ABB Aspects Objects Technology EN.pdf

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Aspect Object
technology from ABB
Solution to the corporate information
management problem
Industrial IT
Solutions from ABB
Today’s industrial managers and personnel need the right information,
at the right time at their fingertips, to make the correct business decisions.
They need ABB’s Aspect Object technology.
A day in the life of an industrial plant manager
Picture the situation. You are responsible for production
at a company manufacturing chemicals and getting
ready to review the production schedule for the next
few weeks. Suddenly, your production supervisor
charges in agitated, telling you that your production
process is “haywire” because “reactor so-and-so is
not responding to setpoint changes as it should”.
You are just about to reply “but didn’t we give that
reactor a thorough overhaul only a few weeks ago?”
when the phone rings. It is your biggest customer
saying, with restrained irritation, that as far as he
can see, the latest batch he received is off spec, that
he considers returning it and claiming compensation
but is generous enough to give you an hour or two
to investigate the matter before he does.
You manage to do little more than put the phone
down before it rings again. This time it is one
of your sales reps telling you that he has this huge
long-term contract all but wrapped up but wants
to make sure that your company can start delivering
on a continuous basis in three months time.
“Could you please phone back immediately and
What started out as a pleasant day of forward thinking
suddenly changes to one of crisis management where
speed of response is critical. To collect the facts you
need to get the immediate concerns out of the way,
you and your staff now need to find quickly:
• the maintenance log of the failing reactor
• an extract of the asset register showing the
original and book values of that reactor
• the latest order from your discontented
customer to get the serial number of the batch
he was talking about
• the production log of the batch in question
• the stock forecast
• the production schedule covering the next
three to four months
and all this while your plant is still running at
optimum speed.
It strikes you how difficult this will be since the files
involved are spread over a number of people, com-
puters and applications throughout your organization.
You realize that you need help, so you start phoning
those on whom you pin your hopes, only to find
that one is off sick, another on holiday and a third
in the plant somewhere.
You sigh and say to yourself: “Why is this so
complicated? Why can’t I just wheel up to my
own computer and simply find what I need?”
Answer: It is that complicated because your corporate
information is not organized the way your business
processes and your plant are. But there is a solution…
Information organization on your terms
ABB’s Aspect Object technology organizes information
the way users think of it, i.e. object-centrically
Aspect Object technology from ABB provides the
solution, by associating information with the plant
and business entities (the
it belongs to,
by organizing these objects to mirror reality and by
providing powerful functions for navigation and
In so doing, Aspect Objects liberate you from having
to deal with numbers of different files, folders,
applications, operating systems and computers and
let you concentrate on the plant and processes you
are really concerned with. Or put differently; as long
as you know which item you want information
about, Aspect Objects make finding it easy.
For an example closer to the process, imagine you
have a problem with an electric motor somewhere
in your plant. In that situation, ABB’s Aspect Objects
enables you to select the malfunctioning motor on
your screen and with a single mouseclick find the
information you need presented in a familiar way,
perhaps in the following sequence:
• check the Alarm List for recent alarms from the
motor, then Active Work Orders for planned
or ongoing maintenance work on it
• see how the motor is controlled and check
• look up Standard Operating Procedures
for guidelines on how to solve the problem
• check machine instructions, dimensional
drawings, technical specifications and other
useful documentation
• select Live Video and let the video camera zoom
in on the motor for a preliminary visual inspection
• write a Fault Report
• if you find that the motor cannot be repaired
but has to be replaced, check to see if you have
one available in stock
• if not, open an Internet window and place an
order in the appropriate e-commerce application
The information on your
plant items (objects)
and products produced
is only a mouseclick
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