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Juice &
© 2012 Juice Master Ltd, please note that recipe designs do not reflect the designs in the books themselves.
Juices & Smoothies,
Dr. Juice,
Celebs &
Community Juices.
Juice Master to the stars and number 1 best-selling author Jason Vale
has squeezed over 100 funky ‘n’ fresh juice and smoothie recipes into
this latest book. There’s something for Gym Bunnies, a Kids Corner, as
well as a Dr. Juice section covering various health conditions and giving
specific juices and smoothies for: high blood pressure, asthma, hay fever,
psoriasis, arthritis, diabetes, digestion and many, many more. Warm up
your juicer, dust off your blender and brace your taste buds for the most
mouth-wateringly tantalizing fruit and veggie fusions ever created. Includes
a special Celebrity Juice section, with juice and smoothie concoctions from
Katie Price, Beverley Knight and other celebrity juicers .
Simon Nixon (Founder of
–”When the alarm goes off
at 7am, I head downstairs and get out the juicer. I throw in three carrots, four florets of broccoli, some
cucumber, celery, an apple and a tiny piece of ginger. After reading Jason Vale’s Juice Master book a
couple of years ago, I’ve become a complete convert.” -
Mrs. M Stewart
– Perfect for the new juicer or like me, been juicing for years. I
love the layout and the pictures (a picture on every page), makes my mouth water when I see them!
My mission is to try all of the juices and smoothies in this book and I can't wait! So easy to read
and to refer back to. Saving up for me and my husband to attend one of Jason's retreats and in my
opinion it's saving me money living this lifestyle so I'll be there very soon! Juicing helped me lose
2 stone for my wedding and my skin looks amazing. Get the book, get a juicer and a blender and
good juicy health to you all :).
“Arguably Jason’s best recipe book yet. Jam-
packed with witty humour, vibrant colours and
inspiring new recipes. Magnificent from cover to
cover making it THE Christmas must have - that
just keeps on giving and giving..” – Shug
“This is a great book. I love the pictur
es and
the layout. There is a juice for everyo
ne. I got
this copy to give as a Christmas gift
. Everyone
should have a copy!” - Jennifer
“I have every book that Jason Vale has done
on juicing and this tops them all!! I love the
color photographs and the stories. Jason has
the best tasting juice recipes! This is the best
juicing book I’ve ever seen! ” – Jill
“Self-styled “Juice Master” Jason Vale shares
over 100 of the health iest – and tastiest –
concoctions imaginable. The juices are a quick
and delicious way to get vitamins and nutrients
into the body. There’s even a “Celebrity Juice”
section, too! ” –Star Magazine
o help
D r Juice Section t ents
with co mmon ailm
Over 100 funky ‘n’ fresh juice
and smoothie recipes
Broccoli, Ginger
& Pineapple Punch
This simple combination packs a powerful nutritional punch. Sometimes “less
is more” as they say, but what I always wondered is who they are? Hmmm…
Enough of my meanderings, and on with the recipe!
3⁄4 medium
Juicy Footsteps To Follow
Juice the pineapple (no need to peel if you have a
good juicer), broccoli and ginger. Pour over the ice
to make it refreshingly cool.
Best Served...
this super little juice is just what
Broccoli Stem
3 cm chunk
Fresh Ginger Root
2 cm chunk
Ice Cubes
1 small handful
raindrops keep
falling on my head!
you need if you’re doing any physical work such as
spending hours in the garden tending to the flow-
ers or your veggie patch; or perhaps you’ve got a
full weekend on with the kids; or you’ve got a day
of shopping ahead and need the energy to get
through trying on endless pairs of shoes. Me? I’ve
been drinking them to give me the energy to write
over 100 juice recipes!!
Broccoli Packs a Punch!
The little bonsai tree looking things that
are broccoli are fantastic sources of
vitamin C. A study at the University
of South Carolina found that high doses
of vitamin C (taken before and after
exercise) reduce muscle soreness.
Juicy Ginger Science
Ginger has fantastic anti-inflammatory properties. A
study in the “Journal of Medicinal Food” found that ginger
alleviated muscle pain more effectively than aspirin.
So this juice isn’t just great fo
all you gym bunnies but also if
you’re doing any physical work
Tahini Choco Beaney
In the style of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang this smoothie is “Truly Scrumptious” and
should satisfy the cravings of even the biggest choco-head! Dense raw cocoa
extract blended with deliciously nutty tahini, creamy banana, a swirl of honey
and a splash of almond milk.
Fairtrade Raw Cocoa Powder
1 tablespoon
Tahini Bo-Beaney
This is “Truly Simple” to make! Just add all the
ingredients to the blender and whizz-up until
“Smoothly Scrumptious”.
Best Served...
when you feel like indulging
in something chocolatey and sweet and
devilishly delicious.
1 tablespoon
Manuka Honey
2 teaspoons
1⁄2 (ripe & peeled)
Almond Milk
Ice Cubes
1 small handful
one and I mlike a
y this
u must trgenuinely tastes ake.
MUST! Thamy chocolate milk
ly Justify T
of calcium, you can! Tahini is a g
vitamins B agnesium, iron, phosphat source
orus, zin
, B
, B
, B
and pang
B vitamins
amic acid. c,
running of t play an essential par
cell growth he body. They promot t in the
cells, which division, including re ealthy
helps preve
nt anaemia lood
Can I Remot
The Juicy Science Bit
The National Heart and Lung Institute research, published in the European
Respiratory Journal: Children who drank apple juice at least once a day
were half as likely to suffer from wheezing as those drinking it less than
Did you know that a cup of cocoa has almost three
once a month. Interestingly, the study also concluded that eating fresh
times the
apparent benefits,
cup of
the researchers to
apples themselves gave no
antioxidants of a
green tea?!
conclude the juice must be more bioavailable. Dr. Peter Burney, who led
the project, said that it was possible that ‘phytochemicals’ in apples, such
as flavonoids and phenolic acids, were helping to calm the inflammation
in the airways which is a key feature of both wheezing and asthma.
the raw cacao bean
Cocoa is the powder of health front) from
and is as far away (on aloaded commercial
mass produced, sugar ns is from Lord
chocolate as Mary Poppi for its high anti-
Voldemort. It is renowne lieved to enhance
oxidant levels and is be sure and reduce
mood, lower blood pres e and strokes.
the risk of heart diseas
Hay Fever Heaven
I think severe “hay
as people just don’t fever” needs renaming
It’s a condition not ke it seriously enough.
to be sneezed at!
The Anti-Histamine Super Shot
Ice Cubes
Ginger Root
Simply juice the lot.
every single morning for at
least four weeks BEFORE your pollen season
starts. Then every day during the whole
Best taken in a small “shot” glass and downed
in one.
I wish you a tissue, tablet and nasal spray
free summer.
This was another ailment I used to suffer
from in a bad way. Like many diseases,
there is a spectrum of severity for this
particular disease. For some, hay fever
means slightly itchy eyes and a bit of a
sniffle; for others it means feeling like you
have been run over by a truck. I was in the
“run over by a truck” hay fever camp.
unlike most drugs, it’s “adverse side-
effect free” (unless you are allergic to the
ingredients of course!) It works for me
every year and I hope it will work for you.
I HAD to find either an air-
conditioned building or a sauna
to get any respite at all!
I really wish they would rename this “Se-
vere Hay Fever” as people just don’t take
hay fever seriously. If you do suffer badly,
my heart goes out to you. Even more so
if every year you find you have to pump
your body full of drugs. The good news
is that there is a natural remedy, which
actually seems to work and I would like
to present it to you here. I am not saying
it will 100% clear all of your symptoms
but there is no harm in giving it a go as
“Dear Jason,
for many
rrible hay fever
suffered from te
I have
nose, sneezing,
years – blocked
one of your book
ful. I came across
feeling aw
’s hay fever seas
through th is year
d completely gone
ys symptoms ha
with in 2 da
the hay
was aware that
n the only way I
y hay fever
ded was when m
r season had en
work (who had fo
ing colleagues at
e the book) told
n my advice to us
not take
oms had finally
that their sympt
health book I ha
e most effective
Definitely th
ever read!”
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