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Selections on the Emerald Tablet from
Die Alchimie by Dr. Gottlieb Latz
Translated by Dennis William Hauck
© Dennis William Hauck
First Editions 1993, 1995
by Holmes Publishing Group
2005 by Athanor Books
ISBN 0-9637914-4-3
Available from the Crucible Catalog
Item #885. $8.95
Translator's Preface................................................................................. 8
Foreword by Dr. Latz.............................................................................. 9
Chapter 1 - The Origin of the Emerald Tablet..................................... 13
Chapter 2 - The Ancient Arcana Revealed........................................... 18
Chapter 3 - The First Revision: The Tabula Smaragdina................... 23
Chapter 4 - The Second Revision: The Tabula Hermetica.................. 32
Chapter 5 - The Third Revision: Tabula de Operatione Solis............ 41
Appendix I - Emerald Tablet of Hortulanus........................................ 46
Appendix II - Table of Contents from Die Alchemie.......................... 47
Appendix III – Resources........................................................................ 50
by Dennis William Hauck
The first decision made by any translator is whether to try to convey the period and
writing style of an author or to concentrate on making his meaning clear to modern
readers. It soon became obvious, due to the length and complexity of this work that I
had to chose the later method. I am sure the author would agree with my decision,
because above all else, Dr. Gottlieb Latz was a man of ideas.
His monumental work, Die Alchemie, was published in Bonn in 1869. The book is
divided into 131 chapters, totaling nearly 600 pages, which trace the history of alchemy
through fifty centuries. I wish to thank the Alchemy Guild (
for allowing me access to their archives in the preparation of this work. The present
translation is taken from Dr. Latz' research concerning the first three Greek revisions of
the Emerald Tablet. All three of these documents were written in Alexandria before the
birth of Christ.
Dr. Latz began his exhaustive study of alchemy in hopes of helping his patients. He
believed that the secret Elixir of Life was known by the ancient alchemists, but was lost
through centuries of conflict and persecution. He tried to reconstruct the formula of the
Elixir by careful study of alchemical texts, in particular the mysterious Emerald Tablet
of Hermes. He was so sure of his success, that he used his compounds on many of his
patients, who responded favorably to his treatments.
What is more, Dr. Latz, like many alchemists before him, saw in the chemistry of
the Arcanum a profound allegory of the formation and evolution of the universe. Along
the way in his practical search for the Universal Cure, this nineteenth century genius
rediscovered the Shining Light of Truth in one of the oldest documents of mankind.
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