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EuroPlus+ software © YDP Multimedia 1999

EuroPlus+ software © YDP Multimedia 1999


© Macmillan Publishers Limited 1998. Based on the Reward series by Simon Greenall

published by Macmillan Heinemann English Language Teaching


ViaVoice is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation

Treasurechest Game © Pulsar 1998


Sea Battle, Cliffhanger, Virus, Letter Auction games design © Virus Group 1998


This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group


Data compression library (zlib) provided by © 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler


Filming: English Film Service



© Copyright Photodisc Inc.

© Copyright Corel Corporation

© Rex Features, London 1998/East News


Consultations: Clare Nielsen-Marsh, Simon Greenall

Teacher's Tips: Simon Greenall

Macmillan Heinemann Editors: Ingrid Jefferys, Heather Crossley


Reward permissions credits



Extract from Summer Festivals, by Mike Rosen, extract from Projects for Winter, by Celia McInnes reproduced by permission of Wayland Publishers Ltd; Extract from A Bike Ride by Anne Mustoe reproduced with permission.



‘Memories are made of this’, by David Randall reproduced by permission of The Observer; ‘Breaking the Rules’, by Norman Harris reproduced by permission of The Guardian; ‘The Dead of Might’, (13th March 1994) by Dr John Cowee reproduced by permission of Life Magazine; Where’s he gone? from ‘It can’t be true’ published by Octopus Books, Extract from Kenyan Forger from ‘World’s Greatest Blunders’, by Sue Blackhall published by Octopus Books, Return to Sender and Sand in their eyes from ‘I Don’t Believe It’ published by Octopus Books, Faces on the Floor from ‘World’s Greatest Mysteries’ published by Octopus Books, all reproduced by permission of Octopus Publishing Group Limted; Extract from ‘The Tropical Traveller’, John Hatt reproduced by permission of Eland; Valentine, taken from ‘Mean Time’ by Carol Ann Duffy published by Anvil Press Poetry in 1993, reproduced by permission; Extract ‘A Warm Relationship’, taken from ‘The Book of Mini-Sagas II’, reproduced by permission of The Sunday Telegraph; Extracts from The European, Extracts from You Magazine reproduced by permission of Solo Syndication Ltd; Extract from ‘A Year in Provence’ by Peter Mayle, reproduced by permission; Extracts from ‘Hong Kong’ and ‘North East Asia’ © Lonely Planet Publications, reproduced by permission of Lonely Planet Publications.



‘Passion Play’, by Beverley Glick The Guardian 28th November 1993, reproduced with permission; ‘Patrick Marber looks at his thirty years with few regrets,’ extract from The Observer, 18th September 1994, ‘Protocol a guide to modern living,’ extract from The Observer, 27th February 1994, ‘High-tech disaster threatens police computer systems,’ by Robin McKie, The Observer, 15th November 1992, all reproduced with permission; ‘Humans spar with silicon superbrains’, The European 24th February - 2nd March 1995, reproduced with permission; Extract from ‘You and I are about to die’, © 1991 Bill Bryson, reproduced by permission of Greene & Heaton Limited, Extract from Notes from a Small Island, © 1995 from Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson, published by Black Swan, an imprint of Transworld Publishers Ltd, reproduced by permission of Greene & Heaton Limited; Extract from Pricing the Result, by John Winkler, reproduced by permission of Butterworth Heinemann; Extract from The Encylopedia of Superstitions, by Mona Radford, revised by Christina Hole, reproduced by permission of A.P. Watt Ltd, on behalf of Edith M Horsley and Christina Hole; Extract from Boy, by Roald Dahl, published by Jonathan Cape, reproduced by permission; Extract from ‘World’s Greatest Cranks and Crackpots’, by Margaret Nicholas reproduced by permission of Octopus Publishing Group

Reproduction of eight articles first published in The Independent and The Independent On Sunday reproduced by permission of Independent Newspapers (UK) Ltd; Extract from ‘The Birthday Boys’, by  Beryl Bainbridge reproduced by permission; Extract from ‘Use Your Head’, by Tony Buzan, reproduced with permission; ‘Where no law has gone before’, by Susan Kartlin reproduced by permission of Omni © 1992 Omni Publications International Ltd; Extract from ‘South America’ © Lonely Planet Publications, reproduced by permission of Lonely Planet Publications; ‘The Anniversary’ by Steve Chaloner, reproduced by permission; Extract from ‘A Year in Provence’ by Peter Mayle, published by Hamish Hamilton Limted, 1998, copyright © 1989 Peter Mayle; Extract from ‘The Land of the Rising Yen’ by George Mikes (Penguin Books 1973, first published by Andre Deutsch 1970) copyright © George Mikes, 1970.


While every effort has been made to trace the owners of copyright material, there may be some instances where this has not been possible and the Publishers have been unable to contact the owners. We should be grateful to hear from anyone who recognizes their copyright material and who is unacknowledged. We shall be pleased to make the necessary amendments in future editions of this CD-ROM.


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