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            Explanatory Supplement for the Machine-Readable Version
                                    of the

                           IRAS FAINT SOURCE CATALOG

                               |b| > 10 Degrees

                                  Version 2.0

                               Moshir, M. et al.


 Notes to the CD-ROM Machine-Readable Version of the IRAS Faint Source Catalog

   The following text is an exerpt from the original "Explanatory Supplement to
the IRAS Faint Source Survey, Version 1" (Moshir et al. 1989).  Presented here
is Chapter V:  "The Formats of the FSS Products", section C.1, and Table
II.G.6:  "Meaning of the Source Association Fields".  The text has been altered
slightly to accommodate the changes in version 2.0.  The formats and fields of
the two machine-readable data files of the catalog are adequately described.
For further explanation, the original published explanatory supplement should
be consulted.

   The catalog was received from the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
(IPAC) as two FITS files. These were converted into two ASCII files with the
following characteristics:

  1. Data File          Record Length: 240       Number of Records: 173,044
  2. Associations File  Rocord Length:  64       Number of Records: 235,935

   The entire original published version of the explanatory supplement (version
1) was received as a set of TeX files. The mentioned sections were extracted
and converted to ASCII in order to create this document. The TeX files as
received were added to the CD-ROM so that one might have access to a complete
copy of the published explanatory supplement. However, note that the data
pertains to version 2.0, therefore, an addendum file was created in TeX to
outline the changes in the 2.0 version.

-- Susan Gessner, Space Data and Computing, NASA/GSFC

C.1 The Short Machine-Readable Version of the Faint Source Catalog

   The short FSC tape is presented as FITS table data. In order to do this, the
associations block has been split out as a separate file. It takes one 6250-bpi
tape to hold all of these files for |b| > 50 degrees.

     The FITS table format consists of the following:

  -  The catalog is split into two files, one for the non-association data
     (FSC_DATA) and one for the association data (FSC_ASSOC).

  -  There are two headers, each with 80-byte records, within each file.

  -  The first header in each file identifies that the tape is written in FITS

  -  The second header constitutes the FITS keyword file giving the format
     information for the rest of the file.

  -  The data part (i.e., non-header part) of FSC_DATA has 240-byte records.

  -  The data part of FSC_ASSOC has 64-byte records.

  -  The tape is blocked to multiples of 2880 bytes.

     Specifically, the formats of the files are as follows:

     FILE 1:

          Block 1 - short header file

          Blocks 2-10 - FSC_DATA header

          Blocks 11-END - FSC_DATA

     FILE 2:

          Block 1 - short header file

          Blocks 2-4 - FSC_ASSOC header

          Blocks 5-END - FSC_ASSOC

   The short header file is given in Table V.C.1. (in the published version of
the explanatory supplement.)

                                     - 1 -

         TABLE V.C.4.    Format of FSC Data File for Short FSC Tape

Byte  Name       Description                         Units              Format
 000  NAME *     Source Name                         _                    12A1
 012  RAHR       Right Ascension 1950                Hour of time           I2
 014  RAMIN      Right Ascension 1950                Minute of time         I2
 016  RASEC *    Right Ascension 1950                deci-Second of time    I3
 019  DECSGN *   Declination Sign                    +/-                    A1
 020  DECDEG     Declination 1950                    Arc Degree             I2
 022  DECMIN     Declination 1950                    Arc Minute             I2
 024  DECSEC *   Declination 1950                    Arc Second             I2
 026  UNCMAJ *   Uncertainty ellipse major axis      Arc Second             I3
 029  UNCMIN *   Uncertainty ellipse minor axis      Arc Second             I3
 032  POSANG *   Uncertainty ellipse position angle  Degree (East           I3
                                                     of North)
 035  NOBS *+    Number of times observed in         _                     4I3
                 each band
 047  FNU *+     Flux densities (1 value per         Jansky (10^-26      4E9.3
                 band, non-color corrected)          W m-^2 Hz^-1)
 083  FQUAL *+   Flux density quality                _                     4I1
                 (1 value per band)
 087  RELUNC +   Percent relative flux density       _                     4I3
                 uncertainties (1 value/band)
 099  MINREL *   Minimum percent reliability         _                      I2
 101  MEDSNR *+  SNR in each band                    _                   4E7.1
 129  LOCSNR *+  Local SNR in each band              _                   4E7.1
 157  AREA *+    Number of pixels above              _                     4I3
                 threshold in each band
 169  CATNBR *   No. of nearby catalog sources       _                      I2
 171  EXTNBR *+  No. of nearby extractions           _                     4I2
                 in each band
 179  CIRRUS *   No. of nearby 100-micron-only       _                      I2
 181  CONFUSE *  Confusion flag (1 flag/band,        _                      A2
                 hex encoded)
 183  NOISCOR +  Noise correction factor             _                   4F5.2
                 (1 value per band)
 203  NID *      No. of positional associations      _                      I2
 205  IDTYPE     Type of object                      _                      I2
 207  NOISRAT    Ratio 85% to 68% of flux            _                   4F5.3
                 distribution (1 value per band)
 227  SPARE                                          -                    13A1

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      TABLE V.C.4 Format of FSC Data File for Short FSC Tape (continued)


   * Quantities listed in microfiche version of catalog

   + In the FITS header, these quantities are suffixed by the wavelength.
     Example: FNU(4) is given as FNU_12, FNU_25, FNU_60, and FNU_100.

      TABLE V.C.5.    Format of Association Data for FSC Tape

Byte  Name       Description                         Units               Format
00    NAME *     Source Name                         _                     12A1
12    RECNO *    Record No. in main data table       _                       I6
18    CATNO *    Catalog No.                         _                       I2
20    SOURCE *   Source ID                           _                     15A1
35    TYPE *     Source Type/Spectral Class          _                      5A1
40    RADIUS *   Radius vector from IRAS             Arc Second              I3
                 source to association
43    POS        Position angle from IRAS            Degree (East            I3
                 source to association               of North)
46    DSTMAJOR   Distance from IRAS source to        Arc Second              I3
                 association along the IRAS position
                 error major axis
49    DSTMINOR   Distance from IRAS source to        Arc Second              I3
                 association along the IRAS
                 position error minor axis
52    FIELD1 +   Object field #1                     Catalog                 I4
                 (magnitude/other)                   dependent
56    FIELD2 +   Object field #2                     Catalog                 I4
                 (magnitude/other)                   dependent
60    FIELD3     Object field #3                     Catalog                 I4
                 (magnitude/other)                   dependent

   * Quantities listed in printed version of catalog

   + FIELD1 is listed in microfiche version of catalog, except for catalogs 2
     and 19, where FIELD2 is listed.

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   Table V.C.2 gives a sample of the header for the non-association data and
Table V.C.3 gives a sample of the header for the association data. Tables V.C.4
(FSC data) and V.C.5 (association data) describe each entry in the short
catalog tape. All of this information is contained in the actual FITS headers,
but is presented here in an easier-to-read format. Those columns that are also
included in the microfiche version are marked. Each catalog entry required 240
bytes of ASCII data for the non-association data and NID x 64 bytes of ASCII
data for the association data. In these tables the column "Format" refers to
the length and type of the (FORTRAN) character field used to read or write each

   The tape is written with 240-character (ASCII) logical records for the
non-association data and with 64-character records for the association data.
The number of logical records per physical record is 36 for the headers, ...
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