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18              Test 4a (10-12) Rozszerzony              Testy powtórzeniowe

There are some sports events in Britain which have to be shown on normal, free, television channels and not on satellite channels. That’s because they are so important that people think it unfair if they have to pay extra to watch them. The list includes the FA Cup Final, The World Cup Final, the Wimbledon tennis tournament the Olympics and a few other events. However, the number of protected events is falling every year as satellite channels spend more and more money to show them. One of these is cricket. In 2005, England played Australia in one of the most exciting cricket contests ever. It finished 2-1 to England and, by the end of the summer, the whole country was talking about the matches and players. In 2009, the two countries played again. The matches were just as entertaining as before and England were successful again but there was much less interest. That was because the matches were only shown on satellite television and most people could only watch a half hour summary of the game in the evening. The players are now millionaires but will the next generation be as interested in the game as this one?


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