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T h e e s s e n c e of J ap a nes e c u lt ure...
Shr i n es,
Te m pl e s,
Ga rdens
Te mpl es i n gol d, te mpl es i n s i m pl i c i ty, s h ri n e s i n t ra n q ui l i ty,
a nd gard ens i n ref i n ement . . .
W hi ch i s y our favo ri t e?
Magnificent Buddhist temples, and those which embody the essence of
Kinkakuji Temple:
"... As a country Buddhist priest, my father, rather poor in
vocabulary, used to tell me that nothing in this world is as
beautiful as Kinkakuji ..." (an excerpt from "The Temple of
The Gold Pavilion" by renowned author, Yukio Mishima)
understated architectural elegance through the elimination of almost all
decorative features. Quiet and stately Shinto shrines rest amid dark
green woods ... Japan has them. Everywhere (even nestled in large
population centers like Tokyo and Osaka!). Many date back well over
1,000 years. Shinto, an ancient, indigenous religion unique to Japan, with
emphasis on ancestor worship and harmony with the natural world.
Buddhism, brought in from the Asian Continent way back in the sixth
century teaches spiritual enlightenment and salvation. Both continue to
be prime and moving sources of inspiration, culturally and esthetically, for
the Japanese even today.
The Great Buddha of Kamakura:
This Great Buddha is world-famous as the symbol of the
ancient capital Kamakura.
Putting temple structures aside, the Buddhist images enshrined
therein and their gardens are splendid pieces of art. Japanese gardens
are world-renowned as refined reproductions of nature's beauty all
confined within a limited space. Sit on a temple veranda and let time float
by while viewing the garden. The perfect way to get away from it all. It's
good when time goes by so slowly. Since ancient times, pilgrimages to
shrines and temples have been a great source of leisure and the
harbinger of tourism for the Japanese. Experience it for yourself.
(More information on gardens is on page 29.)
Alluring Charms o f Japan
The East Garden:
This formal Japanese garden within the Imperial Palace is
open to the public. Admission is free of charge.
Ryoanji Temple:
Ryoanji is celebrated for its "dry landscape garden" better
known as a "stone garden," a symbolic reproduction of
the world of nature using only rocks and white sand.
N atu re,
R u ra l L andsc ape
A n al m os t p ro to ty p e imag e
of t r ue sc ener y “a la Jap o ni ca ”
can b e f o und
in t h e co unt r ysid e.
En jo y a leisur ely tr ip
through the countr yside and
experience the legenda r y
Japanes e hos pitality .
One of the three most famous scenic attractions of Japan, this picturesque site is dotted
with over 260 islets that virtually seem to float in the bay.
Rice cultivation began in Japan over
2,000 years ago. Since then, of course,
Japanese society and industry have
Monkeys love to
bathe in the
bath at this
unusual onsen.
cultivation has always been the very
core. In early summer, the paddies
shine with the fresh green of young
This village, nestled deep in the mountains, is
renowned for its unique "gassho-zukuri" style
brimming with water. In autumn, the
fields are drained and turn into golden
carpets as the crop ripens. These
Only a few hours' drive or train ride
scenes evoke nostalgic images of
from the great urban centers like
Japan and can be seen far and wide
Tokyo, bring you to a totally different
throughout the country.
world — picture yourself in a peaceful
Japan abounds in rice and other
pastoral area with lush mountains and
crops from the field and is additionally
peaks in the background. How about a
blessed with gifts from the mountains
and the sea. Local festivals, performing
arts and crafts, not to mention local
village? A journey to the countryside
cuisine filled with local flavors, are
bound to offer a "truly impressive"
especially if traveling means getting
experience — one which will guarantee
away from it all and exploring a world
a lifelong memory. What truly touches
yet unknown to meet the people in
the heartstrings, above all, will be the
their own locale.
sincere hospitality you encounter.
Mt. Fuji:
No doubt, this elegant peak is probably the
most coveted "must-see" attraction for any
visitor to Japan.
"Tanada" Terraced Rice Fields:
These rice paddies were built to make the most
of small pieces of land in mountainous areas.
They create a nostalgic scene of old Japan.
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