Zork I - The Great Underground Empire.pdf

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“...the ‘Star Wars’ of interactive computer adventure games,
a sophisticated entertainment that touches the intellect
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“The program is so lifelike I find myself talking to it.”
Curtis, 26, Salesclerk
“I use ZORK with new employees to get them to relax with the computer
(before they learn their regular jobs).”
Lawrence, 44, Manager
Pacific Palisades, California
“As I typed READ THE LEAFLET, I felt the hair on my neck prickle.
I remembered having the same sensation on first reading Edgar Allen Poe at age 11.
It was as if a little voice were saying, ‘This is creepy and weird ... but don’t put it down!’
I barely noticed my wife tiptoe out of the room.”
From “How ZORK Took Over My Life,”
by Mike Oppenheim, M.D.
“Nice big vocabulary, mind-boggling situations and logical thinking.
I can use my brain!!”
Diane, 14
Douglas, 47, Teacher
Mountain View, California
“All-Time Most Popular Adventure”
Michael, 37, Minister
Lubbock, Texas
n 659 GUE*, the Kingdom of
Quendor was relatively small, encom-
passing seven-and-a-half provinces on
the western shore of the Great Sea, an
agrarian land whose major products
were rope and mosquito netting. It was the thirty-first
year of the reign of Zilbo III, part of a dynasty dating
back more than six centuries to Entharion the Wise, the
first King of Quendor. However, that dynasty was
about to end with the ascension of Duncanthrax to
the throne of Quendor on the final day of 659.
Little is known about what became of Zilbo after
659. Some say he was killed during a palace revolt, or
simply died from too much reveling while celebrating
the upcoming New Year. There is evidence that he
was exiled to a villa where he invented the card game
Double Fanucci.
Likewise, historians disagree about Duncanthrax’s
life prior to 659. A petition signed by palace guards
in 657, asking for an increase in the mosquito netting
allotment, bears a signature that looks suspiciously
like “Duncanthrax.” Some historians insist that
Duncanthrax was general of the Royal Militia. One
*Adding “GUE” after a year did not become common practice until the
latter part of the eighth century.
legend even suggests that Duncanthrax was a demon
who assumed human form. Another legend describes
him as a former rope salesman.
Whatever his origins, Duncanthrax quickly devel-
oped a reputation for cruelty, bloodthirstiness and
aggressiveness, thus earning himself the nickname
“The Bellicose King.” He raised a tremendous army
and began a systematic conquest of the neighboring
kingdoms. Within three years, Duncanthrax ruled an
empire that controlled virtually all the land between
the Great Sea and the Kovalli Desert.
An ancient villa on the outskirts of Mithicus, similar to the one where Zilbo
may have lived in exile.
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