How to use PC as AP (network bridge).pdf

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How to use PC as AP.
. NotePC (AP) with Wireless lancard
. I900
This document explains how to use NotePC as a network bridge (masquerading). You may
need Windows Services Pack 2 or over than that to masquerade. I use Windows Services Pack 3
to test.
And It is OK whatever you use network(Cable, ADSL, and so on).
To explain setting process clearly, I will list picture orderly.
There would be three setting process.
First one is Setting NotePC .
And next one is Setting Omnia .
And last is Testing
Section one. – Setting NotePC
1. Make sure that wireless
network connection is use
If you do not make this status,
you cannot find Wireless network
tab in properties.
Enter wireless network
connection properties
3. Click Wireless network tab and
click add button.
4. Set SSID . Anything would be OK
whatever you want. I filled blank as
I set Network authentication as Open
session and Data encryption as not
use , Because I use internet sharing
connection for testing. After finishing this
setting, click OK.
5. There is no DHCP server. So you need
to fill static IP Address. But you don t
need to fill gateway address because
you just connect internet using local
6. After wireless network connetion
setting, you have to set local
connection area.
It s all that you have to set NotePC side.
Section two. – Setting Omnia
In Omnia side, you have to set static IP address first.
1. Settings -> Connection -> Wi-Fi -> Network Adapters -> Edit -> Use specific IP address.
2. Fill in IP address, Subnet mask, Default gateway.
IP address has to be same subnet range of NotePC wireless connection IP.
And Default gateway has to be
NotePC wireless connection IP
If you use proxy server to connect internet, threr is one more thing you have to set.
1. Settings -> Connections -> Connections -> My Work Network(Set up my proxy server)
2. Check This network connects to the Internet. And This network uses a proxy server to
connect to the Internet , and insert
your proxy server IP.
(check security issue)
3. Touch Advance to change proxy server port.
Next is
making connection with NotePC.
Find NotePC SSID from list.
Check Network Name that is same thing you wrote in NotePC.(I wrote ConnectionTest )
Change Connects to to Work
Check This is a device-to-device (ad-hoc) connection checkbox. And touch Next
Make sure the rest setting that is same you set in NotePC. And Next
Touch Finish
Section three. – Testing
1. After process Section one , you can find Ad-hoc network I named ConnectionTest
2. Click that network to make Wifi serve connection from Omnia.
3. Now Omnia side, attempt to connect to NotePC wireless using Setting – ConnectionTest
- that you made.
After all these process, You can connect Internet using NotePC without AP.
Connect NotePC(used as AP) from other NotePCs
Process until fourth step of Section one.
You make sure that SSIDs have to be same.
The rests are a little bit different. You have to insert IP Address that are different from
AP NotePC. And insert NotePC IP into default gateway.
And check proxy server IP one more time.
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