FBFM Weeks 13-19.pdf

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Sold to Edith Guardado Martinelli (#VTLWE83C)
Sold to Edith Guardado Martinelli (#VTLWE83C)
About Amanda Bisk
Amanda is a qualified exercise physiologist, sport scientist, personal trainer, elite athletics
coach, cross fit coach, gymnastics coach and yoga instructor. She has more than 10 years
practical experience in fitness and health, including coaching clients and athletes in exercise
performance, weight loss & body toning, exercise rehabilitation and fitness for lifestyle
Amanda’s journey into fitness and health started at 3 years old, after starting her
first gymnastics class. Ever since, she has taken part in competitive sport
including gymnastics, swimming, dance, team sports, and athletics. She has
spent numerous years on the Australian national team in gymnastics, high jump
and pole vault. Her career highlights include being one of the nations top pole
vaulters, and representing Australia at the 2009 World University Games in
Serbia and the 2010 Commonwealth Games in New Delhi.
During her elite athletic career, Amanda was strongly passionate about
continuing her education after high school. While committing to full time
training, she also completed full time study at university and part time work as a
personal trainer and athletics coach.
Since 2004, Amanda has continued to follow her passion of encouraging an
active and healthy lifestyle. She has been involved in personal training, exercise
rehabilitation, movement biomechanics, stress reduction techniques, nutrition,
mental health, and also coaching elite athletes in sport performance. For
Amanda, it has always been about looking after your health from every angle.
It was in 2011 when everything changed. Amanda was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and this
diagnosis not only forced her to retire from elite athletics but also stop exercise all together,
something that completely flipped her life upside down.
After hitting an absolute low point during 2011, in 2012 Amanda decided to take charge of her
own health and find ways to heal herself. She immersed herself in studying nutrition, stress
relief, psychology, and recovery and rehabilitation (including yoga and meditation). It was
during this time she started to share her experience on social media. Her intention was to
encourage a positive, balanced, and healthy outlook on life, and to give people inspiration to
take charge of their own journey.
Many questions and requests followed about what steps to take to lead a healthy life, how to
keep fit and flexible, and how to stay positive and motivated. Because of the overwhelming
number of people asking for help and guidance, Amanda decided to release her first online
training program, her stretching guide. This project was a medium to share her knowledge
about yoga, stretching, and recovery techniques that had helped her in her fight against
Chronic Fatigue.
Sold to Edith Guardado Martinelli (#VTLWE83C)
It was only until 2014 that Amanda was able to return to intense training and exercise. This
journey took 3 years of exploring and experimenting with a variety of treatments: medical,
natural, and experimental.
Over the last few years she has been committed to learning as much as she can from the fitness
and health industry. After finding great benefits from many of the common and uncommon
treatment methods for Chronic Fatigue, she realized how important it
was to explore your health care from every possible angle. ‘You never
know what could work for you and your body’
Her vision for fitness and health is based on balance and variety. Being
open to all forms of exercise, nourishing yourself with a variety of
healthy foods, finding methods to release stress, encouraging mental
health, building a positive and supportive friendship environment, and
having a strong sense of love toward yourself and others.
Since 2014, Amanda has brought together her knowledge and
experience, to design a series of fitness guides based on her own
personal training technique. This training technique has helped many
of Amanda’s clients and athletes to reach their full fitness and
sporting goals.
Along with developing physical strength and fitness, Amanda has
endeavored to include psychological growth and development during
each of her training programs.
‘The body can only achieve what the mind thinks it can’
Leading fitness retreats in Bali
Visiting schools in rural Australia
This statement is the foundation of
Fresh Body Fit Mind.
strength, confidence, and resilience from the inside out, using
Amanda’s smart training techniques and positive mindset.
All the exercises, tips, techniques, and advice in Amanda’s guides are
the culmination of her experience as an athlete, coach, trainer, and
student. There are no third parties, Amanda has written, designed,
and compiled every training guide (her partner Adam contributes to
design, photography, editing, and the online space). Together they
strive to give you the best well researched and practiced health
Handstand workshop in Melbourne
information in a positive online experience. For them its all about a
happy and healthy journey through life!
For latest news and updates:
Teaching 300 yogi’s on Bondi Beach
Sold to Edith Guardado Martinelli (#VTLWE83C)
Letter From Amanda
Before You Start
Fresh Body Fit Mind 2
Your Essential FBFM Training
20-minute workouts.
4 workout styles.
What’s New In FBFM 2?
3 Set HIIT.
7 weeks of workouts.
New TEST workouts.
Final FOCUS week.
Stretch Studio.
FBFM 2 online Members Area and your password.
New Symbols
Training Tips
What Do I Need For My Workouts?
Equipment checklist.
My 3 steps to success.
The 3 Rules Of
Fresh Body Fit Mind
Week 13 – 19 Workouts
Sold to Edith Guardado Martinelli (#VTLWE83C)
Hi Guys!
I’m so excited to welcome you to the next level of Fresh Body Fit Mind
FBFM 2 is here to push you past the basics of FBFM 1. Just like my first
guide, I have made it my goal to challenge every aspect of your fitness.
Strength, skill, coordination, endurance, power, and now as a new exciting
addition, flexibility!
I have worked hard to add more variety for you in this program because I
want to keep FBFM fresh, fun, and most importantly something you are
excited to do everyday! FBFM 2 has 7 brand new weeks of training (Week
13 – 19). There are heaps of brand new exercises, new TEST workouts, a
new style of training circuit (3 SET HIIT), ‘Focus Week’ to incorporate body
part specific workouts, and also the ‘Stretch Studio’ in your FBFM Members
Area on amandabisk.com.
FBFM 2 is going to take
you to an advanced level
of training, so before you
get into your first workout,
make sure you read
through the next couple of
pages to see a full
summary of all the new
content and must know
tips from me!
It’s time to push your
ab x
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