The party system 2.4.docx

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1. The party system since 18th century:

è  until 1920:

ü         Conservatives (Tories),

ü         Liberals (Whigs),

è  after I World War:

1.         Labour Party,


the most important and the largest parties; they are not recognized by law


today main parties:

2.         Conservative Party (right)

3.         Labour Party (left)


4.         Liberal Party (in the centre; it was really important before I World War – it was replaced by the Labour Party; it still exists but it is not important),

5.         Social and Liberal Democratic Party (some members from Liberal Party joined  with all members from Social Democratic Party),

6.         Scottish Nationalist Party (they want full independence of Scotland),

7.         Plaid Cymru (in Wales, it stresses more cultural elements of this country – mainly traditions like language, culture events),

8.         Ulster Unionist (they are supported by Protestants , they want division of Northern Ireland),

9.         Sinn Fein (they want Northern Ireland as a party of Ireland),

10.      The Green Party (environmental issues),

11.      British National Party (extreme nationalist party).

1. The Conservative Party:

- party of the right,

- party of the establishment (heads of the most important industries, public boards, economy, education, media),

- the party of upper-middle and middle class,

- party for economic freedom (minimum government’s interventions),

- party for protection of national interests (against the European Union, strong defence, loyalty to Queen),

- party for loyalty to family, Queen (they don’t want changes in society; it keeps all traditional values).


2. How is Conservative Party financed?:

Conservative Party gets a lot of money from businesses (private companies) and also from members of party.

all associations’ role

3. Association for a constituency: (you should go there, pay some money if you want to be member of the Conservative Party):

- to choose party candidate for next election,

- to keep in touch with him as an MP.

4. Conservative Party Conference:

- each political party has conference,

- Bournemouth is the most favourite place where they organize conference,

- it takes place in October in a seaside town,

- it is attended by:

ü       representatives of local associations,

ü       MPs,

ü       national leaders,

- during the meeting they don’t make party policy,

- during the conference they talk, share views/opinions – MEETINGS AND DISCUSSIONS,

- party leader decides about everything,

- it takes four days.


5. Conservative Party is popular mainly in Southern England.



1. The Labour Party:

- it was formed from alliance of Trade Union and intellectuals,

- it was founded in 1900, to:

ü       protect rights of working class,

ü       provide voice in Parliament for Trade Unions,

- party of the left,

- government involvement in economy,

- social and economy equality (they believe that someone who is rich should pay high taxes instead of people who are poor – they wanted balance in social groups),

- economic planning,

- public ownership (some things like transport, water, electricity, gas should not be private – only public),

- more internationalism in foreign affairs (they are for the European Union),

- full social services (help for unemployed people, sick people; totally free national health service).


2. Labour Party is sometimes called as Arm of Trade Unions:

This party gets money from Trade Union.


3. If you want to be a member:

- you should join to local associations (regularly pay some money),

- you should be a member of affiliated organizations:

ü       Trade Unions,

ü       Cooperative societies.


4. Labour Party Conference:

- it takes place in October in a seaside town,

- it is attended by delegates from:

ü       Trade Unions,

ü       cooperative societies,

ü       associations,

- during the meeting, they make decisions about main lines of party policy,

- The National Executive Committee is chosen during the conference (leader of the party and some important people who approve every-day decisions).


5. Labour Party is mainly popular in: Midlands, Northern England and South Wales.


1. The Centre:

ü    Liberal Party,

ü    Social Democratic Party,

ü    Social and Liberal Democratic Party (some members of Liberal Party joined with Social Democratic Party and there was created Social and Liberal Democratic Party).

2. Social and Liberal Democratic Party:

- it is in favour of European Union,

- they wanted reform of electoral system (they wanted to introduce proportional representation – percentage of votes should be counted for the whole country, not just for one constituency – now only two parties can go to the Parliament),

- environmental issues(ecological movements),

- mixed economy (state and private together),

- new industries (new services like banking, insurance),

- power to local governments (they believe that local governments should have more possibilities to take decisions about them for example about taxes).


3. They have support mainly in middle class – generally 10% support in the country.

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