Believe a man.doc

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Believe a man


1. Caught myself on being foolish again

How many times I've said

I'd never...

He told me I'm the best he's ever had

Just how truly it sounded

I should never...



Believe a man

Believe a word he says

Believe I'm the only one

Believe he's all mine

When every proof in the world

Shows he ain't reliable

Oh, poor me, how couldn't I see

You clearly lack honesty

God help me I'll never believe a man again


2. He was holding her hand out in the open

Couldn't believe what they've told me

He'd never...

I'd die for him, steal, lie and murder

I thought we're one for another

I should never...



You were so good to me

Giving me all I need

The perfect mask you wear

I'd never take off myself

With the show you performed

I quickly fell in love

But people saw your act

And told me I should not

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