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Proceedings of the 3
International Seabuckthorn Association
Conference, Québec City, Québec, Canada, August 12-16, 2007
ISBN 978-2-9810874-0-9
Legal deposit - Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, 2009
Legal deposit - Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, 2009
Published by
Institut des nutraceutiques et des aliments fonctionnels
Institute of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods
Université Laval – Pavillon des Services
2440 Hochelaga Blvd
Quebec City QC
G1V 0A6 Canada
The production of this document has been made possible by a grant from the Advancing Canadian Agriculture and
Agri-Food (ACAAF) Program. This Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada program is delivered through the Conseil
pour le développement de l'agriculture du Québec (CDAQ).
This document is not intended for sale and may be freely distributed provided
that the source and credits are properly mentioned.
A color pdf version is available at
Quebec City, Canada • August 12-16, 2007
Associate Editors
Stefan Cenkowski, Alphonsus Utioh, Tom S.C. Li,
Wudeneh Letchamo, Cristina Ratti and Khaled Belkacemi
Published by
the Institute of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods
Laval University, Canada
This collection of 30 peer reviewed articles represents the published proceedings of a successful
international conference – 3
International Seabuckthorn Association Conference (ISA 2007) – held in
Quebec City, Canada, August 12-16, 2007. From nearly 100 abstract title applications received before the
conference, just over 50 oral and poster presentations were accepted by the ISA 2007 Scientific
Committee. From the pool of scientific presenters, 41 manuscripts were submitted to the ISA 2007 peer
review process. Nine manuscripts were withdrawn, two manuscripts were not acceptable, and 30
manuscripts were revised and found acceptable by the scientific committee for publication in these
Dr. Tom Li was instrumental in bringing this conference to Canada, so it was appropriate that he authored
the introductory paper. Ten papers in the section on seabuckthorn production, cultivation and harvesting
practices were authored by a diverse group of scientists from Canada, China, India, Romania and Russia.
Thirteen papers in the seabuckthorn processing technology and chemistry section were provided by
scientists from Canada, Finland, India, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Russia. Six papers in the
seabuckthorn products, industry development and marketing section were authored by scientists based in
Canada, China, Finland, Germany and Russia. Altogether, 14 papers were included from four regions of
Canada. This is an excellent effort by Canadian scientists who have just recently begun work in the
exciting area of seabuckthorn research along with 16 papers from scientists in the major seabuckthorn
research and production areas of the world.
The many hours of effort by Associate Editors and Reviewers in providing helpful suggestions to
manuscript authors is greatly appreciated. The effort required by reviewers and editors to understand a
highly technical paper is much greater when an author’s first language is not English, and a much greater
familiarity with the manuscript is needed before appropriate suggestions can be provided. In particular, I
would like to thank Associate Editors Stefan Cenkowski, Alphonsus Utioh, Tom S.C. Li, Wudeneh
Letchamo, Cristina Ratti and Khaled Belkacemi.
David B. McKenzie
, Editor-in-Chief
McKenzie, D.B., S. Cenkowski, A. Utioh, T.S.C. Li, W. Letchamo, C. Ratti and K. Belkacemi (eds).
2009. Proceedings of the 3
International Seabuckthorn Association Conference, August 12-16, 2007.
Université Laval. Québec (Québec), Canada.
et al.
2009. Proceedings of the 3
International Seabuckthorn Association Conference
Loews Le Concorde Hotel, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, August 12-16, 2007
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