Tartakower Savielly - The Hypermodern Game of Chess, 2015-OCR, Russell, 665p.pdf

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Hypermodern Game
Savielly Tartakower
Foreword by Hans Ree
Russell Enterprises, Inc.
Milford, CT USA
The Hypermodern Game of Chess
by Savielly Tartakower
© Copyright 2015 Jared Becker
ISBN: 978-1-941270-30-1
All Rights Reserved
No part of this book maybe used, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any manner or form whatsoever or by any
means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the express written permission from the
publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
Published by:
Russell Enterprises, Inc.
PO Box 3131
Milford, CT 06460 USA
Translated from the German by Jared Becker
Editorial Consultant Hannes Langrock
Cover design by Janel Norris
Printed in the United States of America
Table of Contents
Foreword by Hans Ree
From the Translator
The Three Phases of A Game
Alekhine’s Defense
Part I – Open Games
Spanish Torture
José Raúl Capablanca
The Accumulation of Small Advantages
Emanuel Lasker
The Canticle of the Combination
Spanish with 5…Nxe4
Dr. Siegbert Tarrasch and Géza Maróczy as Hypermodernists
What constitutes a mistake?
Spanish Exchange Variation
Steinitz Defense
The Doctrine of Weaknesses
Spanish Three and Four Knights’ Game
A Victory of Methodology
Efim Bogoljubow
Akiba Rubinstein
Two Knights’ Defense
Italian Game
Richard Réti
Evans Gambit
Ponziani Opening
Scotch Game
Philidor ’s Defense
Georg Marco
Russian Game (Petroff’s Defense)
Bishop’s Opening
Vienna Game
King’s Gambit Accepted
King’s Bishop Gambit
King’s Gambit Declined
Falkbeer Counter-gambit
The Dance of the Pieces
Part II – Half-Open Games
French Defense
The Siege: 3.e4-e5?!
Aron Nimzowitsch
Sicilian Defense
Alexander Alekhine
Sicilian Defense – Main Line
Paulsen’s Defense
Graphic Representation – Maróczy-Euwe 1923
Rubinstein’s Counter-play 2…Ng8-f6
Closed Variation (with 2.Nb1-c3 and d2-d3)
Sicilian Gambit
Caro-Kann Defense
Scandinavian Defense
Nimzowitsch Defense
The Late Gyula Breyer
Part III – Closed Games
A Modern Opening’s Life of Suffering
Ernst Grünfeld
Miscellaneous Avenues of Attack
Pillsbury’s Defense
Attack with Bc1-f4
Dr. Tarrasch’s 3…c7-c5
Janowsky’s Defense 3…a7-a6
Slav Defense 2…c7-c6
Old Chigorin Defense 2…Nb8-c6
Albin’s Counter-gambit
Queen’s Gambit Accepted
Queen’s Pawn Game
Dutch Defense
The Three World Champions of Modern Times
Indian Defense
The Incorrect Move
Irregular Openings
Atmospheric Pictures
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