Learn English Through Story - Man Hunt by Richard MacAndrew (Description).txt

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Learn English Through Story - Man Hunt by Richard MacAndrew

Book title: Man Hunt
Author: Richard MacAndrew

Made by English Listening TV channel. Do not reupload.

Level: Intermediate
Genre: Detective
Length: Long

From the first pages of this detective story the reader plunges into the inner world of a killer. You'll see what will be happening with the murderer's eyes. You'll experience great emotions described by the author. Perhaps you will be even glad that the murderer overcame his barrier and did something he couldn't do for a long time??? He killed a man. The homicide happened in North Yorkshire. Detective Inspector Charles Neville is going to investigate this case. The inspector arrived at the crime scene on his day off. The police were gathering evidence very quickly as the weather was bad. They couldn't lose any details. A middle-aged man was killed at night. Apparently he had been walking with his dog when he was attacked. The police investigation would reach a deadlock, if a new corpse didn't appear??? Was it a serial killer? 

Total words: 19049
Unique words: 1505

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