quell memento walkthrough.txt

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Quell Memento

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FAQ/Walkthrough by heavysnarker

Version: 1.24 | Updated: 09/17/15 | Printable Version | Search | Bookmark

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   Game:            Quell Memento
   Platform:        Android (also available on iOS and PS Vita)
   Game Publisher:  Fallen Tree Games

   Guide Created:   Sept 10, 2013
   Last Updated:    Sept 17, 2015
   Version:         1.24
   Author:          HSuke
   Email:           HeavySnarker yahoo com

   This is my very first game guide.
   Please contact me if you see any typos, mistakes, or other things I may 
   have overlooked. Suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!

|| Table of Contents ||

   Abbreviations and Legend.......[SecLeg]

   Stage Walkthroughs.............[SecWalk]
      A Cold Heart................[Chpt03]
      Ray of Light................[Chpt04]
      Positive Energy.............[Chpt05]
      Guiding Spirit..............[Chpt06]
      In Bloom....................[Chpt07]
      Timekeeper Levels...........[TKLevels]

|| Introduction ||    [SecIntro]

   Quell Memento is the 3rd release in a series of puzzle games by Fallen 
    Tree Games. The objective of each level is to swipe an orb in the 
    correct combination of directions to complete the tasks of that level.

   The 3rd game in the series contains these new additions:

      Light panels that change color to match any orbs that passes by. The 
        objective is usually to turn these blue
      Battery switches that turn the light panels off/on without changing 
        their color
      Colored Beams that light similar-colored diamonds. The objective is 
        to light every diamond their respective color
      In certain levels, red orbs will automatically move along a path 
        whenever a blue orb moves
      Roses - Toggle between open and closed states whenever they are 
        bumped. When in the open state, they can break orbs.

   This guide is a complete walkthrough to beating the 144 story and 24 
    timekeeper levels using the minimum moves, and obtaining the 145 hidden 
    jewels and 24 time pieces.
   There are 4 levels per stage, 4 stages per chapter, and 9 chapters in 
    the game. In addition to its Timekeeper levels, Quell Memento is actually 
    twice as long as its prequel, Quell Reflect.

   Some of the puzzles (especially the timekeeper ones) are very difficult 
    and took me > 30 minutes to solve. Do expect to get stuck quite a few.
   Copyright disclaimer: All solutions in this guide were discovered 
    separately by me (without using the in-game solutions) except where 
    stated (i.e. a few of the "Better than Us" solutions).

|| Abbreviations and Legend ||    [SecLeg]
   U - Up
   D - Down
   L - Left
   R - Right
   O1, O2, O3, etc. - Orb / Raindrop
   Orbs (aka raindrops) are labeled in order starting from the top-left 
    corner ... going top-to-down, and then left-to-right
      For example, the 5 orbs below would be labeled as such:
         O1 . . . O4
         .  . O3.  .
         O2 . . . O5

|| Stage Walkthrough ||    [SecWalk]

   *** Chapter 1 - Prologue *** [Chpt01]
   The first chapter starts off with the most basic and easiest levels in 
    the game.
      Prologue - Stage 1 [Chpt01Stg1]
         Level 1 - The Beginning of the End (4)
            Solution: U L D R
            Jewel:    U D U D U D
         Level 2 - Trapped Within (8)
            Solution: L D R U L D R L
            Jewel:    L D R U DUDUD
         Level 3 - Edge of Reason (6)
            Solution: U L D R D R
            Jewel:    U L RLRLR
         Level 4 - Early Days (5)
               O1: R D L
               O2: D L
            Jewel: O2: D UDUDU
      Prologue - Stage 2 [Chpt01Stg2]
         Level 1 - Distant Memories
            Solution: L D R U L D (6)
            Jewel:    L D UDUDU
         Level 2 - Keepsake (14)
            Solution: L R D R D L U L U R U D L U R
            Jewel:    L R D R D L UDU
         Level 3 - Combined Effort (10)
               O1: D R U R D R D L
               O3: U L
            Jewel: O2: D R U RLRLR
         Level 4 - Autumn Years (5)
            Solution: U L U L D
            Jewel:    L UDUDU
      Prologue - Stage 3 [Chpt01Stg3]
         Level 1 - Temptation (5)
            Solution: L U L D R
            Jewel:    L U LRLRL
         Level 2 - Cut Down (7)
            Solution: U R D L D R D
            Jewel:    L D RLRLR
         Level 3 - Living Apart (7)
               O1: R L U
               O2: R U L D
            Jewel: O2: R (ULDR)x2
            Timekeeper Portal 1am: O2: R U L D UDUDU
         Level 4 - Walking on Broken Glass (7)
               O1: D R
               O2: D L D L R
            Jewel: O1: D RLRLR
      Prologue - Stage 4 [Chpt01Stg4]
         Level 1 - Playing Cupid (7)
            Solution: R U L D L U L
            Jewel:    R U L DUDUD
            Timekeeper Portal 2am: R U L D L U DUDUD
         Level 2 - The Prospector (11)
            Solution: D L U L D L R (break gold) U R D L
            Jewel:    R D UDUDU
         Level 3 - Angle of Attack (5)
            Solution: D L U R D
            Jewel:    L D L U RLRLR
         Level 4 - Gold Ruse (8)
            Solution: L D R U R U D L
            Jewel:    R D UDUDU
   *** Chapter 02 - Illumination *** [Chpt02]
   This chapter introduces light blocks, which change color to red, blue, 
    or gold to match the color of the orb that passes them. In 
    order to pass the level, all blocks must be turned blue. In addition, 
    there are batteries that turn lights on and off. Lights won't change 
    color when they're off.

      Illumination - Stage 1 [Chpt02Stg1]
         Level 1 - Blue Shift (6)
            Solution: R D L U R D
            Jewel:    R D L U R LRLRL
         Level 2 - Everybody Hertz (11)
            Solution: U R L D L R U R U L D
            Jewel:    D L U DUDUD
         Level 3 - Satellite (5)
            Solution: U D R U L
            Jewel:    You can't miss it
         Level 4 - Stoplights (6)
               O1: U R D
               O2: U L D
            Jewel: O1: U DUDUD
      Illumination - Stage 2 [Chpt02Stg2]
         Level 1 - Inside Track (7)
               O1: R D L U
               O2: R U L
            Jewel: You can't miss it. It's hidden behind the gold block.
         Level 2 - Negativity (11)
            Solution: L D R U L R D R D U R
            Jewel:    R U R U R D R DUDUD
         Level 3 - Necklace (5)
            Solution: U R D L U
            Jewel:    U R L DUDUD
         Level 4 - Circuit Training (5)
            Solution: D R U D R L U R U L D R U L D R U
            Jewel:    D L U R LRLRL
      Illumination - Stage 3 [Chpt02Stg3]
         Level 1 - The Exchange (12)
               O1: L D
               O2: R U L U R U L
               O1: D R U
            Jewel: In the top left corner.
               O1: L D
               O2: R U L U R U L UDUDU
         Level 2 - Hang Back (11)
               O2: L
               O1: U R U L D R U
               O2: R U L
            Jewel: O1: U R U L D R LRLRL
         Level 3 - Savior (9)
               O2: D L U R D L
               O1: U L D
            Jewel: O2: D L U R D L RLRLR
         Level 4 - Pushover (9)
               O2: U
               O1: R
               O2: D L D R D L U
               O2: U L
               O1: R U R D L D LRLRL
            Timekeeper Portal 3am:
               O2: U L
               O1: R U R D L D L D R
               O2: R D L D R D L RLRLR
      Illumination - Stage 4 [Chpt02Stg4]
         Level 1 - Trip Switch (15)
            Solution: R D L R U L D L U D R U R D L
            Jewel:    L D UDUDU
         Level 2 - Elevator (10)
               O1: D
               O2: L U R D
               O1: U
               O2: U L D
               O1: D...
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