Constant Craving - An Erotic Romance
The Chosen One - Romantic Suspense
Hellraiser - Romantic Comedy
Chapter One
“Trust me, bud, you won’t regret this.”
Tom slid the lease in front of Zach and
seemed to be suppressing a smile, or maybe
he had heartburn. Either way, Zach had an
odd feeling, but shrugged off the weird sen-
sation, knowing his closest friend of the past
two years would never steer him wrong.
He signed the paper as they stood at
the kitchen counter then handed it over. “I
can’t regret anything more than I do now.”
He looked around at his nearly empty condo.
Most of the furniture had been sold or
donated. All that was left of his life had been
packed into five boxes. Come tomorrow
morning he’d put them in his car and start
on the long drive to Baltimore. He was eager
for a new beginning and some peace and
quiet to recoup his senses. Maybe he’d start a
really boring hobby like building model
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