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#Table: IV/24/./notes8.dat (cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr)
         |f|              |
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         |P|              |
PK       |K|Name          |Note
000+04.4 |*|IRAS17270-26  |Identification according to the coordinates only.
000+02.1 | |Ae 2-J        |Identification not certain.
000+01.3 | |JaSt 34       |FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
000+01.4 | |JaSt 36       |FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
000+01.5 | |JaSt 41       |Identification not certain. FC of the object given in
000+01.5 | |JaSt 41       |S1 to SECGPN.
000-00.3 | |JaSt 68       |FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
000-00.4 | |JaSt 71       |No identif.; FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
000-00.5 | |JaSt 75       |No identif.; FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
000-01.7 | |Ae 2-Q        |Identification not certain.
000-01.8 | |JaSt 66       |FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
000-01.9 | |JaSt 72       |FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
000-01.10| |JaSt 90       |Identification not certain. FC of the object given in
000-01.10| |JaSt 90       |S1 to SECGPN.
000-01.11| |JaSt 76       |FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
000-01.12| |JaSt 83       |Identification not certain. FC of the object given in
000-01.12| |JaSt 83       |S1 to SECGPN.
000-01.13| |JaSt 93       |FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
000-01.14| |JaSt 74       |FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
000-04.3 | |Sa 3-117      |Identification according to the coordinates only.
000-05.2 | |SB 2          |No identif.; FC of the object given in the disc. paper.
000-08.1 | |SB 1          |No identif.; FC of the object given in the disc. paper.
001+05.1 | |H 1-14        |Incorrect identif. in CGPN; new FC. The wrong (old)
001+05.1 | |H 1-14        |object is also marked; its distance is 0 sec and -28"
001+05.1 | |H 1-14        |from the correct object (see Table 4).
001+01.3 | |JaSt 39       |FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
001+01.4 | |JaSt 43       |Identification not certain. FC of the object given in
001+01.4 | |JaSt 43       |S1 to SECGPN.
001+01.5 | |JaSt 52       |No identif.; FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
001+01.6 | |JaSt 49       |FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
001+00.2 | |JaSt 51       |Identification not certain. FC of the object given in
001+00.2 | |JaSt 51       |S1 to SECGPN.
001+00.3 | |JaSt 53       |No identif.; FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
001+00.4 | |JaSt 60       |No identif.; FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
001-00.5 | |JaSt 77       |FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN. Bl 3-19
001-00.5 | |JaSt 77       | (001-00.3M) also marked.
001-00.6 | |JaSt 78       |No identif.; FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
001-01.4 | |Sa 3-92       |Ae 2-S (Allen, 1979Obs....99...83A).
001-01.5 | |JaSt 92       |FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
001-01.6 | |JaSt 86       |FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
001-03.3 | |SAWI 1        |Nebula nearly invisible.
001-03.5 |*|SAWI 3        |Identification not certain.
001-03.7 | |SAWI 5        |Identification not certain.
001-03.9 | |SAWI 7        |Identification not certain.
001-06.3 | |SB 4          |No identif.; FC of the object given in the disc. paper.
002+06.1 |*|IRAS17248-22  |Identif. of the object corresponds with that of SECGPN.
002+01.1 | |H 2-20        |Incorrect identif. in CGPN; new FC. The wrong (old)
002+01.1 | |H 2-20        |object is also marked; its distance is +1.5 sec and
002+01.1 | |H 2-20        |+124" from the correct object (see Table 4).
002+01.3 |*|K 5-15        |The object marked by Kohoutek (1994AN....315..235K) is
002+01.3 |*|K 5-15        |between the components C1 and C2 (see Table 4). It may
002+01.3 |*|K 5-15        |be a variable star with a large amplitude or a nova.
002+01.4 | |JaFu 1        |Near globular cluster Pal 6 (GCl-75).
002-01.1 | |Pe 2-11       |Incorrect identification in CGPN; new FC.
002-05.2 | |KnFs 14       |Object nearly invisible.
003+66.1 | |SkAc 1        |FC of the object given in S1 to SECGPN.
003-02.4 |*|KnFs 4        |Identification uncertain: we marked the mean position
003-02.4 |*|KnFs 4        | of two candidates given in Table 4.
003-03.2 | |KnFs 7        |Identification uncertain.
003-06.2 | |SB 7          |No identif.; FC of the object given in the disc. paper.
003-06.2 | |SB 7          | M 2-36 (003-06.1) also marked.
004+06.3 |*|G 4.4+6.4     |Suspected central star.
004-05.2 |*|He 2-376      |Incorrect identif. in CGPN; new FC. The wrong (old)
004-05.2 |*|He 2-376      |object is also marked; its distance is -0.4 sec and
004-05.2 |*|He 2-376      |-13" from the correct object (see Table 4).
004-05.6 | |SB 8          |No identif.; FC of the object given in the disc. paper.
004-05.7 | |SB 10         |No identif.; FC of the object given in the disc. paper.
005-02.2 |*|MaC 1-10      |No identif.; FC of the object given in the disc. paper.
005-03.3 | |KnFs 13       |Object nearly invisible.
005-04.2 | |KnFs 16       |Identification uncertain.
005-06.2 | |SB 12         |No identif.; FC of the object given in the disc. paper.
005-18.1 | |SKWL 2-21     |Identif. of the object corresponds with that of SECGPN.
007-03.2 |*|SP 2-128      |Identification according to the coordinates only.
009-05.2 | |SB 16         |No identif.; FC of the object given in the disc. paper.
009-07.1 | |IRAS18333-23  |In the field of globular cluster NGC 6656 (GCl-99).
009-08.1 |*|Y-C 47        |Identification according to the coordinates only.
010+04.2 | |V4334 Sgr     |"Nova-like object" known as Sakurai's object.
010+04.2 | |V4334 Sgr     |No identif.; FC of the object given in the discovery
010+04.2 | |V4334 Sgr     |paper.
013+05.2 |*|MaC 1-9       |Identification according to the coordinates only.
013-02.1 | |SrWe 3        |Suspected central star.
013-04.2 | |V-V 3-4       |Identif. corresponds with that of the discovery paper:
013-04.2 | |V-V 3-4       |this is not quite clear, but we hope our identification
013-04.2 | |V-V 3-4       |is correct.
013-07.2 |*|Y-C 26        |Identif. according to the coordinates only; uncertain.
013-10.1 | |Y-C 32        |Identification according to the coordinates only.
013-15.1 |*|We 4-5        |No central star known.
014-11.1 | |SrWe 4        |No identif.; FC of the object given in the disc. paper.
016-02.1 | |Sa 3-134      |Identif. of the object corresponds with that of SECGPN.
016-07.2 | |SB 22         |Identification uncertain.
017+11.1 | |IRAS17395-08  |Companion in the distance -0.01 sec and +3.6".
019-08.1 |*|MaC 1-15      |Identification according to the coordinates only.
020+00.1 | |PN 1823-1047  |Identif. correct; FC identical with PN 1825-0940 in the
020+00.1 | |PN 1823-1047  | discovery paper (also in S1 to SECGPN).
020-03.1 |*|MaC 1-14      |Identification according to the coordinates only.
021+00.1 |*|PN 1825-0940  |FC identical with PN 1823-1047 in the disc. paper (also
021+00.1 |*|PN 1825-0940  |in S1 to SECGPN). Correct FC of the object given by
021+00.1 |*|PN 1825-0940  |Van de Steene (priv. communication). No identif.;
021+00.1 |*|PN 1825-0940  |object nearly invisible.
022-04.1 |*|IRAS18442-11  |Identification of the object corresponds with that of
022-04.1 |*|IRAS18442-11  |S1 to SECGPN.
023-07.1 | |MaC 1-16      |Identification according to the coordinates only.
028-02.1 |*|SP 2-149      |Identification according to the coordinates only.
030+06.1 |*|Sh 2-68       |Suspected central star. Large nebula.
030-07.1 |*|MaC 1-17      |Identification according to the coordinates only.
036+21.1 |*|Y-C 44        |Identification according to the coordinates only.
036+20.1 |*|Y-C 45        |Identification according to the coordinates only; very
036+20.1 |*|Y-C 45        | uncertain.
037-05.1 | |A 58          |Incorrect identif. in CGPN and SECGPN, new FC; see also
037-05.1 | |A 58          | Condon, Kaplan (1998ApJS..117..361C).
041-00.1 |*|HtTr 14       |FC in SECGPN prob. not correct.
044-00.1 | |AGPF 2        |Suspected central star.
046+03.1 | |Sh 2-78       |Very large nebula nearly invisible.
046-01.1 |*|PN 1920+1122  |No identification.
048-01.1 |*|DeHt 4        |No central star visible.
053-02.1 | |WiOl 1        |No central star visible.
058+09.1 | |Si 1-2        |Red star (C1) in a distance +0.23 sec and -1.0".
058-05.1 | |WeSb 5        |Suspected central star.
059-01.1 | |He 1-3        |Incorrect identif. in CGPN; new FC. The wrong (old)
059-01.1 | |He 1-3        |object is also marked; its distance is -0.89 sec,
059-01.1 | |He 1-3        |+1'19.7" from the correct object (see Table 4).
069+01.2 | |KLW 5         |FC turned by 180 deg. in the discovery paper (N is
069+01.2 | |KLW 5         |below, E is to the left). FC also turned in S1
069+01.2 | |KLW 5         |to SECGPN
071+04.1 |*|TuWe 2-3      |No identif.; FC of the object given in the disc. paper.
072-07.1 |*|IRAS20406+29  |Identif. of the object corresponds with that of S1
072-07.1 |*|IRAS20406+29  |to SECGPN.
072-17.1 | |A 74          |No identif. given in CGPN. The central star is a binary
072-17.1 | |A 74          |with two components 0.22 sec, 1.5" apart (see Table 4).
072-17.1 | |A 74          | Very large nebula.
076+01.2 |*|KJPN 3        |The original identif. by Kazaryan, Parsamyan is
076+01.2 |*|KJPN 3        |unclear, identif. of the object corresponds with that
076+01.2 |*|KJPN 3        |of SECGPN.
079+00.1 |*|KJPN 4        |Identification uncertain.
087-03.1 |*|We 2-245      |Suspected central star.
094+38.1 |*|EL 1647+64    |No central star known. Very large nebula nearly
094+38.1 |*|EL 1647+64    |invisible.
099-08.1 |*|HtDe 13       |Suspected central star.
100+04.1 |*|IRAS21394+58  |Red star (C1) in a distance -0.26 sec and -1.9".
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