racing past.doc

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Before the Game

1.       Give one copy of the worksheet and a dice to each pair.


2.     Each student also needs one piece of paper, a counter, and a coloured pencil/pen.


3.     Game should go for a minimum of 20 minutes.


4.     Example sentences:  Last week he played soccer./On Monday, I saw a movie with my friend.


5.     AIM: to make as many complete sentences as possible in the time given.



1.       Ask the class what they did last weekend, on Monday etc. Write these up on the board in complete sentences. Write it so that students can easily see the difference in the verb endings.  Ask them about other days of the week so they can practice using On.. Write up the list.

2.     Give a copy of the worksheet to each pair. Students then place their counters on Start. Students Janken to see who starts. Student A rolls the dice and moves along as many squares as shown on the dice.

3.     Players can move vertically or horizontally but not diagonally. Student A notes down the word in the circle and marks the circle on the board. Student A now owns that circle and only Student A can pass through it to move onto other circles.

4.     Student B now rolls the dice and moves across the number of circles indicated on the dice. Again, he or she notes down the word and colours the circle using a different colour.

5.     The students take turns to throw the dice and gradually occupy the circles. The must also START MAKING SENTENCES with the words they have occupied. Each sentence should only consist of occupied words.

6.     When time is up, students count up the number of words they have in complete sentences and try to add in any of the words from the board which are not yet occupied.

7.     THE WINNER of each pair is the student with the most words in correct sentences.

8.     Teachers need to monitor students, to check that the sentences they are making are correct and to clarify any doubts students may have.



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