Across the Threshold of Modernity - The Shi'a Imami (Nizari) Ismailis and British Foreign- and Colonial Policy in the period 1839 to 1969 - A PhD Dissertation by Marco van Grondelle (2008).pdf

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Across the Threshold of Modernity
The Shi’a Imami (Nizari) Ismailis and British Foreign- and Colonial Policy
In the period 1839 to 1969
Over de drempel van de Moderniteit.
De Shi’a Imami (Nizari) Ismailis en het Britse Buitenlands- en Koloniaal beleid in
de periode 1839 to 1969
(met een samenvatting in het Nederlands)
ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Utrecht op gezag van
de rector magnificus, prof. dr. J.C. Stoof, ingevolge het besluit van het college
voor promoties in het opengaar te verdedigen op vrijdag 23 mei 2008 des middags
om 4.15 uur
ir. Marco van Grondelle
geboren op 7 november 1970
te Rotterdam
Prof. dr. J.J.G. Jansen
Prof. dr. F. de Jong
Introduction and objectives
From ‘assassin legends’ to model citizens. A brief history of the
Ismaili Muslims
2.1 First emergence of the Ismaili movement
2.2 The Fatimid period
2.3 The assassin legends
2.4 An Ismaili diaspora
2.5 A brief sketch of the contemporary Ismaili community in England, and
definition of the Ismailis as a ‘movement’
2.6 Conclusions from chapter 2
First contact (1840 to 1914)
3.1 Aga Khan I and II as seen from the British Imperial perspective
3.2 The issue of Muslim education in India in the 1880s: Ismailis still in
3.3 Enter Aga Khan III
3.4 Conclusions from chapter 3
Crisis years – ‘much valuable service’ (1914 to 1920)
4.1 Prelude to war
4.2 Turkey and the onset of war
4.3 A call to arms
4.4 And a call to the purse – a conversation with Austen Chamberlain
4.5 Turkey’s entry into the war
4.6 Post-war Turkey and the post-war world
4.7 The rewards of friendship
4.8 Conclusions from chapter 4
Interbellum - from staunch ally to ‘a broken reed’ (1920 to 1939) -36-
5.1 Calmer waters
5.2 The issue of Ismaili schools in East Africa
5.3 Against Bolshevik infiltration – ‘rather a broken reed’
5.4 A visit to East Africa
5.5 A clash with the Sultan of Muscat
5.6 For the sake of the father….
5.7 Conclusions from chapter 5
War clouds again (1939 to 1953)
6.1 General observations
6.2 Horse trading with the British Government
6.3 A claim against the French Government
6.4 A visit to King Farouk of Egypt
6.5 Conclusions from chapter 6
The question of the succession to the Imamate (1953 to 1958)
7.1 General observations
7.2 Preparations for a death
7.3 A wayward son
7.4 The title of the successor - ‘once the attitude of the Khojas is known’
7.5 A consultation with Sir George Allan
7.6 The moment of succession - titles and telegrams
7.7 The aftermath of succession
7.8 The joy of a ‘doctor of watches’
7.9 Conclusions from chapter 7
Firmly established as a friend of Britain (1955 to 1969)
8.1 General observations
8.2 A visit to Syria by the Aga Khan’s representative
8.3 A report on the followers of the Aga Khan in Pakistan
8.4 A proposal for the Ismaili community in South Africa to move to East
8.5 A visit by the Aga Khan’s uncle to the Gulf on behalf of the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees
8.6 The Ismaili community in Uganda
8.7 The Aga Khan hospital in Kenya
8.8 The issue of passports for stateless Ismaili children
8.9 Conclusions from chapter 8
Recommendations for further work
12.1 Original archival sources emanating from the British Government
and civil service in the period 1839 to 1969
12.2 Literature concerning the origins, history, development and doctrines
of the Ismaili movement and related context
12.3 Literature concerning the sociology of religion, and the sociology of
A chronology of the life of His Highness Sir Sultan Mohammad
Shah, Aga Khan III (1877 - 1957).
13.2 A report from the Governor of Tanganyika concerning the funeral
of Aga Khan III at Aswan, Upper Egypt and an acknowledgement from
John Profumo, then Parliamentary Undersecretary for the Colonies.
13.3 A chronology of the life of His Highness Aga Khan IV (1936 -
A list of abbreviations regarding the British honours of Aga Khan
13.5 A note on the spelling and punctuation in the main text, the method
of representation of quotations, and the method of referencing.
A definition of the term ‘Ismaili’ as used in the thesis.
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