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july edition :
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Additional Benefits of investing in
• Lifetime discount in all of our
BrewDog Bars
• Lifetime discount on our online
• Exclusive first options on all our
special and limited edition beers
We are an alternative small
company, owned by thousands of
people who love craft beer. They are
our shareholders, our friends, our
community and the heart and soul
of our business.
And this is your chance to join them.
We are offering the opportunity to
officially join the team by owning
part of our company, and with that
part of our brewery and our craft
beer bars.
In 2010 we tore up convention,
turned the traditional business
model on it’s head and had over
6000 people invest in Equity for
Punks. The offer was ultimately
over-subscribed and had to close
early and some craft beer lovers
didn’t manage to buy the shares
they wanted in BrewDog.
We believe that the best way to
develop BrewDog and further grow
our business is to offer you, the
people who enjoy our beers the
chance to be involved in BrewDog’s
future. We are releasing a third
wave of shares in BrewDog which
are being offered at £95 each.
Our growth so far has been
phenomenal. With the growth all set
to continue we want you to share
in our future success and own your
very own part of BrewDog. This is
going to be an awesome journey and
we want to take you with us.
• Invites to our (soon to be
legendary) AGMs
• Being able to participate in our
annual by shareholders, for
shareholders beer.
• Having your say in how the
company is run
• Owning your very own part of
• Sell and trade your shares on
www.equitypunks.com or at a
potential later listing
• £10 worth of Beer Bucks as a
welcome gift
• Invest over £950 and get a free
12 month membership to our
Abstrakt Addict Club
But now it is back.
Bigger and better than ever.
buy BrewDog shares
at: www.brewdog.com/
Hop Propaganda – july edition :
buy BrewDog shares at: www.brewdog.com/equityforpunks
buy BrewDog shares at: www.brewdog.com/equityforpunks
Hop Propaganda – july edition :
Watt Dickie
Watt Dickie is a spirit born out of our
stone-faced misadventures in high
ABV brewing. The bastard lovechild of
the technique we developed to produce
idiosyncratic masterpieces such as
Tactical Nuclear Penguin, Sink the
Bismarck and the infamous End of
History – a beer which reached
55% ABV.
The process condenses & amplifies the
flavour, body and mouth-feel resulting
in full bodied malty, hoppy rock ‘n’
roll opulence which is unlike anything
you (or anyone else) has ever tasted
before. Watt Dickie is uncarbonated and
designed to be drunk and enjoyed as a
spirit: have it neat, have it on the rocks
or even make a cocktail with it.
The TV Show
We’ve dabbled with TV appearances
in the past, but hold onto your hop
heads folks because we’re taking
craft beer TV to a whole new level.
We’re taking the crazy, zany, weird
and wonderful world of BrewDog you
know and love, and injecting your
TV screens for some high voltage
viewing. Forget Simon Cowell and
Cheryl Cole, ditch trashy soaps, this
is entertaining TV as it should be.
Much like everything else we do (our
beers, bars, brewery, beer schools,
everything), this has craft beer at
its heart. You will learn how beer is
brewed. You will see us brew beer
on a moving train. You will witness
the first real steam beer; brewed as
steam, to be drunk as fog. And you
will be kept awake by the world’s
most caffeinated beer.
Watt Dickie was
unveiled at the 2013
BrewDog AGM and
available in 6cl
bottles thereafter.
It will be available
in 700ml bottles
later in 2013.
It’s finally here! Pups, get comfy.
BrewDogs the TV show is coming to
a small screen near you later this
year! We’ve been teasing you about
this for months, and can officially
announce that James and Martin
are currently filming the first 6,
hour-long episodes in the USA.
This brilliant new series will
premier on the brand spanking
new Esquire network, set to debut
in the USA come September. This is
a new avenue of pursuit for Iconic
men’s brand Esquire, who will be
launching on air with a line up of
exclusive series to celebrate the
interests, passions and aspirations
of men today.
The spirit is dead.
In its first series, BrewDogs will
follow James and Martin on a
quest for nationwide craft beer
enlightenment. Aiming to convert
one million craft beer virgins, our
captains of craft will be joined on
their merry way by the likes of
Stone, Anchor, Elysian, Victory,
Oskar Blues and more! They’re like
Dorothy and Toto on the yellow brick
road, only this road is made of hops.
And the odd signature explosion.
Watt Dickie is the first genuine
innovation in spirits for 200 years. Hell,
maybe longer. Definitely longer. This is
an insanely amplified IPA masquerading
as a spirit. A faux spirit, a dead
spirit, a new spirit. Born as an India
Pale Ale, Watt Dickie then undergoes
patent pending (and consequentely for
now secret) freezing alchemy which
transforms the beer into a high octane
roller coaster of flavour, craftsmanship,
originality and audacity.
Long live the
Long live
Buy Watt Dickie:
BrewDogs will air on
the brand new Esquire
Network late summer
in the USA, and we’ll
hopefully have a date
for UK viewing soon too.
buy BrewDog shares at: www.brewdog.com/equityforpunks
Hop Propaganda – july edition :
buy BrewDog shares at: www.brewdog.com/equityforpunks
Hop Propaganda – july edition :
There was also a business
presentation from James and
Martin giving people an overview
of our performance over the last
12 months and a sneak preview
at what we have coming up for the
year ahead and our long term plans.
Thanks to everyone who came along.
We hope you all had as much of a
blast as we had! We can’t wait for
the 2014 AGM!
n Saturday 1,807
Equity Punks and
guests joined us
at the AECC for
our epic AGM. We
released a new
App, debuted our
TV show, launched
4 new beers and had
6 amazing bands play killer sets.
We also unveiled our new Hop
Cannon, officially launched EFP III
and celebrated the first 6 years of
BrewDog as the AGM morphed into
our 6th Birthday Party.
Hop Propaganda – july edition :
available at
our bars
by one
who attended
the AGM all
the way from
people tried the
pilot brew that we
made at the AGM
beers were
sampled on
the day
minutes before
we emptied our
first keg
people attended the AGM
bands rocked our
world at our 6th
birthday party
after the AGM
buy BrewDog shares at: www.brewdog.com/equityforpunks
tshirts sold at our
merch stand
Hop Propaganda – july edition :
buy BrewDog shares at: www.brewdog.com/equityforpunks
BrewDog and
Our brew team are crazy into hops. Hop canon at the ready, our new brewery in Ellon allows our team to
push the art of hopping to new extremes. So, which varieties in particular have won the hearts and minds of
our brew team? Here’s what they had to say:
Ever wondered what it’s like to be crowned the Phileas
Fogg of craft beer? Well, a certain regular at BrewDog
Aberdeen, Mr Ian Prise, had been pondering that exact
fantasy, when one day he was struck with an awesome
idea! He would do it! Ian visited all 12 BrewDog bars in
11 days. Go Ian!
I love Galaxy. It’s an Aussie
hop so I’m obviously going to be
biased! It’s a total fruit salad hop;
loads of big, fruity flavours like
pineapple and passion fruit. I’d
even go so far to say it’s the best
Australian hop out there. There’s
an Aussie brewery called Southern
Bay that make an IPA called Hop
Bazooka which is jam-packed with
dry hopped Galaxy. Check it out!
John Allen: Believe it or not, my
favourite hop isn’t even out on the
market yet; it’s still an experimental
breed. Called Vic’s Secret (it started
off as Victoria’s Secret but they
had to change the name for obvious
reasons!), it’s an Australian hop and
is really resinous. I really want to
make a black IPA with it. It’s got
high alpha acids which means it’ll
work perfectly with bitter beers. It’s
also got loads of hop oils so is very
orangey and citrusy in flavour.
Franz: Let’s get one thing straight –
never judge a book by its cover. Take
one look at me and you might think
I’m into some insane breed of hop;
this couldn’t be further from the
truth. I’m proud to say that English
variety, Fuggles, is my favourite
hop. To start with, it rhymes with
snuggles. Secondly it’s the perfect
hop for creating wonderfully mild,
middle of the road, 3.5% ales. They
are all I drink.
The world’s first
At BrewDog, we are committing ourselves 100% to the
craft beer cause.
Cicerone is the most well known and respected beer
sommelier qualification on the planet.
In April the founder of Cicerone, Ray Daniels, flew over
to the UK and held the first ever Certified Cicerone
exams to be undertaken in this country. Giving our
staff the opportunity to learn the intricacies of beer for
an exam is a great way to really ramp up the level of
expertise within BrewDog.
Cicerone Certification Program
offers independent assessment
and certification on:
• Beer Storage, Sales and
• Beer Styles and Culture
• Beer Tasting and Flavours
• Brewing Ingredients and
• Pairing Beer with Food
It was no walk in the park. The Certified Cicerone exam
consists of a number of areas including tasting, written
and oral exams.
8 members of the BrewDog team passed and now hold
the Certified Cicerone qualification!
We will be bringing Ray back over periodically to enable
more members of our team to take the exam.
BrewDog’s 2013
Graduate Scheme
The BrewDog Graduate Scheme is back and we are
looking to kick start the craft beer careers for two lucky
people who will get permission to board the good ship
BrewDog as protégés for James and for Martin. We are
looking for 2 graduates to join our company on a 12
month program that will see them work directly with the
2 founders of BrewDog.
After we receive the applications we are going to
put shortlisted candidates through their paces at
a group interview session in Aberdeen (travel and
accommodation will be covered) where we will use
challenges, quizzes, tastings to find the right people for
the role.
You can find details on how to apply here
Charlotte: My favourite hop is a
New Zealander called Nelson Sauvin.
It’s a really interesting hop as it
has a very grapey, almost winey
flavour to it which means you have
to be careful with how you use it.
Mikkeller do a great beer called
Nelson Sauvignon which uses the
hop as well as ale yeast then it’s
barrel aged in white wine casks.
A really interesting little number!
Stewart: It would have to be Simcoe.
An amazingly flexible hop that
has high alpha acids so it’s great
as a bittering hop, and can also
contribute an amazing piney flavour
to a beer when added at the end of
the boil. The top note on the aroma
is succulent tangerines – very
distinct, very unique and hard to
replace. In our Punk IPA the fruity
top note of Simcoe goes really well
with the tropical fruit profile and
in Hardcore the piney flavour and
oranges really stand out against the
other hops we use.
Russell: When it comes to hops, I
like versatility. Motueka is a New
Zealand hop that is multi-use as
it can be used to add aroma or
bitterness. We used Motueke in our
single hop, IPA Is Dead series last
year. In a nutshell, it’s a shit hot
hop. Piney and floral, it’s a real
team player.
Hop Propaganda – july edition :
buy BrewDog shares at: www.brewdog.com/equityforpunks
buy BrewDog shares at: www.brewdog.com/equityforpunks
Hop Propaganda – july edition :
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