In Love And In Struggle.txt

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In Love And In Struggle 
The Musical Legacy Of The Jewish Labor Bund
Featuring Zalmen Mlotek, Adrienne Cooper, Dan Rous with The New Yiddish Chorale & The Workmen's Circle Chorus
List of Songs on the Recording

Hof un Gleyb (Hope and Faith) 
Maylid (Song of May) 
Barikadn (Barricades) 
Yidn shmidn (Jewish Blacksmiths) 
Eyder ikh leyg zikh shlofn (No Sooner Do I Lie Down to Sleep) 
In kampf (In Struggle) 
Vakht oyf! (Awake!) 
Mayn tsavoe (My Testament) 
Vilne (Vilna) 
In zaltsikn yam (In the Salty Sea) 
Hulyet, hulyet, beyze vintn! (Rampage, Rampage, Raging Winds!) 
Arbeter-froyen (Working Women) 
In ale gasn/Hey, hey, daloy politsey! (In Every Street/ Hey, Hey, Down with the Police!) 
Mayn rueplats (My Resting Place) 
Shnel loyfn di reder (The Wheels Turn Fast) 
Ballad of the Triangle Fire/Dos lid funem trayengl-fayer (Song of the Triangle Fire/Bread and Roses) 
Di tsukunft (The Future) 
Yugnt-himen (Youth Anthem) 
Di shvue (The Oath)
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