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Sixteen Going on Undead
Copyright © August 2009, Yvette Ford
Cover art by Simi Iluyomade © August 2009
This is a work of fiction. All characters and
events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or
used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including
the right to reproduce this book, or portions
thereof, in any form.
ISBN: 978-1-936110-33-9
Sugar and Spice Press
North Carolina, USA
Chapter One
I threw myself out across my bed and un-
raveled a stick of gum to pop into my mouth. I
tucked my ear buds into my ears and blasted one
of my favorite love songs while trying to make
that popping sound with my gum. It wasn’t work-
ing. Ronnie said it was because, of all the girls
we both knew who could do it well,—and
loud—I was the only oddball with good cavity-
less teeth. I suspected the jerk was trying to tell
me I had horse teeth, too big and flat for anything
other than chomping veggies.
“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes. Ronnie could
kiss my butt. He was my best friend, but some-
times he got on my last nerve. Especially when
he was being Mr. Know It All. Tonight we’d had
a fight, and I had stomped out of his house, even
though we were supposed to go see a movie. I
had to admit I had a temper, but Ronnie didn’t
have to agitate it by ragging on me either. “Why
can’t he let me do me the way I want to?”
I flopped over on my stomach and spotted my
latest issue of Vibe sticking out from under the
bed. I pulled it to me and surveyed the various
hairstyles the models wore on the front cover.
Should I cut my hair? Running my fingers
through the black with a tinge of brown locks I’d
pressed out the day before, I considered it. The
same old style extending to my shoulders was
getting old. Maybe I should dye it. I needed
something new if I was going to get a sexy boy to
look at me this year.
Having just turned sixteen this month,
August, I felt it was a little late to have never had
even one, and kissing Ronnie when we were both
thirteen at Jada’s birthday party didn’t count for
experience. I wanted to live a little, have a life.
I shivered and stood to walk over to the win-
dow. Even my mother looked like wondered
about me sometimes the way I only hung out
with Ronnie, and she never had to deal with boys
calling the house or me trying to skip my curfew.
She sometimes spoke in a worried voice to other
mothers in our block about my lack of a love
life? “Maybe she thinks I’m a lesbian,” I mused.
I laughed at that considering how I’d reacted
to Ronnie’s older brother when I had caught him
coming out of the bathroom after a shower.
Wow! Okay, I’d been scared by his...size...but
man did he have a nice body. All muscles. Not
like Ronnie who looked like he hadn’t hit puberty
yet. Poor thing.
I pulled the curtains back and peered out into
the back alley. Mrs. Knowles next door was put-
ting her trash out. A light mist had begun to fall. I
sighed. Going out with Ronnie to the movies
would have meant wheels. Mad and alone meant
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