Heid TNC 2500 [QM] MU48.85.2.txt

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{Change Comments ***********************************************************}

 Copied & Modified: Heidenhain TNC 145C M082.53
 For: Galaxy Die & Engineering.
 Control: Heidenhain TNC 145C
 Modified to have only 1 space between codes.
 Added L address before Z moves.
 Use Speed from ncCam.
 Modified SpinOn to be M13 [CW] and M14 [CCW].
 Added first and last lines.
 Added M6 after tool call.
 Deleted CoolOn and CoolOff commands.
Jim Radcliffe}

 Updated: Heid TNC151 Bridgeport M139.55
 For: Galaxy Die & Engineering.
 Changed all RapidF to 'F3999'.
 Deleted LBL 1 thru LBL 0 lines, toolchange subroutine, from beginning of prog.
 Moved HomePos & CP1 after M06 in FirstOp & NewTool.
 Changed M05 to M25 for spindle up.
 Added missing FORMAT for ZDepth#.
 Changed ClearancePlane2# in Milling to ZCP2.
 Added FORMAT #9 for cycle defs SETUP & PECKG that require a negative sign which is literal.
 Deleted ZDepth# preceding IncValue and following AbsOrInc.
 Changed ZDepth# in PECKG to ZDepthInc#, using FORMAT #9.
 Changed FORMAT for ClearancePlane2# to FORMAT #9.
 Changed FORMAT for Peck# to FORMAT #9.
Jim Radcliffe}

{7/24/90, Added InitProg globally to posts with this remark, DWB}

 Copied & Modified: Heid TNC151 Bridgeport M139.58
 For: Phoenix Machine & Design
 Machine: Interact 412
 Control: Heidenhain TNC 151B/151Q
 Updated to Version 3.2 per Fanuc 6M M001.76.1 Format.
 Customer requests:
  Added SaveProgNum2 and replaced ProgID1 with Program# at beginning and end becuase decimal point
   is not allowed in opening statement.
  Added ASCII('3') at end to cause DNC to stop sending.
 Form changes:
  Modified Rapid FeedRate (XXXX^X) from 0 to 3999
  Modified 'F' default format from '00^0' to '###^0'
 Prog changes:
  Cleaned up FORMATs for better readability.
  Added SPZ#, EPX#, EPY#, EPZ#, ArcI# and ArcJ# and FORMATs for same, for AutoCycle output
   which requires literal 'I' before each axis address to indicate incremental moves.
  Added FORMATs for RepeatX#, RepeatY#, RepeatZ#, OriginUnShiftRX#, OriginUnShiftRY# and
   OriginUnShiftRZ# for correct output.
  Added TLDia#, TLLength# and TLNum# and FORMATs for same, for Tool Definition Loop at beginning.
  Added RapidF# and FORMAT for same, and replaced all literal 'F3999' to RapidF for ease of
   future conversions.

 Updated: Heid TNC 151 BP M139.76.1 to .81 format
 Other changes for simplicity and ease of future updates or modifications.
  Changed HomeX# & HomeY# to Home
  Changed StartPosX# & StartPosY# to StrtPos
  Changed all literal L to use the sub DoL
  Changed all literal R0 to use the sub DoR0
Jim Radcliffe}

 Copied & modified: Heid TNC 151 BP M139.81
 For: Belden Wire & Cable
 Machine: Bridgeport Series 1 Interact
 Control: Heidenhain TNC 151A
 Summary of major changes per customer requests:
  Added an asterisk before comments.
  Deleted the Tool List from the beginning of program.
  Modified layout of output at beginning and ending of operations.
  Modified repeats of subs.
  Do a ' STOP' before ' Tool Call'.
Jim Radcliffe}

 Copied & modified: Heid TNC 151A BP S1 M508.81
 For: Neilson Machine
 Summary of major changes per customer requests:
   Removed M25 and STOP M from after every operation except last operation
   Added support for Rigid Tapping
   Changed Tool Change from Manual to Automatic by removing the STOP M
      and adding "L R F M06" to the line after the "TOOL CALL"
   Fixed the Spindle on command to output the right command if CoolOff?
      and handle CW & CCW spindle directions
   Added TOOL DEF lines for every tool to start of program and hardcoded
      the L and R values to -1.5 and 0
Tom Hubina}

{10/4/95, Updated Heid TNC 151A S1 [NM] M711.81.1 to .85 format per v2.20 Update Instructions .01, JR}

	Format: Heid TNC 151A S1 [NM] M711.85.1
	Changed format of CallMasterNum# to #5

{12/12/95, M711.85.1, Updated for Catalyst v2.20 per Fanuc 6M M001.85.02 Format, DWB}

	Initial: Heid TNC 151A S1 [NM] M711.85.2
	Created: Heid TNC 151A S1 MXXX.85
	Set tool length offsets at program beginning to 0.000, set	program # to zero after it is output at
	program beginning in order to # subs properly. This post uses a pecking cycle even for non-pecking drilling
	operations, changed the peck depth for these operations from ZDepthInc# to ZDepth#,, changed rapid speed in RF sub to 4500, added
	toolchange to Tool 1 at program end, MPK}
	Initial: Heid TNC 151 [ESS] M979.85
	Created: Heid TNC 2500 M979.85.1
	Changed the tool list in FirstOp to output the tool radius, MPK}
	Initial: Heid TNC 151 [ESS] M979.85.1
	Created: Heid TNC 2500 M979.85.2
	Eliminated move to ZCP1 in FirstOp and NewTool, tool positions in X & Y at full up before Z move, so there was no reason
	not to move straight to ZCP2, since those lines were deleted, I added a check to the IF Drilling? section for which plane to retract
	to. If rectract to ZCP1 is true, then the ZCP1 line which was removed from FirstOp and NewTool is output, added GetCoolAndSpin 
	sub to differentiate between M03/M13 and M04/M14 , Eliminated M25 at program end, MPK}

{5/24/96, Updated to .89 format, MPK}

	Initial: Heid TNC 2500 [ESS] M979.89
	Created: Heid TNC 2500 [ESS] M979.89.1
	For: Engineering Support Systems
	Formatted DIV# with format #7,
	Formatted all positioning moves to 4 decimal places,
	added DoHelix sub and modified FormatArc per Heid TNC 155 [ESS] M980.89.1, MPK}

 Copied: Heid TNC 2500 [ESS] M979.89.1
 Created: Heid TNC 2500 [QM] MU48.85
 For: Quadra Manufacturing
 Machine: Bridgeport
 Control: Heidenhain TNC 2500
 Versions: Catalyst v4.23.13(mac)/ComPost2 1.1b3
 Versions: ncCad 4.33.02/ncCAM 4.33.01/ncPost 4.33.10/ComPost2 1.1b3
 Changes made per Tony Ellingson, sample parts and phone conversations.
 NOTE: This post was reverted to .85 to bypass alert that occurs when post encounters SetSRXYtoEP command at ZonlyRepAutoCycle.
  This was accomplished by commenting out related portions.
 Customer reported problem generating XZPlane Arcs.
  Control follows Gibbs System method, not Fanuc Right Hand Rule.
  Changed ReverseXZArcs to StandardXZArcs at setup and initializations.
 Customer requested Modal FeedRates during ToolPath.
  Added Var(1) and Flag(4).
   Var(1) stores FeedRate value to be checked against current value.
   Flag(4) TRUE means FeedRates are same, output F Address only.
   FlagF(4) FALSE means FeedRates change, output F Address with value.
  Added ckFeedRate Procedure.
   Called from ToolPath.
   Compares current FeedRate value to Var(1).
   Stores Var(1) and sets Flag(4)
   NOTE: Flag(4) automatically set to FALSE during Decel routine and at RapidFeat.
  Added FR Procedure.
   Called from LineFeat and ArcFeat.
 Other modifications per customer requests:
  Changed ' F4500' to ' FMAX' at RF Procedure.
  Added condition to bypass Short ArcFeat at ArcFeat.
  Deleted EachTool/NextTool Loop at FirstOperation.
  Changed ' M' to ' M25', FullUp command, at FirstOperation and end of Prog.
  Deleted ' TOOL CALL 1 Z S1500' block at end of Prog.
  Deleted ' L R F M06' block at end of Prog.
  Added ' STOP M02' block at FirstOperation.

 Modified: Heid TNC 2500 [QM] MU48.85
 Created: Heid TNC 2500 [QM] MU48.85.1
 For: Quadra Manufacturing
 Versions: Catalyst v4.23.13(mac)/ComPost2 1.1b3
 Changes made per Tony Ellingson and phone conversations.
 Customer reported that STOP M02 command at FirstOperation causes control to rewind back to top of output.
  This causes an endless loop between the first two blocks.
  Changed 'STOP M02' to 'STOP M' at FirstOperation.
 Modified Modal FeedRates for improved control.
 Added FeedRateInit Procedure.
  Saves zero to Var(1) and sets Flag(4) to FALSE.
  Called from ToolPath RapidFeat, ToolPath LineFeat Decelerate, ToolPath ArcFeat Decelerate, Milling and
   at Common Point.
  Added Var(1) and Flag(4) to FeedEntry at EntryMove.
  Deleted FirstFeat condition at ckFeedRate Procedure.
  Deleted RapidFeat condition at ckFeedRate Procedure.
  Moved ckFeedRate Procedure call to NOT RapidFeat at ToolPath.
  Added condition to output literal ' F' for FeedConnect at ZonlyRep.
 Moved ProgStop to MP-ATOP condition at end of Prog.

 Modified: Heid TNC 2500 [QM] MU48.85.1
 Created: Heid TNC 2500 [QM] MU48.85.2
 For: Quadra Manufacturing
 Versions: Catalyst v4.23.13(mac)/ComPost2 1.1b3
 Changes made per Tony Ellingson, phone conversations and LEX-304 1/51 Part File.
 Customer reported that FMAX does not cancel Modal FeedRates.
  Modified to not unconditionally force FeedRate following RapidFeat.
 Customer reported that Post needs to support Engraving Clearance FeedEntry Moves.
  Engraving Clearance Move consists of Rapid ZMove followed by Rapid XYMove followed by FeedEnt
  FeedRate outputs FeedEntry# when ZMove = TRUE and FeedEntry# is LessThan FeedContour#.
  Added ckEngraveMove Procedure.
   Tests for LAST Rapid ZMove AND Rapid XYMove and NEXT Line ZMove.
   Saves -1 to Var(1) and SetFlagF(4).
  Added condition to test Var(1) at ckFeedRate and FR Procedures.
   FR Procedure tests for IF LessThan? FeedEntry# FeedContour#.
  Changed FeedRateInit call to ckEngraveMove call at ToolPath RapidFeat.
 Made additional modal FeedRate modifications.
  Purpose was to force FeedRate at start of subs and to suppress FeedRates during Repeat
  Added ckFeedEnt Procedure.
   Called at EntryMove, FinishSub1, AutoCycCutSub2, G92Sub, three places at ZonlyRepAutoCycle, three
    places at ZonlyRep a...
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