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15th Century Italian Dances for Sets of Couples
Pizochara - 4 couples
aught by Lady Andreva Rigaldi (ladyeorann@gmail.com)
and Lord Lorenzo Petrucci (ben@houseofpung.net)
Legiadra - 2 couples
Begin with the couples one behind the other, and do 12 pive
forward, starting on the left.
Men 4 pive clockwise around partner.
Women 4 pive counterclockwise around partner.
Riverenza. Ripresa right.
Men 2 singles and 11 doubles, following man 1 in front of
woman 1 and weaving between the women to the bottom,
coming up on the right side.
Ripresa left.
Women movimento; 9 saltarelli, following woman 1 in front of
man 1 and weaving between the men to the bottom, coming
up on the right side.
Couple 1 separate with 2 riprese (singe steps sideways).
Couples 2-4 do 4 pive up between Couple 1 so that Couple 2 is just
in front of them.
Couple 2 separate with 2 riprese.
Couples 3 and 4 do 4 pive up between Couple 2 so that Couple 3 is
in just in front of them.
Couple 3 separate with 2 riprese.
Couple 4 does 4 pive up between Couple 3 so they are just in front
of them.
Dance repeats with the set inverted. New Couples 2-4 piva up
and together to begin the dance again.
Colonesse - 3 couples
Begin with the couples one behind the other, and do 16 sal-
tarelli forward, starting on the left.
The middle couple takes right hands and circles with 2 singles
and a double, then takes left hands and circles back with 2
singles and a double, and riverenza left.
Meanwhile, the last couple does 2 singles and 4 doubles, weav-
ing between the other two couples and up to the front of the
line, with the man leading and ending up improper.
Repeat 2 more times, with each couple taking a new role each
time, until all are improper.
Men circle their partners counterclockwise with 3 pive, starting
on the left.
Women circle their partners clockwise with 3 pive, starting on the
Men movimento, women movimento.
Back away with a double right.
Come back together with a double left, turning to face up the
hall, remaining improper.
Repeat with the women in the men’s positions.
Begin with the couples one behind the other, and do 16 sal-
tarelli forward, starting on the left.
After the saltarelli, Couple 1 does a mezavolta to end improp-
er, facing the other couple.
Couple 1 does a ripresa left and ripresa right, while Couple 2
does 4 continenze, starting on the left.
All do 2 singles and 2 doubles forward, with Couple 2 passing
between Couple 1, and both end with a mezavolta right to face
the other couple.
Ripresa left, ripresa right.
4 continenze, starting on the left.
Return to place with 2 singles and 2 doubles, with Couple 1
passing between Couple 2, and end again with a mezavolta
right to face.
Ripresa left, ripresa right.
Couple 1 movimento, Couple 2 movimento.
Man 1 does a saltarello tedesco on the left foot into the center
of the set.
Woman 2 meets Man 1 with a saltarello tedesco on the left.
Facing, Man 1 and Woman 2 change places by rotating with 3
riprese right.
Man 1 and Woman 2 do a voltatonda, moving back into each
other’s starting place.
Repeat this section, with Man 2 and Woman 1 switching places.
Men go to the far side of their partners with 2 pive.
Women do the same.
Couple 2 movimento, Couple 1 movimento.
Couple 2 voltatonda while Couple 1 mezavolta so all face
forward and are proper.
Repeat with women going first.
Music Sources:
MP3 music for all three dances:
Mesura et Arte del Danzare (Accademia
Viscontea i Musicanti)
This CD has a recording of Colonesse. It is available for down-
load through iTunes.
Alta Danza: Dance Music from 15th-century Italy
(Ensemble Les Haulz et Les Bas / Véronique Daniels)
This CD has all three dances. It is available through Amazon.
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