Saint Ange (Pascal Laugier, 2004) ENG.txt

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00:00:14:[Rainfall]|[Thunder Rumbling]
00:00:49:[Thunder Continues]
00:01:07:- What?|- I need to go.
00:01:10:So?|Can I come with you?
00:01:12:Hurry up.
00:01:31:Stay with me, please.
00:01:43:- Doesn't work?|- As usual.
00:01:51:It's the others, you know.
00:01:53:They like to play with the taps.
00:01:56:- Who?|- The other children.
00:01:59:What do you mean?|Who are you talking about?
00:02:01:You know, the scary children.
00:02:03:- That's make-believe.|- No, it's true.
00:02:07:- So you've seen them?|- Hmm.
00:02:08:So there.
00:02:24:[Door Closes]
00:02:27:[Water Gurgling]|[Pipes Groan]
00:02:31:[Water Gurgling]
00:02:35:[Water Running]
00:02:40:- Wait.|- Where are you going?
00:02:43:I'll be right back.
00:06:02:[Birds Squawking]
00:08:31:- Everything going properly, mademoiselle?|- Yes, Madame.
00:08:33:Madame Francard.|I'll be needing you.
00:08:37:Since when don't you?
00:08:46:Second door on the right.|You'll find everything you need.
00:09:33:[Woman]|You don't have to|put that on straight away.
00:09:35:Oh, she doesn't miss a trick|old mother Francard.
00:09:39:- My name, you saw on the cupboard.|- Helenka?
00:09:42:I do the cooking around here|and the cleaning also.
00:09:45:- Rest your heart. You won't be alone.|- Ah.
00:09:49:You are a pretty one, aren't you?
00:09:52:Have you worked here|long, ma'am?
00:09:54:No need to "ma'am" me,|or curtsy either.
00:09:57:This has been my home|for 23 years.
00:10:01:It isn't exactly a picnic.
00:10:03:But it's no worse than anywhere else.
00:10:06:And the fresh mountain air|is an extra added bonus.
00:10:11:And you? How did a pretty, young girl|as yourself end up here?
00:10:17:If I had a smile such as yours,
00:10:18:I would have played|my cards differently.
00:10:23:[Door Opens, Closes]
00:10:40:Are you going to stay|here all by yourself?
00:10:46:[Francard]|You send some little housemate|that I did not choose,
00:10:49:and I'm supposed to hand her|the keys to the place?
00:10:51:[Man]|This young woman had trouble|with the people she used to work for.
00:10:55:Serious trouble. The job at Saint Ange|is a chance for her to start over.|And she's very competent.
00:11:01:[Francard]|What do you know about house staff.,|gentlemen, hmm? I ask you.
00:11:04:Madame, Saint Ange is closing|whether you like it or not.
00:11:07:Or would you prefer|that another child die here?
00:11:10:I would've preferred|the funds to bring Saint Ange|back up to standard.
00:11:13:It would've avoided a lot of misery.
00:11:15:[Chair Slides]|[Man]|Madame Francard-
00:11:42:She came to fetch you at the bus stop?
00:11:44:She insisted upon it|to show she's still the boss.
00:11:48:She's like that.
00:11:54:This is the service hallway.
00:11:57:Boys' dormitories are on|the other side of the main stairs.
00:12:01:The girls' dorm is upstairs.|The rest is more or less closed off.
00:12:05:[Hammering]|More or less?
00:12:06:Some parts are so rotten,|they're not safe.
00:12:10:Humidity, leaks.|Saint Ange's fatal wounds.
00:12:23:Your room.
00:12:34:[Francard]|My dear children,
00:12:36:today should be a day of celebration.
00:12:41:You will be leaving this home|that saw you grow up...
00:12:45:with the love of God|and the respect of his holy word.
00:12:49:You have been raised and cherished...
00:12:53:according to the rules|of the holy gospel.
00:12:56:And the education|that you have received here...
00:12:59:will guide you in the outside world...
00:13:02:through your most difficult moments.
00:13:09:Never forget,|in the new life that a waits you...
00:13:13:the lessons that|you have learned at Saint Ange.
00:13:17:And please keep,|each and every one of you...
00:13:21:in a small corner of your heart...
00:13:24:the memory of the happy times|that we have had here.
00:13:28:I know that you will strive...
00:13:30:among your new adopted families...
00:13:33:to be deserving of the love|that will be granted to you.
00:13:36:And that throughout your lives...
00:13:39:as men and women...
00:13:41:you will always honor Saint Ange.
00:15:19:[Door Creaking]
00:17:25:[Music Box, Distant]
00:18:11:Come in.
00:18:24:You have come to visit me?
00:18:27:That's good.|The music was for you.
00:18:34:You have reached paradise.
00:18:36:Saint Ange is children's paradise.
00:18:41:I saw you with the children.
00:18:44:They like you.
00:18:47:We'll make the house shine|for when they return.
00:18:50:They'll be back sooner or later.
00:18:56:They turned off the water.
00:18:58:They wanted me to change rooms,|but I don't think so.
00:19:04:How long have you been here?
00:19:06:I've always been here.
00:19:10:How old are you?
00:19:12:Stop it.
00:19:14:You ask me like that,|but in fact you're really dying to know.
00:19:17:Just like the others.
00:19:19:But not the children.|They don't care how old I am.
00:19:23:Go away.
00:19:27:I'm sorry.
00:19:31:You don't understand.
00:19:33:You're always judging.
00:19:38:- I'm very sorry.|- Go away!
00:19:49:You have just met Judith.|[Chuckles]
00:19:52:She just gave you|her special welcoming.
00:19:54:- She's completely-|- Hopeless.
00:19:56:You see why she's still here?
00:20:04:[Anna]|I think she's been watching me.
00:20:06:[Chuckles]|Judith? Typical.
00:20:09:As nosy as a spy.
00:20:13:How old is she?
00:20:15:What do you think?
00:20:16:She speaks like an adult...
00:20:18:until you realize|she's spinning perfect nonsense.
00:20:22:- How odd.|- Ah, you'll get used to it.
00:20:26:What will become of her?
00:20:28:She's gotten it into her little head|that I'll be taking her with me.
00:20:31:[Chuckles]|I can be a softy,|but I can see her coming.
00:20:36:Can you imagine the troubles?
00:20:37:[Door Opens]|[Judith]|I swiped it out of the store room.
00:20:39:Bet Francard never used it once.
00:20:42:Here, Judith.
00:20:49:Uh, yuck.
00:20:51:- Music, music, music.|- Oh, yes, yes, of course. Music.
00:21:08:Forgive me. Forgive me.
00:21:39:[Woman]|I'm in the mood for love
00:21:43:Simply because you're near me
00:21:47:Funny, but when you're near me
00:21:51:I'm in the mood for love
00:21:56:Heaven is in your eyes
00:22:00:Bright as the stars we're under
00:22:04:Oh, is it any wonder
00:22:08:I'm in the mood for love
00:22:13:# Why stop to think of whether #
00:22:17:# This little dream might pay #
00:22:21:# We've put our hearts together #
00:22:25:# Now we are one #
00:22:28:# I'm not afraid #
00:22:30:# If there's a cloud above #
00:22:34:# If it should rain, we'll let it #
00:22:38:# But for tonight, forget it #
00:22:43:# I'm in the mood for love #
00:22:51:# [Continues]
00:23:09:# [Ends]
00:23:20:[Thunder Rumbling]
00:23:37:Good. Come on.
00:23:40:[Thunder Continues]
00:24:34:[Water Running]
00:25:47:- Sleep well?|- Sort of.
00:25:50:- Bad dreams?|- How did you know?
00:25:52:- It's a big house.|You'll find you'll get used to it.|- [Vehicle Approaching]
00:25:55:[Horn Honks]|Oh, there's Daniel. He's early.|Would you like anything?
00:26:00:You'll manage then?
00:26:02:We won't be home late.
00:26:04:This morning I'll do|the floors in the entrance.
00:26:06:Do what you please.|Madame the boss is off skiing.
00:26:16:[Truck Departing]
00:27:02:[Wind Rustling]
00:29:28:Watch out for the scary children.
00:30:01:[Voices Whispering]
00:30:06:[Whispering Continues]
00:30:14:Hold her. Hold her.|Oh, my God. Hold her.
00:30:17:Oh, my God. Hold her, Judith.|Calm down. Calm down.
00:30:21:- Hold her, Judith. Hold her.|- [Gasping]
00:30:24:[Muttering]|Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna.
00:30:28:Calm down, Anna.|Anna, Anna, Anna.
00:30:31:Everything is fine.|Everything is fine.
00:30:34:Everything is fine.|Calm down. Calm down, dear.
00:30:37:Calm down. Yes.|Good girl.
00:30:40:Calm down. Shh.
00:30:44:Calm down, calm down.
00:30:47:- [Inhales]|- Oh, shh.
00:30:50:Hold still, my dear.|I'm almost through.
00:30:55:One more stitch.
00:30:58:Don't move, don't move.|Don't move, don't move.
00:31:01:When he'll arrive,|we'll have a party with music.
00:31:07:- Why?|- "Stop," I said.
00:31:15:That will do.
00:31:51:Oh, my God.|What did they do to you?
00:31:59:They did this to you,|the bastards you were working for?
00:32:02:Don't tell anyone.
00:32:30:Cry, little one.
00:32:33:Cry.|[Sobbing Continues]
00:32:38:Cry, cry, cry.
00:32:42:# [Judith Humming]
00:32:53:# [Continues Humming]
00:33:05:# [Continues]
00:33:11:# [Ends]
00:37:11:- What are you doing?|- Nothing.
00:37:15:Just rummaging.
00:37:18:You'll find nothing but rats here...
00:37:21:and a few memories...
00:37:23:which are hardly any of your business.
00:37:27:- You got back last night?|- Don't worry. I'm not staying.
00:37:31:Just collecting a few|personal belongings...
00:37:33:if you don't mind.
00:37:38:Raking up the past, eh?
00:37:42:They brought us more|than a few of the earth's damned.
00:37:49:Poor lambs.|Dozens each week.
00:37:56:- Children?|- Crouched at the back.
00:37:59:Dumb as mutes.
00:38:02:So lost, even the babes|couldn't find the breath to cry.
00:38:04:Five years of war.|We made it through.
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