Davis Nord William - Star wars.pdf

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Outpost of Freedom
Nord Davis, Jr."s
Personal Letters
I went to a lot of trouble to find a picture of a Bible with blank pages for the cover. I
find that in talking with Christians, great portions of God"s Word is such a mystery to
them that they might as well be blank pages. Our Heavenly Father did not intend it to
be so, but in our disobedience, He has taken His Word from us. For instance, as you
can see in this text from St. Matthew 15:21-28, Jesus was walking along the coasts of
Tyre and a certain woman called out to Him to heal her daughter. Notice that Jesus
Christ, The Man with the most compassion of any who have walked the earth,
answered her not a word. He paid no attention to her!
His disciples came to him regarding her, and He gave them His
Instructions, " I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house
of Israel." And they kept walking. Then she came to Him directly.
and even worshipped Him and begged Him for help.. Christ then
answered her saying that it was not good or proper to take the
children"s bread and cast it to dogs. The compassionate Jesus
woman a dog. Today, we would call it a "racial slur," a
highly insulting remark.
Then, as the text states, she admitted to being a dog! She then
stated that even the dogs can get the crumbs which fall from the
master"s table. At that point, Christ told her that she had great
faith, healed the daughter of this non-Israelite woman, and went
on His way. You will plainly notice however, that Jesus Christ did
not invite this woman to follow Him and there is no record that
she ever did. Here was a woman who actually worshipped Christ,
and a woman who Christ, Himself, said had great faith, but who
would never be counted among the Elect, those saved from the
foundation of the world. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today
and forever.
America is filled with people who "worship Jesus," beg for His help and appear to
have "great faith" but who are not going to be with us in the Kingdom. It is toward
the understanding of that great truth, that this
personal letter, humble
and incomplete as its few pages must necessarily be, is dedicated.
Nord W. Davis, Jr., January 1993
Star Wars is composed of Fifteen Lessons. Each lesson has footnotes, explanations,
graphics and commentary that were part of the original publication
[Note: Only
pertinent graphics are currently included. The remainder will be added, as time
allows. opf].
These pages are arranged to provide the information much as the
original. All graphics, &c., are included. The back cover of the original publication is
included with the final lesson, and has its own message (as does the cover, read the
Foreword). The links, below, will take you to each of the respective lessons.
An Introduction
Lesson One
- On the Covenant
Lesson Two
- Who did Christ die for?
Lesson Three
- Is the Bible really the Bible?
Lesson Four
- Wood, Hay & Stubble - What of the United States of America?
Nord Davis, Jr. Biographical resume and Doctrinal Statement
Lesson Five
- More on the New World
Lesson Six
- The Beast
Lesson Seven
- The Serpent
Lesson Eight
- Fruit of the Seed of the Serpent
Lesson Nine
- Seed Lines
Lesson Ten
- Mark of the Beast or Magen David
Lesson Eleven
- Adolph Hitler
Lesson Twelve
- Holocaust
Lesson Thirteen
- Herod and the Shedding of Righteous Blood
Lesson Fourteen
- The Enemy, Today
Lesson Fifteen (and rear cover)
- The Serpent"s Seed and The Bride of Christ
Star Wars, Lesson One
These young men had opened their discussion with me by asking me if I was a "New Testament"
Christian. When I did not respond promptly enough, they began their presentation to me by taking
me down the primrose path of the Roman Road. My first question to these sincere people was this:
"What is the New Testament, anyway?" In any sales arena, once you get the prospect talking or
asking questions, you are on your way to a sale. Having told me that they were graduating students,
they were more than willing to answer my question. Further, since they had claimed that glorious
status, it was up to them to explain the term. One of them told me that while the Old Testament
dealt with the Jews and The Law, the New Testament was primarily for the Gentiles and operated
under Christ’s Grace. He flatly stated that the New Testament Church was not to be concerned with
The Old Law, which had been abandoned at The Cross, but was to emphasize Christ’s Grace.
The other student nodded in agreement but then added that Almighty God had been unsuccessful
with the Jews, who had a history of sinful ways. Thus, Our Heavenly Father had to put out a new
plan, bringing the Gospel to the Gentiles who are the non-Jewish people. The student then added, as
though it was an established fact, that Almighty God had done His Best with the Jewish people, but
when they rejected His Son, He decided to extend the plan of salvation to all the world, all men,
whosoever will, to accept and have the peace of knowing that they would go to heaven when they
I had, heard that theology promoted for years, but did they have Scripture to back it up? In all of
their answers, only a summary of which is written above, they still had not answered the question:
What is the New Testament? If you are going to, talk about something, especially if you expect to
teach others, you ought to know what the terms mean. What is a testament? What is a covenant?
On the way, to get a cup of coffee with them, I went
past my car and picked up my Bible. While enjoying coffee, I went on to teach my surprised
students that in every case in the New Testament both the word testament and the word covenant
were translated from the same Greek word
It is Strong’s Greek word # 1242* as I had it
noted in my Cambridge Wide Margin Bible. When I opened my Bible on the table before them, and
they saw all the notes I had put there in the margins, they knew that they had been "had." Both
words mean "a contract." Well, what is a contract? What is this New Testament (contract) under
which someone must perform according to a specific thing before I can become a Christian?
By now my young friends were both frustrated and curious. They thought that they had answered
my question, and here I was asking them the same question again. They simply could not
understand what my question had to do with the Plan of Salvation. Quite frankly, as we shall see, it
has everything to do with it.
If you are under the New Testament, and it is a binding contract of some kind, who is the Party of
the First Part and who is the Party of the Second Part, and what performance does that contract spell
out in lawful terms? What is the consideration? When does, or did, it go into effect? If you cannot
answer these questions, do not feel ignorant, for these graduating students of a very well-known
Bible College could not do so either. For them, my questions were just as if the Bible had hundreds
of blank pages.
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