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1 After the death of Iosua the children of Israel axed the LORDE, and sayde: Who shall go vp & be or captayne of warre against ye Cananites?

2 The LORDE sayde: Iuda shall go vp. Beholde, I haue delyuered the londe in to his hande.

3 Then sayde Iuda vnto his brother Simeon: Go vp wt me in to my lot, and let vs fighte against the Cananites, then wyl I go agayne with the in to yi lot: So Simeon wente with him.

4 Now whan Iuda wente vp the LORDE delyuered the Cananites and Pheresites in to their hades, & they slewe te thousande me at Besek:

5 & they foude Adoni Besek at Besek, & foughte agaynst him, and slewe the Cananites and Pheresites.

6 But Adoni Besek fled, and they folowed after him: and whan they had ouertaken him, they cut of the thobes of his handes and fete.

7 Then sayde Adoni Besek: Thre score and ten kynges wt the thombes of their hades & fete cut of, gathered vp the meate yt was lefte vnder my table. Now as I haue done, so hath God rewarded me agayne. And he was broughte vnto Ierusale, where he dyed.

8 But ye childre of Iuda foughte agaynst Ierusalem, and wane it, and smote it with the edge of the swerde, and set fyre vpon the cite.

9 Then wente the children of Israel downe, to fighte agaynst ye Cananites, yt dwelt vpon the mount, and towarde the south, and in the valleys.

10 And Iuda wente agaynst the Cananites, which dwelt at Hebron. (As for Hebron, it was called Kiriatharba afore tyme) and they smote Sesai, & Achiman, and Thalmai.

11 And from thence he wente agaynst ye inhabiters of Debir (but Debir was called Kiriath Sepher aforetyme.)

12 And Caleb sayde: He yt smyteth Kiriath Sepher, & wynneth it, I wyl geue him my doughter Achsa to wife.

13 Then Athniel the sonne of Kenas, Calebs yongest brother wane it. And he gaue him his doughter Achsa to wife.

14 And it fortuned yt whan they wete in, she was counceled of hir housbande, to axe a pece of londe of hir father. And she fell from the asse. The sayde Caleb vnto her: What ayleth ye?

15 She sayde: Geue me a blessynge, for thou hast geuen me a south & drye londe, geue me also a watery londe. Then gaue he her a londe that was watery aboue and beneth.

16 And the childre of ye Kenyte Moses brother in lawe, wente vp out of the palme cite, with the children of Iuda in to the wyldernesse of Iuda, that lyeth on ye south syde of the cite Arad: and wente their waye, & dwelt amonge the people.

17 And Iuda wente with his brother Simeon, & they smote the Cananites at Zephath, & damned them, & called the name of the cite Horma.

18 Iuda also wanne Gasa with the borders therof, & Ascalon with hir borders, & Accaron with the coastes therof.

19 And the LORDE was wt Iuda, so that he conquered the mountaynes: but them that dwelt in the valley coulde he not conquere, because they had yron charettes.

20 And acordinge as Moses had sayde, they gaue Hebron vnto Caleb, which droue out the thre sonnes of Enak.

21 Howbeit ye children of Ben Iamin droue not out ye Iebusites which dwelt at Ierusalem, but ye Iebusites dwelt amonge the children of Ben Iamin at Ierusalem vnto this daye.

22 Likewyse the children of Ioseph wete vp also vnto Bethel, & the LORDE was wt the.

23 And the house of Ioseph spyed out Bethel (which afore tyme was called Lus)

24 and the watch men sawe a man goinge out of the cite, and saide vnto him: Shewe vs where we maye come in to the cite, & we wyll shewe mercy vpon the.

25 And whan he had shewed them where they mighte come in to the cite, they smote ye cite wt the edge of the swerde: but they let the man go & all his frendes.

26 Then wete the same man vp in to ye countre of the Hethites, & buylded a cite, and called it Lus, & so is the name of it yet vnto this daye.

27 And Manasses droue not out Beth Sean wt the vyllages therof, ner Thaenah with the vyllages therof, ner the inhabiters of Dor with the vyllages therof: ner the inbiters of Iebleam wt the vyllages therof, ner the inhabiters of Mageddo wt the vyllages therof, and ye Cananites beganne to dwell in the same londe.

28 But whan Israel was mightie, he made the Cananites tributaries, and droue them not out.

29 In like maner Ephraim droue not out ye Cananites that dwelt at Gaser, but the Cananites dwelt amonge them at Gaser.

30 Zabulon also droue not out the inhabiters of Kitron and Nahalol, but ye Cananites dwelt amonge them, & were tributaries.

31 Asser droue not out ye inhabiters of Aco, & ye inhabiters of Sidon, of Ahelab, of Achsib, of Helba, of Aphik & of Rehob,

32 but ye Asserites dwelt amoge the Cananites that dwelt in the lode, for they droue the not out.

33 Nephtali droue not out ye inhabiters of Beth Semes, ner of Beth Anath, but dwelt amonge the Cananites which dwelt in the londe: howbeit they of Beth Semes and of Beth Anath were tributaries.

34 And the Amorites subdued the childre of Dan vpon the mountaine, and suffred them not to come downe in to the valley.

35 And the Amorites beganne to dwell vpo mount Heres at Aiolon and at Saalbim. Howbeit ye hande of ye house of Ioseph was to sore for them, and they became tributaries.

36 And the border of the Amorites was, as a ma goeth vp towarde Acrabim, and from the rocke, & from the toppe.



1 But there came vp a messauger of ye LORDE from Gilgall vnto Bochim, and sayde: I haue caried you vp hither out of Egipte, and broughte you in to the londe that I sware vnto youre fathers, & saide: I wyl neuer breake my couenaunt wt you,

2 that ye shulde make no couenaunt with the indwellers of this londe, but breake downe their altares: Neuertheles ye haue not herkened vnto my voyce. Wherfore haue ye done this?

3 Then saide I morouer: I wil not dryue them out before you, that they maye be a fall vnto you, and their goddes a snare.

4 And whan ye messaunger of the LORDE had spoken these wordes vnto all the children of Israel, the people lefte vp their voyce, & wepte,

5 and called ye name of the place Bochim, and offred there vnto the LORDE.

6 For whan Iosua had sente awaye ye people, and the childre of Israel were gone, euery one to his enheritauce, for to take possession of the londe,

7 the people serued the LORDE as longe as Iosua lyued and ye Elders, which lyued longe after Iosua, and yt sawe all the greate workes of the LORDE, which he dyd for Israel.

8 Now whan Iosua the sonne of Nun, the seruaunt of the LORDE, was deed (whan he was an hudreth and ten yeare olde)

9 they buried him in ye border of his inheritaunce at Timnath Heres vpon mount Ephraim on the north syde of mount Gaas.

10 And whan all the same generacion was gathered vnto their fathers, there came vp after them another generacion, which knew not the LORDE, ner the workes that he had done for Israel.

11 Then wroughte the children of Israel euell before the LORDE, and serued Baalim,

12 and forsoke ye LORDE the God of their fathers (which broughte them out of the londe of Egipte) and folowed other goddes & the goddes of the nacions that dwelt rounde aboute them, & worshipped them, & displeased the LORDE:

13 for they forsoke ye LORDE euer more and more, and serued Baal and Astaroth.

14 Then ye wrath of the LORDE waxed whote vpo Israel, & he delyuered the in to ye handes of those yt spoyled the, that they mighte spoyle them, & solde the in to the handes of their enemies roude aboute, & they were not able to withstonde their enemies eny more,

15 but what waye so euer they wolde out, ye hade of the LORDE was agaynst the to their hurte (euen as the LORDE sayde and sware vnto them) and they were sore oppressed.

16 Now whan the LORDE raysed them vp iudges, which helped them out of the hande of soch as spoyled the,

17 they folowed not the iudges nether, but wente a whoringe after other goddes, & worshipped them, and were soone gone out of ye waye yt their fathers walked in, to heare the comaundementes of the LORDE, & dyd not as they dyd.

18 But whan ye LORDE raysed vp iudges vnto them, the LORDE was with ye iudge, and helped them out of the hande of their enemies, as longe as the iudge lyued. For the LORDE had pitie of their complaynte, which they made ouer those yt subdued the and oppressed them.

19 Neuertheles whan the iudge dyed, they turned backe, and marred all more the their fathers, so that they folowed other goddes to serue them and to bowe them selues vnto them: they wolde not fall from their purposes, ner from their obstinate waye.

20 Therfore waxed the wrath of the LORDE allwaie so whote ouer Israel, that he sayde: For so moch as the people haue transgressed my couenaunt, which I commaunded their fathers, & folowe not my voyce,

21 I wil from hence forth dryue out none of the Heythen, who Iosua lefte behynde him, wha he dyed,

22 that by them I maye proue Israel, whether they wil kepe the waye of the LORDE, to walke therin, as their fathers dyd, or not.

23 Thus the LORDE suffred all these nacions, so that in a shorte tyme he droue them not out, whom he had not geuen ouer in to Iosuas hande.



1 These are the nacions, whom the LORDE suffred to remayne, yt by them he mighte proue Israel, which had no vnderstondinge in the warres of Canaan:

2 onely because yt the trybes of the childre of Israel might knowe & lerne to warre, which afore had no knowlege therof,

3 namely: The fyue lordes of ye Philistynes, & all the Cananites, & Sidonians, & the Hethites yt dwelt vpon mount Libanus, fro mount Baal Hermon, vntyll a man come vnto Hemath.

4 The same remayned, that Israel mighte be proued by them, that it mighte be knowne whether they wolde herken to the commaundementes of the LORDE, which he commaunded their fathers by Moses.

5 Now whan the children of Israel dwelt thus amoge the Cananites, Hethites, Amorites, Pheresites, Heuites & Iebusites,

6 they toke their doughters to wyues, & gaue their doughters vnto their sonnes, & serued their goddes,

7 and wroughte wickednes before the LORDE, & forgat the LORDE their God, & serued Baalim & Astaroth.

8 Then ye wrath of ye LORDE waxed whote ouer Israel, & he solde the vnder the hade of Cusan Risathaim kynge of Mesopotamia, & so ye childre of Israel serued Cusan Risathaim viij. yeare.

9 The cried the childre of Israel vnto the LORDE, & the LORDE raysed the vp a sauior which delyuered the, namely Athniel ye sonne of Kenas, Calebs yongest brother.

10 And the sprete of the LORDE came vpon him, & he was iudge in Israel, & wente out a warre fare. And ye LORDE delyuered Cusan Risathaim the kynge of Syria in to his hade, so yt his hande was to stroge for him.

11 Then was the londe in rest fortye yeares. And Athniel the sonne of Kenas dyed.

12 But the children of Israel dyd yet more euell before the LORDE. Then the LORDE strengthed Eglon the kynge of ye Moabites agaynst ye childre of Israel, because they wrought wickednesse before ye LORDE.


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