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Where the Vatican Rules (Part 2)
The Nazi Brand of Papal Rule
, Draftees Retained Indefinitely
Nazism Flourishes in Moose Jaw
The Little Pope's Shop in Canada
The New Government
From a Lawyer to'a Lawyer
The French
The Prime Cause of Infidelity
Counsel by
F. Rutherford
Holy Spirit
Italy - Mussolini a Well-hated Man
Japan Faces Her Folly
Pegler and the Unions
Mexico, Bahamas, Greenland, Iceland
Michigan - Undermining Public Schools
Deer as a Menace to Autos
By Motor to Buenos Aires
S. Occupation of Dutch GUIana
The' Flag Salute Case in Retrospect
British Comment
Contrary Teachings on Image Worship
Instinctive and Reasoning Powers of Birds
Birds and Animals Under Fire
All-Night Schools
Canada and Newfoundland
Plenty o'f Dionne Money
• As a frog or a turtle can smell water
in the distance and make a more or less'
straight path to it, so a priest can smell
money wherever it is to be found, and
the itch that he has to get it is worse than
that caused by poison ivy. Now word
comes from the mother
the Dionne
17 .
quintuplets that she is hoping that "they
may all develop vocations for the reli-
gious life". Why, sure! And when they
develop those vocations the priests will
' 23
get it all. And it now runs into the mil-
Published every other Wednesday by
117 Adams
Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.
Clayton J. Woodworth
Business Manager
Nathan H. Knorr
Five Cents a Copy
$1 a year in the United States
$1.25 to Canada and all other countrtes '
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Published also in Afrika-ans, Bohemian, Danish, Dutch,
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34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2
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South Africa
623 Boston House, Cape Town
Entered as second-class matter at Brooklyn, N. Y"
under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Grandma Carroll Is 114
• Grandma Carroll, of North River,
Newf'oundland, has lived under seven
British sovereigns and twenty-eight
American presidents. She remembers
the coronation of Queen Victoria and the
death of Napoleon on St. Helena. Her
oldest boy is 92, and her youngest daugh-
ter, with whom' she lives, is 68. She has
109 grandchildren, 148 great-grandchil-
dren, and 10 great-great-grandchildren.
She is quite well, thank you, and able to
walk about unaided.
D,efilement of Blood
• Defilement of blood, artificially in-
duced,continues to make business for the
undertakers in Canada. Toronto lost an
insurance executive two days after re-
ceiving aninjection of inorganic equiva-
lent for Vitamin B; while at Wiarton an
eight-year-old died in less than three-
quarters of an hour after an injection
of anti-tetanus serum given to him as a
precaution following the dressing of a'
slight wound in his forehead.
. .
No Flesh Would Be Saved
• If every bullet made in Canada in two
years of wartime found its way into a
human heart, not. a soul would be left
alive on the planet.
"And in His name shall the nations hope."-Matthew 12:21, A.R.V.
Volume XXIII
Brooklyn, N.
Wednesday, January
7, 1942
Where the Vatican Rules
Two Parts-Pari 2)
N Canada it is now a crime even to
Colonel Mulock said he answered by tele-
possess publications of the Watch gram today a protest on this ruling received
Tower Bible and Tract Society. The law from Rev. E. J. Taylor, proprietor of the
enforcement officers have been trans- Bible House.
'fdrmed into agents of the Inquisition,
Mr. Taylor was informed that if he gave
and no more may men lay their heads. written assurance he would discontinue use of
upon their pillowswith free conscience, the mails for distribution of pamphlets held to
but are now fretted by anxiety as to when be published for an illegal purpose, full mail-
the marauders of the pope will invade ing privileges would be restored, Colonel
their homes and tear them apart in an Mulock said.
eager-nostriled search after "heresy".
Colonel Mulock said the postoffice inspee-
Meanwhile Cariada is ostensibly engaged tion department directed attention to com-
in a war to destroy the foes of freedom. plaints received about the use of the mails
Trials of Jehovah's witnesses are re- for distribution of 'certain literature' bearing
ported all over Canada; but those who the names and addresses of "The North Toron-
serve the Lord are not dismayed. They to Bible House,
Yonge Street, Toronto,
know that He is faithful who promised, Ontario, Canada," and "The Protestant Book
and that in due time He will avenge
House, Station B, Box
TOledo, Ohio,
injustices and abuse heaped upon them. U. S.
---:'Luke 18: 7, 8.
"In view of the nature of the pamphlets,
Meanwhile the destruction of rights the officials of the department reached the de-
goes on at a terrific pace. Houses are cision that the Department of Justice [La-
rifled to find a book or literature pro- pointe] should be consulted," Colonel Mulock
scribed by the pope, among which is the said.
Bible. The chief Protestant preacher of
was learned in Toronto that the pam-
Toronto, Mr. T. T. Shields, unfriendly phlets denied the use Q.f the mails were de-
critic of Jehovah's witnesses, has been ,nunciatoryof the Roman Catholic Church.
barred from radio and threatened on ac-
was pointed out this was considered an
count of his protest against Catholic' illegal purpose within the meaning of Regula- .
abuses. Just how bold are the agents of
of the Canada Official Guide. "All
the Hierarchy is revealed by the follow- the pamphlets denounce the Roman Catholic
ing news dispatch:
The Globe and Mail
was informed.)
[The Globe and Mail,
Toronto, Friday, Octo-'
Use of Mails Banned to Bible HoUSe. Mulock ber 3,
Explains. Ottawa, Oct. 2 (CP) .-Use of the
Canada law thus makes criticism of
mails has been forbidden the North Toronto the Roman Catholic Church illegal. This
Bible House following Justice Department differs from the medieval courts of
opinion that literature sent out by heresy only in the degree of punishment.
it was published for an illegal purpose, Post- Then the victim who advocated "pesti-
master-General Mulock announced today. .
lential error" was tortured and burned
SKELETON OF JUSTICE, by Edith Roper and
Clara Leiser; E. P. Dutton
Co., Inc.,
The Nazi Brand of Papal Rule
N. Y.; pp. 346. $3.
Out of Germany comes propaganda.
One of the authors of this book, Edith
Deception and murder is lauded and
Roper, was the only court correspondent of
criminals made national heroes. Since all
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung
and the only
the bishops of Germany commend the
Berlin court correspondent for the
Nazi methods to the skies, and Hitler is
furtur Zeitung
from 1936 to 1939.
the ally of the pope, the conditions there
Under the pretext of writing a book to re-
must be taken as pleasing to the pontiff.
veal the progress of German jurisprudence,
The howl about Catholic persecution is
she obtained leave of absence to Switzerland
intended for Arne ric a n consumption
for six
She removed from the country
only. Also note these words by a friend
her notes and evidence, and escaped to France
of the Papacy: "The [Catholic] church
and then to America. From her personal ob-
has not condemned Nazism as an anti-
servations and data come the first document-
religious movement." (Herbert L. Mat-
ed, authoritative report of the judicial system
thews, New York
as it now operates in Nazi Germany.
admirer of the Vatican, dispatch of Sep-
is unfortunate that .this detailed account
20, 1941,
Evening News)
should not have been had earlier, for the per-
Some of the deeds of the Nazi section
version of domestic justice and the substitu-
of the "abomination that maketh deso-
tion of judicial anarchy were the inevitable
late" are exposed by Clara Leiser and
Nazi international lawlessness.
Edith Roper's Nazi-judiciary mockery
One is merely the extension of the other.
entitled "Skeleton of Justice". The
sooner published, perhaps this story might
York Law Journal
of October
17, 1941,
have registered on the barometer of foreign
reviews this book at great length, and'
relations a still clearer warning of the fury of
from this review excerpts are quoted be-
the approaching storm.
The lies of the Nazis are so brazen that they
This book must be placed in the top listings acquire credibility because we cannot conceive
of exposes about Germany.
is unique in that of such gross mendacity. Conversely, the
it is an expose not of men, politics, or the truths about the Nazis are so bizarre that we
army, but of the judiciary. The fiber of
na- require documentation lest they appear to be
tion'sstrueture is so interwoven that this reve- the inventions of prejudice. This book sup-
lation about the judicial processes gives clar-
plies reliable, concrete evidence for its every
ity and roundness to all the other interpreta- revelation.
explains the phenomenon whose im-
The corruption of the judicial system in
. pact has been as stunning as it has been unbe- Germany is complete. The Secretary of State
of the German Ministry of Justice is in com-
One can only hope in the words of Pascal mand of all judicial functionaries. He drafts
that "Justice and power will be brought to- new laws and decrees, and directs the entire \
gether so that whatever is just will be
administration of justice. Hitler selected for
ful, and whatever is powerful may be just." this post Dr. Roland Freisler, who had been
convicted several times before 1933 for gen-
eral fraud, making false statements under
• Died November 26,
to death. But. Canada may come to that
too. Jehovah's witnesses have been shot
and killed in Quebec, and thousands of
books burned by public order. Lapointe"
stands ready to go any lengths to please
his masters in Quebec. Our Northern
Neighbor it is well for those to ponder
who want the pope to rule.
Clara Leiser will be remembered as
writing many sympathetic articles about
Jehovah's witnesses in the-Manchester
and elsewhere. Just how such
a factual account was ever permitted to
leave Germany is revealed by the
oath, and aiding fraudulent bankruptcies. In
1928, after. serving a prison sentence, the
Chamber of Lawyers had
Dr. Freisler who boldly pronounces the doe-:
trine that objective justice in any individual
case is unimportant. Only the welfare and the
security of the state matter. A judge who does
not obey this supreme edict must be severely
punished. Thus, the doctrine is promulgated
of the "royal" judge who is unfettered by
laws. His sole duty is to the state. The state's
witnesses are frequently the Gestapo, and to
disbelieve the Gestapo is to cast aspersion up-
on the state. A judge is in danger of his life
should he fail to heed the government's accu-
sation. Thousands.of judges now languish in
concentration camps.
A judge must not decide. Like a soldier, he
must obey. The Ministry of Propaganda pro-
vides the instructions. Press releases are pre-
pared lin advance of the trial. The evidence
does not matter. Certain impressions must be
created for public consumption. This theory
operates likewise to exclude reports of certain
.trials. No contest involving a National Social-
ist organization, 'or a member of the party, if
membership is a factor in the case, embezzle-
ment of party funds, or aspersions, upon
party members, may be mentioned. The list
of "offensive" trials is so long that very few
trials are ever reported. Thus, Dr. Doerner,
head of the Press Bureau in the Ministry
Justice, by exclusion ana. distorted inclusion,
uses the courts as a mere adjunct of the propa-
ganda machinery.
"Killed in battle" is often an expres-
sion of Gestapo "justice":
Occasionally the prominence of the victim
requires 'more subtle tactics. Thus General
von Fritsch, who refused to permit Heinrich
Himmler to obtain weapons for the S. S. from
the army, was tried before a special court.
The charge was homosexuality. The witnesses,
who were prepared by the Gestapo, broke
down and the General Staff was powerful
enough to prev-ent the disregard of the testi-
mony. He was neither found guilty nor ac-
quitted, but declared to be "rehabilitated".
The wishes of the Gestapo were, however, fully
complied with during the Polish campaign
when General von Fritsch was declared to
have been killed in battle.
Not only political opponents, but party
workers who must be done away with, are
murdered in deepest silence and secrecy. The
war offers a splendid opportunity. Prince
Rupprecht of Bavaria, candidate of the mon-
archists, has also died a "hero's death" in the
There is competition among official
and unofficial thieves:
The complications of official chicanery are
was a common practice for thieves
to pose as Gestapo agents and loot Jewish.
homes. Rarely were complaints made by its
victims, for to challenge the state's agents was
to invite greater disaster.. The terror spread
to "Aryan" homes, where the fear for the
S. A. was no less. The Gestapo became jealous
of the encroachment upon its domain and re-
served to itself this species of extortion. Pri-
vate thieves were then punished in several
exemplary trials. Plunder is now duly .official.
Note the "high" requirements for offi-
cial Nazi appointment:
Chief of all German court physicians and
expert witnesses, and at the same time head
of the Institute for Medical Jurisprudence,
is Dr. Mueller Hess. Before 1933 Dr. Hess
was dismissed by the University of Bonn as
unfit, By the inverted standards of Hitlerism
this qualified him for one of the most impor-
tant positions in German jurisprudence. Dr.
Hess and his chosen associates find defend-
ants sane or insane in accordance with the de-
sire of the Gestapo and Ministry of Propa-
ganda. Consequently, any defendant is at the
mercy of the state; formal testimony is sup-
plied by its agents irrespective of truth.
Horst Wessel, "enshrined hero," was
the procurer for a bawdyhouse:
There is a complete disclosure of the Horst
Wessel case. He was a procurer who was killed
in 1930 by one Ali Hoehler in a brawl over a
prostitute. Hoehler was convicted for man-
slaughter by the pre-Hitler courts. Four years
later the Nazis, after killing Hoehler in a
concentration camp, retried the case. The in-
cident, was distorted as a Communist attack
Wessel, who had in the early days
assisted Dr. Goebbels in organizing the group
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