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Just i can't understand WHY games like quake, half-life and unreal have own HD mod, but Wolfenstein are not. I collected all what i found in network and compiled to one pack. This is my old dream - Return to Castle Wolfenstein in high definition textures, with pretty amazing graphics. May be in the future Berserker will use this pack for creating new berserker@wolf mod or something like this. Several texture of my own, and i'm not just a compiler. This update will be a big work of all RtCW lovers.

This is the last version of unfinished graphic module for Return to Castle Wolfenstein, based on Berserker@Quake3. This thing doesn't finished, but it have a full documentation. Unfortunately on russian, prepare translators. If you want to help us to finish this mod faster, you can try to edit lightning with ingame lightning editor. Thank you for checking.
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