INSTRUKCJA do -RandomizePresets-00.docx

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randomize button

dot  Presets Package Summary:

The purpose of this package is to provide presets that allow for the randomization of parameters in Adjust menu items in PSP X. In previous versions, the ability to generate random settings was provided by clicking on the single "die" icon, or "Randomize Parameters" button. This button is missing from the Adjust menu items in PSP X. By installing the preset scripts provided in this package, the ability to randomly generate settings is magically returned.

dot  Installation Instructions:

1.        Download the presets package

2.      Unzip the presets into your Presets folder in PSP X. If you did not customize the installation of PSP X, this folder would be found within the My PSP Files folder.


dot  Using the Randomize Presets:

Each of the Randomize Presets has been named #Randomize. To use one of the presets, click on the Presets drop list (red arrow below) in one of the Adjust menu items. Here is an example using the Adjust...Add/Remove Noise...Add Noise dialog. Note the Preset entry will usually say Last Used, but if you've been trying different settings, it may be blank:

add noise dialog

You'll probably want to reapply the #Randomize preset until you find settings you like. To repply this preset, click on the Presets drop list arrow again (red arrow below) and press the Enter key - note that once you've applied this preset, the Preset drop list entry should say #Randomize:

add noise dialog

Continuing to click on the Presets drop list and press the Enter key is like hitting the "Randomize" button in previous versions of PSP. Randomize magic!

One more thing - each time you apply one of these #Randomize presets, a print line containing the current settings is generated to the Script Output palette. If you do not want these print lines, open the #Randomize script and remove the print line - it will say "print Settings":

print Settings
return Settings

Either delete that line, or place a "#" at the beginning of the line, effectively turning it into a comment line, like this:

#print Settings
return Settings

However, you might find the printed lines helpful if you want to remember the settings you "just used"!


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