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	This archive represents firmware version 9.0 for the following Tektronix spectrum analyzers:


	Each file is encoded in Absolute Binary (Data I/O #16) to insure compatibility with the widest possible range of device programmers. To use these files, you will need nine 27256-3 UV-EPROMs. You may be able to use 27C series devices, but I don't know of anyone who has tested this. Using faster devices (lower numbers than -3's) should not be a problem.

The checksums (8-bit) you should get are as follows:

1: 3648AF

2: 386EBE (Note that the second character -might- be a 'B.' It was hard to tell).

3: 2A2575

4: 37CF1E

5: 31B92F

6: 33771D

7: 3ABE92

8: 3C0A7B

9: 520EB2

	DISCLAIMER: This archive is provided free of charge to any who wish to download it. There is NO SUPPORT AVAILABLE from Tektronix for the instruments listed above. This archive is provided with the understanding that the end user of it assumes all risks, including damage or degraded performance to whichever instrument they're using, relating to its use or storage.

	If you redistribute this archive, please keep this disclaimer with it. Tektronix has been very good indeed about not going after us hobbyists that are just trying to keep our older gear alive, and I don't want to give them any reason to get nasty and start revoking their copyright permission.

	Thanks are due to: John Miles, in Seattle, for the loan of his EPROM set for archiving; Tektronix, for not making a big fuss about copyrights, and not saying 'No' to my making this archive available; And to the users of the 'Tekscopes' mailing list on Yahoo! for being gentle with a limited-bandwidth pipe.

(Bruce Lane, Owner,
Blue Feather Technologies - sales@bluefeathertech.com)
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