Eric A. Kimmel - Anansi 01 - Anansi and the Moss-Covered Rock.pdf

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Anansi and the
Moss-Covered Rock
retold by Eric A. Kimmel
illustrated by Janet Stevens
Holiday House / New York
To Jonny
Text copyright © 1988 by Eric A. Kimmel
Illustrations copyright © 1988 by Janet Stevens
All rights reserved
HOLIDAY HOUSE is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
ISBN 978-0-8234-2459-7 (ebook)w
ISBN 978-0-8234-2673-7 (ebook)r
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Kimmel, Eric A.
Anansi and the moss-covered rock / retold by Eric A. Kimmel:
illustrated by Janet Stevens.—1st ed.
Summary: Anansi the Spider uses a strange moss-covered rock in the
forest to trick all the other animals, until little Bush Deer
decides he needs to learn a lesson.
1. Anansi (Legendary character) [1. Anansi (Legendary character)
2. Folklore.] I. Stevens, Janet, ill. II. Title
PZ8.1.K567An 1988
398.2'452544—dc 19
[E] 87-31766 CIP AC
ISBN 0-8234-0689-X
ISBN 978-0-8234-0689-0 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-0-8234-0798-9 (paperback)
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