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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Beowulf

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Title: Beowulf
       An Anglo-Saxon Epic Poem, Translated From The Heyne-Socin
       Text by Lesslie Hall


Release Date: July 19, 2005 [EBook #16328]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ASCII


Produced by David Starner, Dainis Millers and the Online
Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net





Professor of English and History in The College of William and Mary


Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1892, by


in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.


My Wife




      Preface                                                   vii

      Bibliography of Translations                               xi

      Glossary of Proper Names                                 xiii

      List of Words and Phrases not in General Use            xviii

      The Life and Death of Scyld (I.)                            1

      Scyld's Successors
                                 } (II.)                          3
      Hrothgar's Great Mead-Hall

      Grendel, the Murderer (III.)                                5

      Beowulf Goes to Hrothgar's Assistance (IV.)                 8

      The Geats Reach Heorot (V.)                                10

      Beowulf Introduces Himself at the Palace (VI.)             12

      Hrothgar and Beowulf (VII.)                                14

      Hrothgar and Beowulf (continued) (VIII.)                   17

      Unferth Taunts Beowulf (IX.)                               19

      Beowulf Silences Unferth
                               } (X.)                            21
      Glee is High

      All Sleep save One (XI.)                                   24

      Grendel and Beowulf (XII.)                                 26

      Grendel is Vanquished (XIII.)                              28

      Rejoicing of the Danes (XIV.)                              30

      Hrothgar's Gratitude (XV.)                                 33

      Hrothgar Lavishes Gifts upon his Deliverer (XVI.)          35

      Banquet (continued)
                                       } (XVII.)                 37
      The Scop's Song of Finn and Hnaef

      The Finn Episode (continued)
                                   } (XVIII.)                    39
      The Banquet Continues

      Beowulf Receives Further Honor (XIX.)                      41

      The Mother of Grendel (XX.)                                44

      Hrothgar's Account of the Monsters (XXI.)                  46

      Beowulf Seeks Grendel's Mother (XXII.)                     48

      Beowulf's Fight with Grendel's Mother (XXIII.)             51

      Beowulf is Double-Conqueror (XXIV.)                        53

[vi]  Beowulf Brings his Trophies
                                  } (XXV.)                       57
      Hrothgar's Gratitude

      Hrothgar Moralizes
                         } (XXVI.)                               60
      Rest after Labor

      Sorrow at Parting (XXVII.)                                 62

      The Homeward Journey
                           } (XXVIII.)                           64
      The Two Queens

      Beowulf and Higelac (XXIX.)                                67

      Beowulf Narrates his Adventures to Higelac (XXX.)          69

      Gift-Giving is Mutual (XXXI.)                              73

      The Hoard and the Dragon (XXXII.)                          75

      Brave Though Aged
                        } (XXXIII.)                              78

      Beowulf Seeks the Dragon
                               } (XXXIV.)                        81
      Beowulf's Reminiscences

      Reminiscences (continued)
                                } (XXXV.)                        83
      Beowulf's Last Battle

      Wiglaf the Trusty
                                                  } (XXXVI.)     88
      Beowulf is Deserted by Friends and by Sword

      The Fatal Struggle
                             } (XXXVII.)                         91
      Beowulf's Last Moments

      Wiglaf Plunders the Dragon's Den
                                       } (XXXVIII.)              93
      Beowulf's Death

      The Dead Foes
                             } (XXXIX.)                          95
      Wiglaf's Bitter Taunts

      The Messenger of Death (XL.)                               97

      The Messenger's Retrospect (XLI.)                          99

      Wiglaf's Sad Story
                            } (XLII.)                           103
      The Hoard Carried Off

      The Burning of Beowulf (XLIII.)                           106

      Addenda                                                   109



The present work is a modest effort to reproduce approximately, in modern
measures, the venerable epic, Beowulf. _Approximately_, I repeat; for a
very close reproduction of Anglo-Saxon verse would, to a large extent, be
prose to a modern ear.

The Heyne-Socin text and glossary have been closely followed. Occasionally
a deviation has been made, but always for what seemed good and sufficient
reason. The translator does not aim to be an editor. Once in a while,
however, he has added a conjecture of his own to the emendations quoted
from the criticisms of other students of the poem.

This work is addressed to two classes of readers. From both of these alike
the translator begs sympathy and co-operation. The Anglo-Saxon scholar he
hopes to please by adhering faithfully to the original. The student of
English literature he aims to interest by giving him, in modern garb, the
most ancient epic of our race. This is a bold and venturesome undertaking;
and yet there must be some students of the Teutonic past willing to follow
even a daring guide, if they may read in modern phrases of the sorrows of
Hrothgar, of the prowess of Beowulf, and of the feelings that stirred the
hearts of our forefathers in their primeval homes.

In order to please the larger class of readers, a regular cadence has been
used, a measure which, while retaining the essential characteristics of
the original, permits the reader to see ahead of him in reading.

Perhaps every Anglo-Saxon scholar has his own theory as to how Beowulf
should be translated. Some have given us prose versions of what we believe
to be a great poem. Is it any reflection on our honored Kemble and Arnold
to say that their translations fail to show a layman that Beowulf is
justly called our first _epic_? Of those translators who have used verse,
several have written from what would seem a mistaken point of view. Is it
proper, for instance, that the grave and solemn speeches of Beowulf and
Hrothgar be put in ballad measures, tripping lightly and airily along? Or,
again, is it fitting that the rough martial music of Anglo-Saxon verse be
interpreted to us in the smooth measures of modern blank verse? Do we hear
what has been beautifully called "the clanging tread of a warrior in


Of all English translations of Beowulf, that of Professor Garnett alone
gives any adequate idea of the chief characteristics of this great
Teutonic epic.

The measure used in the present translation is believed to be as near a
reproduction of the original as modern English affords. The cadences
closely resemble those used by Browning in some of his most striking
poems. The four stresses of the Anglo-Saxon verse are retained, and as
much thesis and anacrusis is allowed as is consistent with a regular
cadence. Alliteration has been used to a large extent; but it was thought
that modern ears would hardly tolerate it on every line. End-rhyme has
been used occasionally; internal rhyme, sporadically. Both have some
warrant in Anglo-Saxon poetry. (For end-rhyme, see 1_53, 1_54; for
internal rhyme, 2_21, 6_40.)

What Gummere[1] calls the "rime-giver" has been studiously kept; _viz._,
the first accented syllable in the second half-verse always carries the
alliteration; and the last accented syllable alliterates only
sporadically. Alternate alliteration is occasionally used as in the
original. (See 7_61, 8_5.)

No two accented syllables have been brought together, except occasionally
after a caesural pause. (See 2_19 and 12_1.) Or, scientifically speaking,
Sievers's C type has been avoided as not consonant with the plan of
translation. Several of his types, however, constantly occur; _e.g._ A and
a variant (/ x | / x) (/ x x | / x); B and a variant (x / | x / ) (x x / |
x / ); a variant of D (/ x | / x x); E (/ x x | / ). Anacrusis gives
further variety to the types used in the translation.

The parallelisms of the original have been faithfully preserved. (_E.g._,
1_16 and 1_17: "Lord" and "Wielder of Glory"; 1_30, 1_31, 1_32; 2_12 and
2_13; 2_27 and 2_28; 3_5 and 3_6.) Occasionally, some loss has been
sustained; but, on the other hand, a gain has here and there been made.

The effort has been made to give a decided flavor of archaism...
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