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Is the Roman Catholic Press Trustworthy'
A Little on Child Training
Don't Be Too Severe
Teach the Truth in the
The New Government
"Catholic Europe Predicted"
Anecdotes from Belgium
New York
Anarchy in Brooklyn
Mr. Hague Wants a Trip
South Africa
Counsel by
F. Rutherford
One Million Victims
South America
Under the Totalitarian Flag
State Aid for Religion
Surrender to the Pope
Knights of Columbus
Public Admission of Hypocrisy
The Ambushment of the American Republic
American Public School System
Pastoral Letter on Teaching Demoeracy
Notice the Ineffable Conceit
What Is Back of All This'
British Comment
Winniitg Answer
An enterprising Florida newspaper
offered a Yea.r's subscription for the
best answer to this question, "Why
is a woman like a newspaper?" Here
are some of the answers:
"Because they are thinner now than they
used to be."
"Because they are well worth looking over."
"Because they carry the news wlterever they
But the one to win the subscription was this:
"Because every man should have one of his
own and not run after his neighbor's."-Ex.
Troubles with Wives
Published every other Wednesday by
117 Adams
Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.
Clayton J. Woodworth
Secretary and Treasurer
Charles E. Wagner
Five' Cents a Copy
a year in the United States
$1.25 to Canada and all
Remittances: For your own safety, remit by postal or
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Entered as second-class matter at Brooklyn, N. Y••
the Act of March 3, 1879.
A Southern editor said that a man out west
got himself into trouble by marrying two
A Western editor replied that a good many
men in the South have done the same thing
by marrying one,
Northern editor reports that quite a num-
ber of his acquaintances found trouble by
merely promising to' marry, without going
Charlie Miller, news editor of the Peru
tells of a man who astonished
the want-ad clerk of his newspaper recently
by placing an ad offering $50 reward for the
return of his wife's pet cat.
"Isn't that a high reward for a cat 1" asked
the ad taker.
"Not in this case," said the man. "I drowned
cat."-American Guardian.
"Daddy," said a little girl,
a doctor doc-
tored another doctor, would the doctor doing
the doctoring doctor the other doctor in the
way the doctored doctor wanted to be doctored;
or would the doctor doing the doctoring doc-
tor the other doctor in his own
A Long Wait
Doctor, to patients in reception room :."Well,
who has been waiting the longest?"
Man, presenting bill: "I think I have, Doc-
tor. I delivered your suit three years ago."
"And in His name shall the nations hope. "-Matthew 12:21, A. R.V.
Volume XX
Brooklyn, N.Y., Wednesday, January 11, 1939
Numl!ler 504
Is the Roman Catholic Press, Trustworthy?
FACT that
forgotten, is isthat the thatoverlooked by
honest persons, and one
should never
Roman Catholic
as a church,
condones lying (as well
as theft and murder) by the casuistry with
which it contravenes the Divine law. The fol-
lowing extract from one of the most honored
"saints"· in the Roman Church, shows that
lying has been reduced to a fine art in that
iniquitous organization, which is now trying
to subject England to its rule by means of
Fascistic subterfuges.
any, either alone or before others, whether
asked or of his own accord, or for the purpose of
sport, .or for any other object, swears that he has
not done something else which he has done, or in
a different way from that in which he has done it,
or any other truth that is added, he does not really
lie, nor is he perjured.-Pope Innocent XI.
dates such rules and is still current in the
Roman Catholic Church.
Being thus instructed, it was not strange
that the London
Catholic Herald
should pro-
duce an article such as the following, purport-
ing to come from their own correspondent in
New York.
Another "saint", whose writings are still
studied and followed in the Roman Catholic
organization, states:
When a crime has been well concealed, the wit-
ness and even the criminal, may, and even must,
swear that the crime has never been committed..
'. .. ' We may be allowed to conceal the truth, or
disguise it under ambiguous or equivocal words or
signs, for a just cause, and where there is no ne-
cessity to confess the truth.-"Saint" Liguori.
Such being the case, it is easy to see how
little confidence can be placed in what is stated
in Roman Catholic newspapers or periodicals.
The excuse of "a just cause" can be so readily
advanced. For instance, the advantage of the
church itself is always considered a just cause,
and,' in any event, the doing of evil that good
may come (to the system) is clearly endorsed
by such methods as the foregoing quotations
not merely suggest, but endorse.
The complete absence of principle or of any
stable foundation for an honorable course of
action is evident from the quotations pre-
sented, which are only a drop in the bucket
when compared with the literature that eluei-
11, 1939
From Our Own Correspondent .
New York,
The anti - religious tirade delivered by Judge
Rutherford at the London. (Eng.) Albert Hall,
and broadcast to America, was cut short by Ameri-
can radio stations, whose directors then apologised
to radio audiences for as much of the speech as
had been heard.
Radio spokesmen explained that they had no
knowledge of the nature of the speech, but cut it
as soon as its anti-religious venom became evident.
Complaints against the broadcast have been for-
warded to the Federal Communications Commission.
In some places where meetings had been arranged
to hear the broadcast, lessees broke contracts and
closed their halls to the free-thinking or atheist
audiences. In Pittsburgh, Shriners who had leased
their hall to the "Jehovah's Witnesses" (Ruther-
fordites) explained to the
Pittsburgh Catholic
they would not have leased the hall if they had
known the purport of the meeting, and added the
assurance that precautions would be .taken in the
All New Orleans radio stations declined to carry
the speech, while stations in Colorado and Okla-
homa cut off'the speech and apologised to their
listeners, In Chicago and New Orleans three-day
conventions of the Watch Tower Society, also Ruth-
erfordites, were refused permission to use public
In some places American Legionnaires and other
patriotic societies protested against the broadcast
because of Rutherford's subversive doctrines on
saluting the flag and war service.
represent the truth with regard to any mat-
ter, regardless of its personal prejudices.
The pope says that the Catholic press is his
Did not the London
Catholic Herald
realize very own voice; and if that is true, he must
that intelligent readers would see the contra- have Ananias backed off the boards. Judge
diction between the first and fo':lrth para- Rutherford and 'the Watch Tower Bible aad
graphs of their story 1 and were they not Tract Society have been lied about in the
aware that there was not the least connec- Catholic papers in the past until the Hier-
tion between the story as a whole and the archy made the great mistake of jumping to
last- paragraph,
unquestionably was the conclusion that this could go on indefi-
added to convey the idea, at least to the nitely.
average uncritical Catholic reader, that Jeho-
The London
Catholic Herald,
noticing that
vah's witnesses were a Godless group?
in past issues of American Catholic papers
Were they so eager to discredit Judge Ruth-. almost anything against Judge Rutherford.
erford and Jehovah's witnesses generally that and the Society went unpunished, tried the
they failed to realize that it is generally dif- same stunt in London and was promptly
ficult to write convincing fiction, especially sued for $100,000 damages. British courts are
when one is' heated up over something and not •yet as afraid of the Hierarchy as they
trying to get the other fellow in bad? Have are in many parts of America, and so the
not Catholic editors yet learned that, even if
made a front-page apology in its issue
only from considerations of policy, it is best of November 25, 1938, and paid the costs and
the fees of the London solicitors of the So-
to be honest?
ciety. The apology was as follows:
Did the Roman Catholic news service that
produced this poor piece. of propaganda for-
get that many thousands of persons, intelli-
In our issue of October 14 it was reported that
gent persons, having heard the lecture, or
the speech by Judge Rutherford delivered at the
knowing others who had heard it, and mil-
lions more who had the books written by
Albert Hall, London, on September 11, was cut
by American
Judge Rutherford, would know they were
short apologised to radio stations, whose as much
radio audiences for
of the speech as had been heard.
was also stated
Also, had the Roman Catholic news service
in our report that' all New Orleans radio stations
overlooked the fact that while Jehovah's wit-
declined to carry the speech.
As a result of subsequent enquiries we have
nesses do not resort to the use of carnal weap-
ascertained that the speech was treated in this way
ons, or of the Devil's tactics of lying and boy-
only by the three circuits, Oklahoma
cott, they do make effective use of every legal
and Colorado Springs, whereas 118 City, Denver
and just means within their reach to defend
other circuits broadcast the speech in stations on
its entirety
the truth?
without interruption.
Whatever may have been the cause of the
We have also been informed that none of the
deliberate misrepresentation of truth in evi-
New Orleans stations were approached, or engaged,
dence in the dispatch purporting to represent
to carry the speech, so no question of their declin-
happenings in another country, the London
ing to do so ever arose.
has also been represented to us that
stands condemned as an un-
expressions were used in the same report certain
trustworthy source of news and a prejudiced
might appear to convey the imputation that Judge
and biased interpreter of such news.
Rutherford is an advocate or preacher of atheistic
The Catholic press in general
not im-
views. The report was not intended to convey that
pressed the public, not even the professed
impression, and we regret any misunderstanding
. .
Roman Catholic public, as being worth while
caused by it.
Further details regarding the incident are
or reliable.
is too obviously an instrument
in the hands of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy available in a statement to the British public
to further its own interests, and that at the by the London office of the Watch Tower Bible
expense of the people and their just rights. and Tract Society, under the heading, "Roman
The Roman Catholic Press has the right to Catholics Anxious to Gag Judge Rutherford;
give a disproportionate amount of space to
Catholic Herald,
London, Published Lying
matters Catholic, but it does not have the Report; Afraid of the Facts!" Every person
right, in the eyes of honest persons, to mis- who believes in publishing the truth on all
The Catholic Press is initiating a protest against
the proposal to hold the next Godless Congress in
New York City.
subjects and punishing those who willfully
and maliciously lie, is bound to be interested.
The statement follows:
On Sunday, September 11, Judge Rutherford'
delivered his great speech "FACE THE FACTS" to
a vast audience of 10,000 at the Royal Albert Hall
in London. This lecture was of such importance
that it was transmitted at the same ,time by radio
beam to other audiences in more than 40 cities
in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zea-
land and Tasmania, as well as relayed by direct
wire to an aggregate audience of 25,000 assembled
in Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Glasgow, Leeds,
Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle - on - Tyne and
Swansea. Simultaneously it was broadcast by a
-transeontinental chain of 118 American radio sta-
tions. Over this entire world-wide network, which
was one of the greatest in history, Judge Ruther-
ford revealed astounding facts which the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy is afraid to have the people
know. The Catholic Press in America and Britain
have openly published falsehoods to further pre-
vent the people from gaining the information given
in "Face the Facts".
In its issue of October
Catholic Herald,
London, published a report, which ran into about
half a eolumn and was printed in bold type, headed
VAH'S' CHIEF 'WITNESS'" and proceeds to state
that the speech (described in the said report as an
"anti-religious tirade") "was cut short by Ameri-
can radio stations, whose directors then apologised
to radio audiences for as much of the speech as
had been heard". The report also stated that all
New Orleans radio stations declined to carry the
The report clearly implied that all or almost all
American radio stations cut off Judge Rutherford's
speech as being of a nature unfit and improper
for the public to hear, whereas, in fact, as has
been ascertained in New York,
radio stations
throughout the United States broadcast the entire
speech as relayed from the Royal Albert Hall,
London, and without interruption, and in New
Orleans not a single radio station was approached
or engaged for the broadcast, so that the state-
ment that "all New Orleans stations declined to
carry this speech" is entirely untrue.
The said misrepresentations with their obvious
implication as above stated were serious enough,
but there were two further sentences in their report
which are infinitely more objectionable and consti-
serious libel upon Judge Rutherford and
a great reproach upon Jehovah's witnesses who
compose the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.
These statements were, "In some places where
meetings had been arranged to hear the broadcast
lessees broke contracts and closed their halls to the
freethinking or atheist audiences" and "The Cath-
olic Press is initiating a protest against the pro-
posal to hold the next Godless Congress in New
11, 1939
York City". Every honest-minded person knows
full well that Judge Rutherford and Jehovah's
witnesses are not freethinkers, atheists, or Godless,
but are servants of Almighty God and preachers
of the Gospel of Jehovah God's Kingdom. Thus
Judge Rutherford was seriously defamed in his
good name and reputation by the suggestion that
he is an advocate of atheism and one who holds
or is connected with Godless Congresses,
Catholic Herald
were advised by the London
solicitors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract
Society that they were prepared to issue proceed-
ings against them for libel unless they should pub-
lish a retraction and pay for legal costs incurred.
Catholic Herald,
knowing their statements
were untrue, have published such ,retraction and
have paid the legal costs as demanded. This open
admission is a striking comment on what Judge
Rutherford had to say at the Royal Albert Hall.
Judge Rutherford pointed out that in opposi-
tion to God's Kingdom the Devil has brought forth
the corporate state or totalitarian government ruled
by visible and arbitrary men with the Roman Cath-
olic Hierarchy as its spiritual overlord working
hand in glove with such men as Hitler and Mus-
solini. The ambition of this. crowd is to rule the
world. There is now
determined effort on the
part of
crowd to grab control of Britain
and America and take away all the liberties of the
fore, is in fact a political institution' bent on taking
away the liberties of the people and ruling arbi-
trarily. This operation they are carrying on under
the cloak of religion because the people have been
led to believe all these years that religion and
Christianity are one and the same. In fact the
Catholics call theirs the Christian religion and the
Catholic Church THE CHURCH. Judge Rutherford
has no objection to their calling it what they please;
however, the point is this: Putting asifie the ques-
tion of the differences between those who study. the
Bible, no institution has any right or privilege to
, operate under the pretext of being the servants of
God and use that cloak to destroy the liberties of
the people.
A major portion of the public press of Britain
and America are aware of the facts herein stated,
but they are afraid of the Catholic' organization
and afraid to tell the truth. The Catholicorganiza-
tion is afraid to come in the open and discuss these
matters. Judge Rutherford has openly challenged
the Hierarchy for several years to deny what he
has stated and do it publicly, and they refuse.
And why? Not because they have not many able
men to represent them, but they well know that
they have not a leg to stand on when it comes to
answering the charge that they are in the game
for political reasons.
All honest persons should at once investigate
these facts together with the prophecies now being,
revealed in God's Word, the Bible. To thus aid
the people Judge Rutherford's lecture "Face the
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