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Her Five Favorite
by Gina Gordan
Breathless Press
Calgary, Alberta
This is a work of fiction.
Names, characters, places, and
incidents are products of the
author’s imagination or are
used fictitiously and are not to
be construed as real. Any
resemblance to actual events,
locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is
entirely coincidental.
Her Five Favorite Words
Copyright© 2010 Gina Gordan
ISBN: 978-1-926771-36-6
Cover Artist: Justyn Perry
Editor: Piper Grey
All rights reserved. No part of
this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in
permission, except in the case
of brief quotations embodied in
Breathless Press
For D.
Becca knelt on the tiled bathroom
floor and gazed at the impressive bulge
level with her eyes. The background
chatter seeping through the door almost
drowned out the heavy click of metal as he
locked them in, ensuring their privacy in
the single washroom of the coffee shop.
She leaned forward, taking in the
musky scent contrasting with the smell of
pine hanging in the air around them. His
long fingers slid his zipper down,
releasing his erection. He was long. He
was pink. He was—
“What can I get you?” The lady
standing at the register tapped her fingers
on the counter.
Becca cleared her throat and shook
away the remnant of her fantasy. Then she
whispered her five favorite words,
“Grande, vanilla, extra-hot latte.”
Saying them had become a ritual.
Or rather half of it. Every morning she
started her day with a drink and a hot
daydream about Mr. Sexy.
The object of her obsession stood
just a couple of people behind her in the
line. His presence heightened Becca’s
senses: The coffee smelled sweeter, the
music sang louder, and the ache between
her legs throbbed harder, exciting her to
the brink of gasping.
She stole a glance over her
shoulder before she took back her credit
card. He was wearing his lime green golf
shirt. Not many men could pull it off but
he could, with his cropped brown hair and
his chocolate eyes.
His lean frame towered over the
others, making it easy for her to watch him
while she waited for her latte. One simple
glance had her visualizing his hard body
lying on top of her and his strong hands
creeping up her skirt, stroking her until she
crippled over in orgasm.
“Grande, vanilla, extra-hot latte!”
The merry voice almost sang the last
Becca secured a lid to her
cardboard cup and stole one last look. Her
legs weakened at the sight of his sly smile.
Before she could melt into a puddle, she
raced out the double doors into the cool
office building’s lobby.
concourse, she tried to tamp down her
sexual energy. She focused on the beat of
her heels clicking against the granite
squares. The fresh aroma of her coffee and
milk pulled her back, sending her insides
into another tizzy.
Her shoe clicked one last time
before she hit the carpet. She pushed the
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