Mad Scientist.pdf

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the Mad Scientist
Why, yes, I do consider myself to be an expert on the subject of monsters... having
created a few of my own. Oh no, don't worry. I gave up such things and have
dedicated my life to eradicating monsters now.
Hmm... yes... eradicating them... most certainly...
A Monster of the Week
Mad Scientist playbook by Reid (Reidzilla) San Filippo.
To make your Mad Scientist, pick a name. Then follow the
instructions below to decide your look, ratings, moves, and
gear. Finally, introduce yourself and pick history.
Whenever you roll a highlighted rating, mark experience.
look, pick one from each list:
man, woman, boy, girl.
normal clothes, lab coat, tweed jacket, shabby clothes,
high class suit, street wear, hazmat suit.
large goggles, electric bow-tie, crazy hair, distinctive
scar, industrial rubber gloves, spooky eyes, prosthetic /
robotic limb, super-sized tool belt.
 
Basic moves:
Manipulate Someone
Pick one line, then mark each rating on the right
Charm=0, Cool+1,
Sharp+1, Tough-1, Weird+2
Charm-1, Cool+2, Sharp=0, Tough-1, Weird+2
Charm-1, Cool+1, Sharp+2, Tough-2, Weird+2
Charm+1, Cool=0, Sharp+2, Tough=0, Weird+2
Cool+1, Sharp+1, Tough=0, Weird+2
Basic moves:
Act Under Pressure, Help Out
Basic moves:
Investigate, Read a Bad Situation
Basic moves:
Kick Some Ass, Protect Someone
Area of Study
Basic moves:
Use Magic
While you displayed a great aptitude for the unnatural
sciences, you excelled at one in particular. When dealing
with a roll involving your specialty, gain +1 ongoing. Exact definitions of each are to be defined by the group.
Pick an Area of Study:
Necromantic animation
Alchemical recombination
Bio-genetic engineering
Hypno-kinetic manipulation
Cybernetic augmentation
Fringe physics
Demonic channeling
Philosophical engineering
You get all the basic moves, and three Mad Scientist moves.
You have a special understanding
of minions and how they think. You can attempt to use the
Manipulate Someone
move on minions, regardless of
whether they would normally respond to (or even
understand) human speech. When you do, roll +Weird instead
of +Charm.
You have mastered the arts of combining
theoretical science and magic. When making a
Use Magic
move, you may replace one or more of the normal spell
requirements set by the Keeper with Weird Science!
Sample Weird Science! Use Magic requirements:
The spell requires a several parts of a freshly deceased corpse.
The spell requires a mishmash of electrical / mechanical
The spell requires large amounts of electrical energy.
The spell requires the target to imbibe an alchemical
The spell requires the target to be temporarily possessed.
leave without exception circumstances (Keeper choice).
Surgical Room.
While it is not your forte, you can use this
equipment to heal people, and have the space for one or two
to recuperate. The Keeper will tell you how long any patient's
recovery is likely to take, and if you need extra supplies or
Examination Room.
You use this room to find out more
about creatures by taking them apart. Should you spend some
quality time with a minion or a piece of the monster you are
currently hunting, take +1 forward to
investigate the
Holding Cell.
You have very secure room designed to contain
things man was not meant to know about. It includes many
types of monitoring equipment, robot self-cleaning, and an
automated feeding system.
Off the Grid.
Do to the covert nature of your research, your
lab is completely hidden and untraceable. Even the other
hunters cannot find it unless you lead them in. Also, all
communication made from within the lab are untraceable as
Fabrication Workshop.
Since most of your equipment is a bit
unorthodox and probably illegal, you make most of your own
gear. If you
need a special item,
roll +Weird. On a 10+ you
can make it (and plenty of it if that matters). On a 7-9 you can
make it, but only barely. On a miss, you've got the crafted
wrong thing.
Ritual Workshop.
You have a special lab with all kinds of
weird ingredients and tools useful for casting spells (like the
use magic
move, big magic, and any other magical moves).
Defense System.
Your lab is safe from intrusion – the
security system is designed to repel unwanted guests with
maximum force. Invaders might be able to do something
special to evade the defense system, but not easily.
You have a lair... err... lab that is quite
adequate for working in private. Pick three of the options
below for your lab:
Personal Minions.
The lab is manned by some of your former
creations. They cook, clean, repair things, monitor
experiments, and generally make themselves useful. As long
as the other hunters do not try to kill them, they help them as
well. Unfortunately, for esoteric reasons, they can never
Smart House.
Your entire lab is controlled by a sentient A.I.
system that is very loyal and protective of you. While it has
very little ability to effect the world outside, it does
everything it can to make you very comfortable at home.
Also, When you do an internet search, take +1 forward to
investigate the mystery
(as long as info would be available
Gain a permanent +1 ongoing to one Basic Move of choice.
Gain a permanent 1-armor value to your body (does not
stack with armor).
Gain a natural attack from the Monstrous playbook.
If a hunter goes through this process a second time, the
hunter must change playbooks to the Monstrous (or
another monster-type, e.g. Summoned if you are using it).
Was A Bad, Bad Man:
You get +2 to a
move on bystanders if you use fear and
me, I'm a Doctor:
You can use you knowledge of
“medicine” and “anatomy” to heal people.
when you do first
Roll +Weird. First aid can only be used once per injury.
On a 10+ the patient is stabilized and healed of 2 harm.
On a 7-9 choose one: heal 1 harm; stabilize the injury.
On a miss, something unexpected occurs. The subject will
gain a weird side effect of the Keeper's choice .
Given a bit of time you can turn
house hold accessible items into a temporary but hideous
weapon. When you try this, roll +Weird:
On a 10+, (2-harm magic close loud one-use) and you can
pick two from the list below.
On a 7-9, (1-harm magic close loud one-use) and you can
pick one from the list below.
On a miss, you suffer 1 harm as it blows up in your face.
Hideous Effects:
May be used up to three times... hopefully.
add +1 harm area.
add +2 harm messy heavy.
add fire and ap.
add +4 harm messy heavy and it blows up for 2 harm area.
add healing and messy.
Look Familiar...:
Once per hunt, you may ask the
Keeper whether you recognize a bit of your old handiwork or
something you ran across in your studies. The Keeper can
choose to prompt this anytime and as many times as they
wish. When you run across something familiar, roll +Sharp:
On a 10+, you can ask two of the questions below.
On a 7-9, you can ask one of the questions below.
On a miss, the Keeper holds 2 against you to be used
against future rolls.
What is one of this monster's weaknesses?
Do I know who might have created a beast like this?
What is the monster's most deadly ability?
Would this monster be capable of planning this on its own?
What is the monster most likely to do next?
Can Make You Stronger...:
You can use the principles of
twisted science to permanently empower one of your fellow
hunters... for a price. The hunter must sacrifice a Luck point
and will be a little less than human from now on. A hunter can
only go through with this once, safely. To perform the
operation, roll +Weird:
On a 10+, Success! The hunter can pick two options from
On a 7-9, Success! The hunter can pick one option from
On a miss, Disaster! The hunter is scarred for life and still
loses the Luck.
Possible Twisted Enhancements:
Former Fiend
You have a dark villainous past that comes back you haunt you. Whenever you spend a point of Luck or the Keeper brings
them into a mystery, someone or something comes out of the woodwork and you have to deal with it. When this happens
pick one from the list below. When you have dealt with it completely, mark experience.
relative of someone you killed is
coming for revenge.
hunters find evidence connecting
you to the current monster.
current monster publicly
identifies you as its creator.
suffer a bout of madness that lasts
until the end of the mystery.
bystander identifies you as a fiend
and turns against the group.
local authorities have a warrant
out for your arrest.
monster appears. One that
you recognize all too well...
tries to blackmail you into
helping them with an “experiment”.
exposure to vile substances has
left you with a lingering illness.
of the bystanders wants you to
help them shed their humanity.
Pick one Weird Science weapon and one backup weapons.
Weird Science weapons (pick one):
chainsaw (4-harm hand heavy messy unreliable)
claw (3-harm hand ap heavy useful unreliable)
(3-harm close messy unreliable)
rifle (3-harm far messy loud reload unreliable)
gun (3-harm far messy area fire reload unreliable)
Backup weapons (pick one):
revolver (2-harm close reload loud)
(2-harm close loud)
saw (2-harm hand messy)
(1-harm intimate balanced)
(0-harm intimate drugged)
When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you can do your introductions together.
Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your Mad Scientist by name and look, and tell the group what they know
about you.
Go around the group again. When it's your turn, pick one for each of the other Mad Scientists:
Mad Scientist
...hunted you when you were “evil”. Tell them how you feel about them. an old “patient” of yours. Tell them what you did to them. the person who helped rehabilitate you to “good”. Ask them why they did not kill you. related to you somehow. Ask them why they never turned you in.
...would make a wonderful test subject. Tell them why, in detail.
...was your arch nemesis and is now your friend. Tell them why you never killed them.
...has known you since their childhood. Tell them why you could never hurt them. suffering from dark temptations. Ask them how they think you can help them.
You can mark off a Luck box to
change a roll you just made to a 12, as if you had rolled that;
change a wound you
have just taken to count as just 0-harm. If your Luck boxes all get filled, you've run out of good luck.
When you suffer harm, mark of the number of boxes equal to harm suffered. More than four harm is especially dangerous.
(Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes)
Leveling Up
Whenever you roll a highlighted rating, or a move tells you to, mark an experience box.
When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the list below.
Get +1 Weird, max +3
Get +1 Cool, max +2
Get +1 Sharp, max +2
Get +1 Tough, max +2
Take another Mad Scientist move
Take another Mad Scientist move
Gain an Ally (one of your old minions, returned or recently
Pick another option for your lab, including any from the Expert's
Haven list.
Take a move from another playbook
Take a move from another playbook
After you have leveled up
times, you qualify for advanced improvements in addition to these, from the list below.
Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
Change this Mad Scientist to a new type.
Make up a second Mad Scientist to play as well as this one.
Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
Retire this Mad Scientist to safety.
Erase one used luck mark from your playbook
Notes (moves, holds, etc)
Monster of the Week
An action/horror roleplaying game about monster hunters in the modern world.
By Michael Sands.
Find it on the web at;
or on Twitter:
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