
(26491 KB) Pobierz
The International Best for Modelling and Reference
April 2016 • £4.50
Volume 38 • Issue 02
Handley Page
Cold War Trainer
HobbyBoss FAA Corsair
How British Does it Get?
His Majesty’s Corsair
Gun Nose B-26
MustHave! Kit in 1/48
Pacific Invader
RV Aircraft Mirage IIIC
Finally in 1/72…
First Superior
Military & Civil Aviation – Military Weapons & Equipment – Naval Vessels
Gloster Javelin An
Operational History
M Napier
The author
blends official records
with personal
accounts to describe
the operational history
of this iconic jet
fighter. B&W photos.
HB 264pp
Heroes of the Sky
Lavishly illustrated
history of Soviet Avia-
tion in WWII. A boxed
two volume set, vol. 1
covers the history, vol.
2 contains 900 B&W
captioned photos.
HB 350pp
Spotlight on
Messerschmitt Bf 109
in Romania
T Liviu
Presents detailed
illustrations of
celebrated German
fighter planes from
World War II in the
Romanian Air Force.
HB 49pp
Haynes RAF V-Force
1955-69 Operations
A Brookes
Offers an insight into
the organisation,
aircraft and weaponry
of Britain’s Cold War
strategic nuclear
strike force.
HB 156pp
Warriors Fighting
Men and Their
M Windrow
This splendid collec-
tion of artwork and
commentaries illus-
trates famous com-
batants from all the
ages of military.
HB 320pp
Polish Wings 20
Yakovlev Yak-1,Yak-
W Sankowski
the story of the most
famous family of So-
viet fighter aircraft de-
ployed in the Polish Air
Force during WWII.
SB 96pp
Metallics Vol.2
F Vallejo
guide to realistic
metallic finishes. This
volume: applying
metallic effects over
historic and fantasy
figures, metallic effects
without metallic paints.
SB 74pp
Mushroom Republic
P-37B-D Razorback
R Peczkowski
Fully illustrated story
of the early ‘Razor-
back’ versions of the
P-47 with 22 scale
plans, photographs
and original drawings.
HB 148pp
The Panavia Tornado
A Photographic
M Leek
Through a collection
of dramatic and in-
formative photos and
cutaway illustrations,
this book highlights
the agility and flexibil-
ity of this RAF aircraft.
Many photos, some
previously unpublished,
were taken low level.
HB 240pp
Stations of Coastal
Command Then and
D Smith
Coastal Command
was created in 1936
alongside Fighter and
Bomber Commands.
This tells the Story of
Coastal Command
using a plethora of
then and now com-
parison photos. B&W
and colour photos.
HB 280pp
High Tide in the
Korean War, How an
American Regiment
Defeated the Chinese
at the Battle of
L Barren
By early 1951, Ameri-
can forces and their
UN allies had been
driven down the Ko-
rean peninsula. The
situation was bleak.
HB 415pp
Les Avions Breguet
Vol.1 L’Ere des
H Lacaze
The story of Louis
Breguet who originally
started his career in
electrical construction
but after 1905 moved
into aeronautics and
airplanes his first
steps being to design
rotorcraft and
HB 272pp
Naval Fighters 101
Grumman S2F/S-2
Tracker Pt.1
R Kawolski
The evolution of the
Grumman S2F/S-2
Tracker from the initial
requirement to its
eventual replacement
including service in
foreign militaries. With
110 line drawings,
370 B&W photos.
SB 200pp
Silver Swallows and
Blue Bandits. Air
Battles over North
Vietnam 1964-1975
I Toperczer
The full
operational history of
the North Vietnamese
Air Force during the
Vietnam War. Includes
reconstructions of the
dogfights between the
NVAF and the US. 340
B&W/colour photos.
HB 256pp
A History of RAF
Drem at War
M Fife
A comprehensive
history of WWII Fighter
Command airfield at
RAF Drem near
Edinburgh. It was one
of Scotland’s most
important airfields
in this conflict. Its
predecessor, the Royal
Flying Corps Gullane
air station is included.
SB 224pp
Battle of Britain
Combat Archive 2
S Parry
This Volume
covers the period from
23 July 1940 – 8 Au-
gust 1940 when the
fighting was intensify-
ing over the convoys
in the English Chan-
nel. Using contempo-
rary accounts such as
combat reports, intel-
ligence summaries.
SB 126pp
Super Drawings in
3D The Japanese
Aircraft Carrier
S Draminski
Brief history covering
the design, develop-
ment and career of
the Akagi followed by
a plethora of illustra-
tions including walk-
around 3D graphics
SB 82pp
ACES 128 Aces of
Jagdgeschwader Nr
G Wyngarden
History of the elite
fighter pilots that flew
the Jagdgeschwader
Nr III - the third of
Germany’s vaunted
fighter wings formed
during WWI. B&W
photos, Colour profiles.
SB 96pp
Warpaint 106
Sikorsky S-55/H-19
Chicasaw and
A Balch
Detailed his-
tory of the S-55/H-19
and Westland Whirl-
wind design and de-
velopment, use in
foreign service, civil-
ian operators, colour
schemes and more.
SB 60pp
The Supermarine
Swift A Technical
R Franks
A one-stop reference
guide containing a
wealth of historical
photos, walkaround
pictures, diagrams
from original flight
manuals. B&W photos,
and colour profiles.
SB 72pp
Cold War Jet Combat:
Air-to-Air Jet Fighter
Operations 1950 –
M Bowman
From the Korean War
and beyond this book
recounts nine of the
earliest wars involving
jet aircraft. With 200
Colour and black and
white photos.
HB 254pp
Kagero Photosniper
21 Ka-50 & Ka-52
J Fotjik
illustrated, this book
features the Werewolf,
Black Shark, Erdogan,
Alligator and other
attack helicopters. Well
illustrated with dozens
of colour in-action pho-
tos and walkarounds.
SB 96pp
Kagero Top
Drawings 30 Dornier
Do 17Z/Do 215
M Lukasik
Brief intro
to the Do17Z/Do 215
followed by a plethora
of line drawings,
colour profiles, A2 pull
out sections in 1:32/
1:48/1:72 scale and
masking foil.
SB 15pp
Kagero Monograph
63 Focke Wulf Ta 152
M Murawki
Well il-
lustrated monograph
detailing the history
and development of
the FW Ta 152, Ta 152
in combat, technical
specification plus
much more. B&W pho-
tos, colour profiles.
SB 80pp
Aero Journal 51
Dora 9 le Focke-
Wulf au long nez
FRENCH TEXT. well il-
lustrated with archive
photos, line drawings
and colour profiles.
SB 82pp
Batailles Aeriennes
75 Le Debarquement
en Provence 2e Partie:
Operation Dragoon
on air battles in the
south of France.
SB 98pp
LOS! Hors Series 11
Les Porte Avions de
l’US Navy
Lavishly illustrated
magazine B&W photos,
profiles and graphics.
SB 114pp
Aero Magazine 8
Curtiss H-75
CZECH TEXT. Lavishly
illustrated, focusing on
the history, service
and schemes of the
H-75 in the Czech AF.
SB 34pp
The Weathering
Magazine 14 Heavy
Looks at metal fin-
ishes and includes
features on Russian
IS-7 and Mig-15.
SB 70pp
Station 115
Shipdham: The
Story of a USAAF
P Bodle
The story of Shipdham,
a 600 acre WWII
airfield in Norfolk.
SB 176pp
Modelling the Eagle
M Reccia
Well illus-
trated, includes the
full production story
behind the new MPC
22-inch kit and build-
ing it plus much more.
SB 98pp
Scale Plans Mikoyan
Gurevich MiG-3
Booklet containing 12
pages of pull out line
drawings in three
scales (1:32: 48 & 72)
plus line drawings.
SB 12pp
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A Must Have Invader in 1/48
Jean-Luc Formery
Kit No:
Injection Moulded Plastic
Hannants/Sprue Brothers
rriving tardily during World War II, the
Douglas A-26 Invader was however used
on all fronts and was the only aircraft of
the USAF to have taken part in World War II, the
Korean War and Vietnam. It changed
denomination during its career when in 1948
the category A (for Attack) was cancelled. It was
renamed B-26, as was the Martin B-26 Marauder
which happens to have been withdrawn from
service the same year. Thus both should not be
The present 1/48 A-26 Invader from French
manufacturer MustHave! isn’t the first injection
moulded kit of the aircraft. Back in 1993
Monogram did a nice kit of this twin engine
medium bomber and it was reissued over the
years by Revell USA and Revell Germany. The
Monogram offering is typical of the brand at that
time with good overall detail but sadly it is also
one of the last to feature raised panel lines. While
some don’t see this as a problem, others like me
just can’t get along with them. Re scribing the
entire surface of the model is an option, but a
very time consuming one, so I was looking
forward to the new kit with great expectations
when it was first announced a couple of year
ago. The new MustHave! kit not only offers
engraved panel lines but also a mass of resin,
photo etched and metal parts which look very
nice in the box. The injected part however lack
the crispness of the Monogram parts, especially
the interior detail, but this is something that can
be addressed easily. It is of note that the
dimensions and parts breakdown are very
similar between both kits and my conviction is
that the older kit was more than an inspiration
for the most recent one.
get rid of the inevitable air bubbles. There were
not many but some were rather big so I filled
them with two part resin, though Cyanoacrylate
glue mixed with talcum powder works as well.
This all took some time as there are about
hundred resin parts in the box.
The plastic parts needed some attention as
well. There are not many, with about forty, clear
parts included, but the sprue gates are rather
heavy so care is required when removing the
injected components from the sprues. Once this
is done one can concentrate on the building.
Since this is a multimedia short run kit, I would
recommend test fitting all the parts prior to
While the build was mostly done with the
parts from the box, there were two areas I simply
couldn’t leave as they were, these being the port
cockpit sidewall and the port gunner’s
compartment sidewall. The moulded on details
on the inside of the fuselage halves are simply
too crude to be left as they are. One option
could have been to scratch build all the
instrument boxes located on the inside of the
fuselage but having some silicone at home I
opted for a simpler solution and made copies of
the sidewalls of the Monogram kit. These simply
replaced the poorer renditions on the MustHave!
parts, although given the generous helpings of
resin provided their omission remains a mystery
to me.
was time to do some building at last. I started
with the cockpit, which is mainly composed of
resin and photo etched parts. The parts went
together quite well and were soon ready to
receive a coat of Interior Green. The cabin floor
(resin part 38) also comprises the forward
landing gear well and was painted Yellow Zinc
Chromate. The latter colour was also used for the
bomb bay and the main gear wells with a lot of
variations in shade and tone to depict an aircraft
that has gone through numerous maintenance
I used basic techniques to achieve an
operational look for the interior. I first dry
brushed the parts and then applied a heavy
wash of dark brown tinted Klir, which is a
product similar to Johnson’s Future. Once
everything had dried I brush painted the details
using a very fine brush and Prince August paint.
Some panels are simply represented by the
decals present in the kit. The main instrument
panel is a photo etched part. Seat belts are
provided in the same material, as well as levers
for which the pommels were made using white
glue. This is a very simple and effective way to
make them look realistic.
The rear gunner’s compartment was trickier to
assemble than the cockpit. I had to test fit the
resin parts constantly and trim them, mostly the
floor and the rear bulkhead, to get an acceptable
result. I built and painted the very nice upper
gun turret but left it aside until the end of the
build for practical reasons.
House Cleaning
With a considerable amount of resin parts
included in the kit, the very first task is to free
them from their pouring stubs, clean them and
50 Shades of Green
With all the preparation work out of the way, it
W W W.
. CO. U K
The port cockpit sidewall is a resin copy from the
Monogram kit. It is an improvement over the
MustHave! version which is not nearly as crisp
Once assembled the cockpit looks very convincing. It is a mix of
resin, photo etched parts and some decals included in the kit
All the interior
parts painted
and ready to be
glued into the
fuselage halves.
Note the
various shades
of interior
colours to
depict an
aircraft that has
been through
The resin Pratt & Whitney R-2800
Double Wasp engines are very nice.
The author added some ignition wires
made from lead wire for good measure
Some plastic has to be removed from
the inside of the wings to make room
for separate ailerons (see red arrows)
The engine cowling flaps are depicted
in the opened position in the kit but it
is necessary to thin them down for a
more realistic appearance
Some of the resin parts must be adapted to fit, either by removing
some material or like here by adding some plastic card
The eight gun nose is a superbly sculpted piece but slightly too
small. Some Tamiya Two Part Epoxy was used to blend the resin part
to the fuselage
APRIL 2016
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