Boxing How To Guide – Left Uppercut Body Punch.pdf

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Boxing How To Guide – Left Uppercut Body
by Fran on October 1, 2011
Boxing How to Guide – Left Uppercut Body Punch
Another ‘Boxing How To’ guide on body punching, this time the left uppercut to the body. Knowing how to
defend against this shot is very difficult. When used alongside hooks to the body it can inflict grievous
damage to the toughest of opponents, the slight variations in trajectory proving decisive in the landing of a
majorly effective body punch.
Before we get to the mechanics of the boxing how to guide, it is worth understanding that precision is key
when looking to land any effective body punch, and particularly this one. If you want to administer the kind
of ‘shock and awe’ that will command respect, then where exactly the punch lands is a major consideration,
even more so than any raw power generated.
The ‘prime real estate’ in which to place the left uppercut to the body is the solar plexus, that collection of
nerves so important in the correct operation of the organs in the torso. The solar plexus sits just behind the
stomach. So, find the point at the bottom of your sternum (known as the Xiphoid Process), then take the
width of about 3 fingers below this. That is the ‘sweet spot’.
OK, check out the video then take a look at the mechanics and common faults sections.
Boxing How to Guide – Mechanics
The mechanics of how to land the perfect left uppercut to the body are as follows:
1. From the
boxing stance,
the first action is a drop of the knees. This is a ‘duck’ and more detail may be
found in the article on ‘Ducking
in Boxing‘.
2. As the duck is taking place, there is a ‘thrust’ off the ball of the front foot. This thrust causes a
clockwise rotation of the hips.
3. Late on in the rotation, let the shot go ensuring that the forearm travels along the same vertical plane as
the central axis of the opponent, accelerating all the way and targeting the ‘sweet spot’ as described in
the introductory paragraphs.
4. After the shot has landed, return to the boxing stance as quickly as possible.
Boxing How to Guide – Common Faults
1. As with other uppercuts described on the site, don’t allow the shot to loop too low. You won’t add
power and will only leave a seriously big gap in your defence. This shot carries risk anyway, so avoid
increasing that risk with a poor trajectory.
2. Make sure that you aim for the ‘sweet spot’. If the shot lands too low on the abdomen, it is unlikely to
have the kind of impact that you would hope for. This is because when we work the abdomen
(crunches, sit ups etc), that area benefits most and can therefore withstand quite a whack.
3. Don’t lean in or lean forward. You may find that instead of landing your own uppercut, you take one
in return!
There you have it, a boxing how to guide on delivering a proper body punch in the form of the left uppercut.
It’s a slightly awkward shot to throw, but if you do land it correctly then it can end fights in an instant.
Any comments or questions, let me have them below.
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Tagged as:
body punching, boxing how to, how to boxing, uppercut
{ 6 comments… read them below or
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Paul Smith
October 3, 2011 at 2:38 am
Good stuff Fran! I can really appreciate the economy of movement approach and the fact that you let
us know about the vulnerable nature of the solar plexus. Those uppercuts are very quick and would no
doubt hurt a lot.
October 6, 2011 at 3:37 pm
Hi Fran, it’s only getting better with each new video. You don’t seem to run out of steam or motivation
and now that you’ve opened up the bag with tricks, boxing doesn’t feel so simple and natural when
you try to do things right.
This is not a simple shot for people who are naturally strong or who believe in their power. It’s
precision over power, technique over physical strength, timing over aggression and speed. This is
almost like a test – if you can land this punch, you might be on your way of becoming a boxer.
Fran October 6, 2011 at 9:26 pm
Great comment Ivan, just like I’ve come to expect. It is probably the most challenging single
shot that I demonstrate on the site, but it’s a wonderfully clean punch. Precise and slick. What I
really do hope is that those like yourself who have invested in the Boxing Training Foundation
can see how you could build a neat shot like this into your drills.
By the way, your final sentence, very enlightened…thank you.
Paul Smith
October 10, 2011 at 1:02 pm
I like the feel of this punch more and more when I try it now, but would like to know exactly how and
when to set it up?
What type of situatiion must I be in where this punch would be most effective and most likely to hit
I know it would probably be at close range, but what shold I be looking for, as far as an opponent’s
defence, or lack thereof?
Fran October 10, 2011 at 9:13 pm
Great question Paul. Have a think about doubling it up with the left hook to the body. So, throw
a short left hook first (looking to get around the opponent’s guarding arm. Now, this first shot
can almost be seen as a feint, but a physical feint. That is you are landing the shot in order to
draw the opponent’s guarding arm back towards the impact point. Instantly deliver the left
uppercut, but it has to be quick to take full advantage. The same principle can be used in
reverse (uppercut first to draw guarding arm forward).
Whilst this shot works great in isolation, it’s fantastic as an unexpected follow up to the hooks,
even the right hook to the head. The last thing that the opponent expects is a shot coming in low
and splitting the guard.
Cheers for the question Paul
Paul Smith
October 11, 2011 at 5:21 pm
Sounds good Fran!
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