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7 Quick Test
17 We’ll have something to eat _____ we get home.
A as soon
B as soon as
C as
18 I’ll say goodnight to the children after I _____ cooking.
A finish
B ’ll finish
C finished
19 If you learnt Chinese you _____ get a job in Beijing.
A can
B will
C could
20 Let me know as soon as Katie _____.
A will arrive
B is arriving
C arrives
Tick (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: My parents _____ in China.
A are born
B were born
C was born
1 I _____ study history at university if I get good exam
A will
B –
C would
2 Do you really think you _____ happier if you had more
A be
B will be
C would be
3 You _____ play the piano well until you practise for
A wouldn’t
B won’t
C would
4 The test _____ start until everybody is quiet.
A couldn’t
B won’t
C will
5 Could you phone Adriana before you _____ to lunch,
A will go
B go
C went
6 If we _____ a lot of money, we’d buy a house in the
A had
B have
C will have
7 _____ it’s really cold, we’ll have lunch outside
A When
B If
C Unless
8 I won’t speak to her unless she _____.
A apologized
B will apologize
C apologizes
Tick (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences with
education words.
Example: I did a degree at _____.
A university
B school
C work
1 We like our new_____. He’s strict but fair.
A head teacher
B discipline
C subject
2 She’s completely honest. She never _____ in exams.
A fails
B cheats
C studies
3 He’s a university _____. He has a degree in
international law.
A graduate
B pupil
C student
4 I wouldn’t like to go to a _____ school. I like living at
A state
B boarding
C primary
5 We always _____ very well in school – we’re never
noisy and always polite to the teacher.
A study
B learn
C behave
6 I _____ a lot before exams so I can get good marks.
A fail
B revise
C cheat
7 He was _____ from secondary school and had to
have lessons at home.
A punished
B expelled
C failed
8 There are 30 pupils in my class at _____.
A school
B university
C college
9 They’re staying in a rented flat _____ they find a house
to buy.
A before
B until
C when
10 If I _____ you, I would look for a better-paid job.
A was
B were
C would be
11 What will we do _____ we can’t find their house?
A unless
B when
C if
12 If we don’t get to the concert early, we _____ get good
A don’t
B wouldn’t
C won’t
13 I wouldn’t say it if I _____ think it was true.
A didn’t
B don’t
C ’m not
14 If the taxi _____ come soon, we’re going to be late.
A isn’t
B doesn’t
C won’t
15 She’ll be really pleased if she _____ the exam.
A passed
B passes
C will pass
16 What _____ you do if you won the competition?
A do
B will
C would
9 I’m going to _____ my school-leaving exam next
A take
B make
C pass
10 My parents _____ really well, I think.
A educated me
B brought me up
C punished me
English File Intermediate
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013
7 Quick Test
Tick (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: I don’t live in the centre of town. I’m on the
A outskirts
B village
C country
11 Jenny’s new house is in _____.
A the ground floor
B the country
C the coast
Which word has a different sound? Tick (✓) A, B,
or C.
Example: A van
1 A full
B tram
C lane
B put
C study
2 A
3 A rude
4 A put
B rules
C student
B true
B nun
12 We keep a lot of our old stuff in boxes in the _____.
A basement
B ground floor
C top floor
13 In summer they have barbecues on the _____.
A path
B entrance
C patio
14 They always have a _____ fire in the living room in
A wooden
B chimney
C wood
15 The rooms are really big, so the whole apartment
feels very _____.
A spacious
B modern
C light
5 A education
C subject
C music
C pupil
Which is the stressed syllable? Tick (✓) A, B, or C.
Example: A exciting
B exciting
C exciting
6 A independent
C independent
7 A
8 A
9 A
10 A
Tick (✓) the correct word(s) for the definitions,
A, B, or C.
Example: the room where you cook
A bathroom
B living room
C kitchen
B independent
B secondary
B decoration
B balcony
C balcony
B semester
C semester
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total
16 you can have an open fire in this
A chimney
B gate
C fireplace
17 the top part of the inside of a room
A ceiling
B roof
C top floor
18 smoke comes out of this
A balcony
B chimney
C roof
19 an area far from the city centre
A suburb
B location
C cottage
20 the highest level of a block of flats
A first floor
B ground floor
C top floor
English File Intermediate
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013
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