WiFi Hacking for Beginners Learn Hacking by Hacking WiFi networks (2017).pdf

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WiFi Hacking for Beginners
James Wells
Copyright © by James Wells. Distribution of this book in any form or in any
way (mechanical, electronic...), or usage of material(s) from the book is
prohibited without written permission from the author.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Setting up the lab
Hide identify, become untraceable
Wireless modes
Catching handshake
Cracking any wireless network
Securing Your Network From The Above Attacks
Setting up the lab
In this chapter, you will learn how to set up the lab for hacking. So,
you may have operation system like Windows, Linux or Mac OS X but for
hacking you need specified operation system like Kali or Backtrack. These
operation systems are created for hacking and penetration testing. They have
support almost all of hacking programs. Good news, these operation systems
are free. In this book, we are going to install and use Kali. These both
operation systems are Linux but there are few differences. When we install
Kali, there will be preinstalled programs that can be used for hacking. Maybe
you think there is a problem that you must install new operation system on
your computer, but there are some programs that help you virtualize
operation systems. There are two famous programs called “VirtualBox” and
“VMware Workstation”. We are going to use VirtualBox because it is free
and it has almost same functions. VirtualBox is a free and open-source
program that lets you virtualize operation systems like Windows, Linux, Mac
OS X and even your own operation systems. It supports almost all operation
system. So, you don’t even need to install Kali on your computer you can
simply install Kali in VirtualBox and then use it as common computer. First
of all, download VirtualBox latest version and install it. Here is a link
if you are using windows operation system you should download for
windows hosts binary release, if you are using Linux download for Linux
operation system and if you are using Mac OS X download for it. We also
need something called “Virtualbox Extention Pack”(you can find and
download it from virtualbox download link), which lets us input USBs,
wireless adapters and many portable devices. First install VirtualBox and
then double-click extention pack and click install, installation is very easy, so
I am not going to explain it. Once you have installed it, we need a Kali
operation system to install on VirtualBox. But why lose time when you can
simply download already installed Kali? In the Kali website, there is link to
download Kali virtual images, then you can just open these virtual images on
VirtualBox and start Kali. There are for VMware Workstation and for
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