Fanuc 6M [FW] NBU99.16m.txt

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{Change Comments ***********************************************************}

95/06/07	Centurion V M801.81.7
95/01/18	Cin 10VC [CG] M732.81.2
95/01/19	Cin 10VC [CG] M732.81.2m
94/11/16	Cincinnati Acr 338-D M160.81.2
95/05/22	Fanuc 0M Kit G54 NS M531.82.4
96/05/30 Fanuc 0M Mxxx.12
94/03/04	Fanuc 11M [JBM] Mxxx.81.2
94/03/04	Fanuc 5M M015.81.3
94/03/04	Fanuc 5M M015.81.4m
94/11/16	Fanuc 5M M015.81.5
94/11/16	Fanuc 5M M015.81.5m
94/12/08	Gemini E K&T M084.81.2
94/01/06	Hurco M069.81.7
95/05/23	Hurco M069.81.8
95/05/23	Hurco Ultimax BMC40 M330.81.3
95/05/23	Hurco Ultimax [AB] M594.81.3
95/05/23	Hurco Ultimax [NOAO] M719.81.3
95/05/23	Hurco Ultimax [PPM] M496.81.3
94/08/25	K & T 180 Gemini D M507.81.3
92/09/12	K & T 800 Gem D17 M186.81.1
93/02/17	K & T 800 Gem D17 M186.81.2
95/06/05	K & T 800 Gem D17 M186.81.3
95/11/21	Yasnac MX2 Matsuura M797.81.3m

 Modified: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81
 Created: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.1
 This Post Processor does not support subprograms.
  Currently supports all combinations of MultipleParts, AutoCycles and Repeats.
  Using Var(1), Var(2) and Var(3) for logical control of MultiplePart Operations.
  Using Var(4), Var(5), Var(6) and Var(7) for correct Positioning of AutoCycles that Repeat in
   X and/or Y, and when AbsoluteMoves = FALSE.
 Corrected FORMAT #5 from '########;0' to '#######0'.
 Corrected FORMAT #6 for Dwell# from '####^###;' to '####^##0'.
 Added FORMAT #7, '#', for RapidF#.
 Added Tag# to FORMAT #5.
 Added Recall# to FORMAT #5.
 Added RestoreScale Sub per 4-Axis Post Processor.
 Added support of FIFO? Milling Operations.
 Added TrackZNO# ZDepth# at IF Drilling? section to allow for conditionality of MoveSXYZC command.

 Modified: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.1
 Created: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.2
 Changed TrackZNO# ZDepth# to TrackZNO# FIRST SPZ# at DrillStuff.
  SPZ# is affected by SetScale, whereas ZDepth# is not.

 Modified: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.2
 Created: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.2a
 Changed logic of MPLoop sub to handle IF NewTool? and LastOp? situations.

 Modified: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.2a
 Created: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3
 Commented out DoEndOpPS at MPLoop for OneToolAllParts, it does not work correctly.
 Added call to WFOStuff at all operations.
  Using Var(8) and Var(9) for control of MultiplePart WorkFixtureOffsets.

 Modified: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3
 Created: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3a
 Added CRCOffC per version 4.2.
  CutterRadiusCompensation ExitLength will output G40 on LastFeat AND LineFeat at StdLine sub.
 Added Move to ZInC for Non-AutoCycle FeedConnect Repeats with ZMoves at ExitMove sub.
 Moved DoCycleComment call to before StrtPos move in related subs.

 Modified: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3a
 Created: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3b
 Versions: ncCad 4.32.03/ncCAM 4.32.03/ncPost 4.32.03/Compost 4.21.20
 Added BadMPWFOReport sub.
  Reports when MultipleParts AND WorkFixtureOffsets = TRUE AND EquallySpacedOffset values exist.
  Added FORMAT #8, '?#bbbb.bbbb#', for PartShiftX#, PartShiftY# and PartShiftZ# commands.
 Moved SeqC and EOL outside of IF ELSE condition at ExitMove sub.
 Moved SeqC AbsOrInc and EOL outside of IF ELSE condition at AutoCycCutSub2 sub.
 Deleted ReSetPass2 at end of ZonlyRepAutoCycle sub.
  Already executed at end of call to AutoCycCutSub2 sub.

 Modified: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3b
 Created: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3c
 Added support of CRC during multiple pocket dog-bone operation.
  Added condition to output CRCOnC for XMove OR YMove only at CkCRC sub.
   Outputs G41/G42 on First LineFeat after Z Plunge.
  Modified condition to output CRCOffC for LastFeat AND AutoCycle at ToolPath RapidFeat.
   Assures that G40 is not output prior to LastFeat.
  Added CRCOffC to RapidFeat at ToolPath.
   Outputs G40 at all Z Retract blocks.

 Modified: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3c
 Created: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3d
 Modified support of CRC during multiple pocket dog-bone operation.
  Modified condition to output CRCOffC for ZMoveOnly Feature at ToolPath RapidFeat.

 Modified: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3d
 Created: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3e
 Changed First occurance of GetConnect to RapidC at ZonlyRepAutoCycle sub.
  FeedConnect only applies to Each Repeat, not Each Feature.

 Modified: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3e
 Created: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3f
 Modified CkCRC sub.
  Changed logic to output CRCOnC in OneFeat, Non-ZMove ToolPath.
  Added logic to suppress output of CRCOnC on ZMove Feature.

 Modified: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3f
 Created: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3g
 Deleted GetConnect sub, modified XYZRep, XYZRepAutoCycle and ZonlyRepAutoCycle subs, see 11/16/94.

 Modified: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3g
 Created: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3h
 Moved ResetCRCNum from common point of all operations to CkCRC sub.

 Modified: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3h
 Created: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3i
 Modified ckCRC Sub to v2.20 per M001.85.02.
 Added FormatLine Sub.
 Added ckCRCNum sub.
 Modified RapidFeat.
 Modified LineFeat

 Modified: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3i
 Created: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3j
 Added OptCyc1F to PSInit sub.
 Added SetDrillEndOpZ sub and call to same at IF Drilling.
 Combined 'G80' and RapidC ZCP3C block at IF Drilling.

 Modified: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3j
 Created: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3k
 Added IF SPXMove? OR SPYMove? 2 places at XYZRep.

 Modified: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3k
 Created: LongHand [AbsOrInc] M001.81.3l
 Modified ZonlyRepAutoCycle to call EntryMove for all cases.

{4/9/96, B001.12, Updated for Catalyst v3.0, DWB}
{4/10/96, B001.12, Deleted IF ChangeCS condition for WFOCS at NotSameToolWFO, DWB}

 Modified: LongHand (FW) B001.12
 Versions: ncCad 4.33.02/ncCAM 4.33.01/ncPost 4.33.09/Catalyst v3.04.05C/Compost 4.21.37/1.0a
 Corrected bad OR condition at End2 sub.
 Corrected problems with MultipleParts AND WorkFixtureOffsets.
  Modified DoPartCycleComment.
  Modified OpenMP.
  Modified CloseMP.
  Deleted WFOStuff and all calls to same.
  Deleted ResetWFO and all calls to same.
  Modified MPallTools1P.
  Modified MP1ToollAllPfu.
  Modified MP1ToollAllPXcp.
  Modified EndPartSub.
  Modified DoNewPart.

 Modified: LongHand (FW) B001.12
 Created: LongHand (FW) B001.12a
 Modified logic of MultipleParts OneToolAllParts at GetToolLastOP sub.
  Problem with output when there are blank operations prior to SameTool.
  Minor modifications made to MPLoop and GetToolFirstOp subs.
  Added Flag(2) and Flag(3).

 Modified: LongHand (FW) B001.12a
 Created: LongHand (FW) B001.12b
 Added LongDrillStuff.
  Uses Var(8).

 Modified: LongHand (FW) B001.12b
 Created: LongHand (FW) B001.12c
 Added .14 Additions:
  NOTE: These changes have not been compiled yet.
  Changed FORMAT#2 from ###.###;0. to #####.###;0. at Prog Numeric Format Definitions.
  Changed FORMAT#3 from *###.###;0. to *#####.###;0. at Prog Numeric Format Definitions.
  Deleted Flag(1) for CRCOffsetC at ckCRC and ckCRCNum subs and at setup and initializations.
  Added NOT LastFeat? AND Equal? SPZ# EPZ# condition at ckCRCNum sub.
  Moved contents of FormatLine back to ToolPath LineFeat.
  Deleted version comments.
  Simplified ExitMove sub.
  Deleted OpenMP and CloseMP commands.
  Simplified EndPartSub sub.
  Modified WorkFixtureOffset logic.
   Added Flag(1) for WFOStuff at setup and initializations.
   Added WFONum sub.
   Rewrote logic at WFOStuff sub.
   Added EOL to NewWFO MP WFOStuff sub Warning.
   Deleted SeqC and EOL at WFOStuff sub.
   Added Flag(1) logic at start of EachOp/NextOp Loop.
   Moved WFOStuff after MP-OTAP-FU condition at FirstOperation and NewTool.
   Added WFOStuff for MP-OTAP-ECP condition at FirstOperation and NewTool.
   Added AbsOrInc Rapid to StrtPos block for MP-OTAP-ECP condition at FirstOperation and NewTool.
   Added SeqC and EOL at WFOStuff calls at GetStartOfSameTool, FirstOperation and NewTool.
  Moved Speed SpinOn after MP-OTAP-FU condition at FirstOperation and NewTool.
  Added Speed SpinOn for MP-OTAP-ECP condition at FirstOperation and NewTool.
  Added SetMaxFeed(12700) for Metric VNC files.

 Modified: LongHand (FW) B001.12c
 Created: LongHand (FW) B001.12d
 Added TrackXNO# to FORMAT#4 at Prog Numeric Format Definitions.
 Added TrackYNO# to FORMAT#4 at Prog Numeric Format Definitions.
 Added IF FirstOperation? OR EquallySpacedOffsets? condition at MPallTools1P sub.
  Post was not outputting WFOStuff for NewTool Operations during MP-ESO-OPAT condition.
 Deleted IF WorkFixtureOffsets? condition at DoNewPart sub.
  Post was not outputting WFOStuff for NewPart during MP-ESO-OTAP condition.
 Deleted all occurances of TagInit, TagInc and Tag#.
  Replaced with PartNum# for better WFO handling.

 Modified: LongHand (FW) B001.12d
 Created: LongHand (FW) B001.12e
 Added SetPass1 at OpGuts IF Milling AND IF AutoCycle.
  This fixed problem with returning to FirstHome at end of prog when final Operation consisted of
   NoRepAutoCycle or XYZRepAutoCycle types.
  ZonlyRepAutoCycle type did not seem to create this problem.

 Modified: LongHand (FW) B001.12e
 Created: LongHand (FW) ...
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