fae chrinicles 02 - taunting destiny - amelia hutchins.pdf
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Taunting Destiny
The Fae Chronicles
By Amelia Hutchins
Genre: Dark Urban Fantasy/Paranormal/Erotica Romance/ MF
Word Count: 139,192
Adam and I are both going through identity crises of epic proportions as we Transition from who we were, and discover who we were
meant to be. More Fae are dying, and I feel as if time is running out for us to find all of those responsible and put an end to the killings.
The people I thought I could trust have betrayed me and the one person I should absolutely not trust; is taking me deeper and deeper into his
Ryder’s secrets are dangerous and devastating.
With each touch and word, he pulls my heart closer to himself and at the same time he is trying to keep me at arm’s length. The dance he and
I have begun, is getting more complicated as our worlds are being shaken from all sides, and the visions of the future are frightening, and
nothing like I had ever pictured for myself or those I care for.
This time, destiny is taunting me.
I had always thought that I controlled my destiny. Now, my rights are being taken from me by powerful people and leaving me with
alternatives that range between bad and awful.
This time, the choices I have to make can decide the fate of both worlds.
Everything is unraveling, and nothing will ever be the same again.
— Synthia
Taunting Destiny
The Fae Chronicles Book Two
Copyright © September 19, 2013 by Amelia Hutchins
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination
or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.
This book both in its entirety and in portions is the sole property of
Amelia Hutchins
TAUNTING DESTINY Copyright © 2013 by Amelia Hutchins.
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted,
downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether
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Amazon: AS IN: B00FAFJU8S
Cover Art Design: Vera DC Digital Art & Photography
Cover Art Illustrations: Vera DC Digital Art & Photography
Copyright ©September 18, 2013Amelia Hutchins
Edited by: Genevieve Scholl from Big Bang Book Services
Published by: Amelia Hutchins
Published in (United States of America)
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
This book is intended for mature and adult audiences; if you prefer adorable and sparkly Fairies and Vampires…look elsewhere. It is the
second in the Fae Chronicles; buy the first one before reading this or you will be so lost you won’t know which end is up. Fighting Destiny can
be found with reputable book sellers for your convenience. Taunting Destiny picks up right where the first left off. This book is dark, gritty, tear
jerking, panty soaking, edge of seat grabbing and DARK. It does contain hot asshole alphas that seduce and wreck sensibilities. Explicit
language is used liberally as is the use of magic in acts of naughtiness. Author strongly advises buying batteries, or securing a willing victim to
your bed while reading this book. (Handcuffs are optional.) Side effects are, but are not limited to: Lip biting, and or chewing, screaming at
author, wet panties, unexplained leaking from the eyes, or other parts of the body. Some people may experience strange attachment to
characters, and may scream for the next book in the series immediately after reading. If you experience one or more of these symptom’s, do
not seek a health care professional, thank the author and wait for the next book in the series. (Stalking author is normal behavior, be assured
she has already started the next in the series.)
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