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Advanced Grammar Test (C1/C2)                          Semester 3                                                             group 1

Economic English Test 3: Advanced Grammar Quiz 3

The Scope of the Test

The Score

Future, Present, Past Tenses

Perfect Tenses

Passives I and II


Unreal Time


Task 1

20/4 = 5


Task 2

10/4 = 2,5


Task 3

5/4 = 1,25


Task 4

15/4 = 3,75


Task 5

5/4 = 1,25


Task 6

10/4 = 2,5






Name of the Student: .............................................................

Task 1

Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate verb form.

Reporter  Philip Taggart visits a farm where the sheep are super fit!

Farmers, as you (1) .................... (know), (2) .................... (have) a hard time of it in Britain lately, and (3) .................... (turn) to new ways of earning income from their land. This (4) .................... (involve) not only planting new kinds of crops, but also some strange ways of making money, the most unusual of which has got to be sheep racing. Yes, you (5) .................... (hear) it correctly! A farmer in the west of England now (6) .................... (hold) sheep races on a regular basis, and during the past year over 100,000 people (7) .................... (turn up) to watch the proceedings. 'I (8) .................... (pass) the farm on my way to the sea for a holiday,' one punter told me, 'and I (9) .................... (think) I'd have a look. I (10) .................... (not / believe) it was serious, to tell you the truth.' According to a regular visitor, betting on sheep is more interesting than betting on horses. 'At proper horse races everyone (11) .................... (already/study) the form of the horses in advance, and there are clear favorites. But nobody (12) .................... (hear) anything about these sheep! Most people (13) .................... (find) it difficult to tell one from another in any case.' I (14) .................... (stay) to watch the races, and I must admit that I (15) .................... (find) it quite exciting. In a typical race, half a dozen sheep (16) .................... (race) downhill over a course of about half a mile. Food (17) .................... (wait) for them at the other end of the track, I ought to add! The sheep (18) .................... (run) surprisingly fast, although presumably they (19) .................... (not/eat) for a while just to give them some motivation. At any rate, the crowd around me (20) .................... (obviously/enjoy) their day out at the races, judging by their happy faces and the sense of excitement.


Task 2

Put the verb in brackets into an appropriate verb form.

1. This is my new car. What ........................................... (you/think) of it?

2. Who are you? - What do you mean? I ........................................... (live) here.

3. I can't find the car keys. What ........................................... (you/do) with them?

4. Sorry I haven't fixed the plug. I ........................................... (mean) to get around to it, but I just haven't found the time.

5. What ........................................... (you/do) on Saturdays?

6. Ever since I ................................... (be) a young child, I ................................... (die) to meet you.

7. As soon as I ................................... (have) a look at the designs, I ................................... (send) them to you. You'll get them by Friday.

8. Whatever ................................... (happen), I ................................... (meet) you here in a week's time.

9. By the time you ................................... (finish) getting ready, we ................................... (miss) the train!

10. Sally! I ................................... (not/expect) to see you here! What ................................... (you/do) in New York?


Task 3

Decide whether each underlined phrase is correct or not. If it is incorrect, correct the mistaken parts.

1. We had a lovely time in Madrid. Every day we were exploring the city, and in the evening we were going to exciting bars. _____

2. The steam engine is usually thought of as  a relatively modern invention, but the Greeks had built a kind of steam engine in ancient times. _____

3. I felt rather worried. It was growing darker and colder, and there was still no sign of the rescue helicopter. _____

4. We had a terrible time looking after your dog. It was constantly chasing the  cats next door. _____

5. This meat is really tasting awful! Are you quite sure it was fresh? _____


Task 4

Put each verb in brackets into the appropriate verb form.

Employees protesting at the planned closure of the Magnet electronics factory have begun a protest outside the factory in Brook Road. It (1) ................... (reveal) last week that production at the factory, where over 3,000 local people (2) ................... (employ), (3) ................... (transfer) to the existing Magnet plant in Luton next month. Only a few new jobs (4) ................... (expect) to be created. 'Why (5) ................... (we/not/inform) about this earlier? We (6) ................... (only/tell) about this two days ago,' said Marjory Calder, representing the workforce. 'It's about time companies such as this (7) ................... (start) thinking about how local communities (8) ................... (affect) by their policies. Most of us here own our houses. How are we going to pay the mortgage and find a job? I wish (9) ................... (know).' Reg Reynolds, Director of Magnet was asked what was being done to help those who have (10) ................... (make) redundant. 'Every effort (11) ................... (make) over the last month to offer early retirement to those who qualify,' he told our reporter. When (12) ................... (question) about why the workers (13) ................... (not/tell) about the closure earlier, he revealed the company (14) ................... (promise) a government loan to keep the factory open, but that at the last minute the government (15) ................... (decide) not to provide the loan after all. 'So don't blame the company, we've done our best.'


Task 5             

Complete the sentences with one appropriate word.

1. ...................  that as it may, it is still no excuse.

2. Graham ................... his car towed away by the police.

3. I am going to call the police ................... you leave at once.

4. I think it's high time you ...................taking yourself seriously.

5. If you ................... to think of moving, we could offer you a job.


Task 6

Put each verb in brackets into the appropriate verb form.

1. I don't like this restaurant, I wish we ................... (go) to Taj Mahal.

2. It's time something ................... (do) about the problem.

3. The late Prime Minister is said ................... (be) difficult to work with.

4. That was lucky. If I ................... (catch) this bus, I ................... (meet) you.

5. Your order ................... (deal) with at the moment.

6. Hurry up or all the best seats ................... (take).

7. What a shame that it ................... (decide) to cancel the school play!

8. Carol now wishes she ................... (marry) in a church.

9. If it ................... (not/be) for you, I ................... (still/be) in prison today!

10. Unfortunately, tomorrow's match ................... (call off).





The Answer Sheet

The Name of the Student: .............................................................

Task 1

1. ___________________

2. ___________________

3. ___________________

4. ___________________

5. ___________________

6. ___________________

7. ___________________

8. ___________________

9. ___________________

10. ___________________

11. ___________________

12. ___________________

13. ___________________

14. ___________________

15. ___________________

16. ___________________

17. ___________________

18. ___________________

19. ___________________

20. ___________________


Task 2

1. ___________________

2. ___________________

3. ___________________

4. ___________________

5. ___________________

6. ___________________


7. ___________________


8. ___________________


9. ___________________


10. ___________________



Task 3

1. ___________________

2. ___________________

3. ___________________

4. ___________________

5. ___________________


Task 4

1. ___________________

2. ___________________

3. ___________________

4. ___________________

5. ___________________

6. ___________________

7. ___________________


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