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Professional English
Mark Powell
Dynamic Presentations
is an exciting new course for learners of business English
who want to excel at presenting.
Drawing closely on the world of communication skills training, this
comprehensive programme covers everything from structuring your talk to
fine-tuning your delivery, from designing your visuals to mastering your body
language and from telling your own stories and anecdotes to handling the
all-important question-and-answer session.
Packed with tips and advice from some of the world’s leading business and
communication experts,
Dynamic Presentations
systematically develops the
key language and presentation techniques you need to give an effective,
professional and memorable performance.
The book comes with two audio CDs, and video presentation extracts are
also available on a separate DVD. The course is accompanied by full trainer’s
notes and a rich bank of online resources, including detailed feedback forms,
available on the Cambridge website.
Dynamic Presentations
is part of the new
Cambridge Business Skills series
– a set of short courses from leading business English authors, combining
communication skills training with professional language development.
The author
Mark Powell is a business communication skills
trainer, one-to-one coach and instructional designer.
A leader in the field of presentations training, in his
25-year career he has worked with many well-known
international companies. Mark currently runs courses
and gives keynote conference presentations all over
the world.
Course components:
• Student’s Book with Audio CDs (2)
Mark Powell
Dynamic Presentations
ISBN 978 0 521 60975 3
ISBN 978 0 521 78388 0
Cambridge Business Skills
Mark Powell
Cambridge Business Skills
cambr idge univ er sity pr ess
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore,
São Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo, Mexico City
Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK
Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521150040
© Cambridge University Press 2010
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published 2011
Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-0-521-15004-0 Student’s Book with Audio CDs
ISBN 978-0-521-15006-4 DVD
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or
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this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is,
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timetables and other factual information given in this work is correct at
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the accuracy of such information thereafter.
Preparing to present
1 Opening and closing
2 Smooth structure
3 Voice power
4 Visual aids
5 Facts and figures
6 Body language
7 Rapport building
8 Impact techniques
9 Storytelling
10 Q&A sessions
Bringing it all together
Audio scripts
Key and commentary
Additional materials
Online feedback forms
Preparing to present
If there’s one skill, above all others, that will help you stand out in the world of
international business, it is the skill of presenting. And the further you progress
in your career, the more likely it is that you will be called upon to present. In
the age of technology and social networking it’s easy to lose sight of this. But
you’ll never have more impact than when you stand up to speak in public. In
professional life, competent presentations are expected. But great presentations
are rare and always remembered.
Mark Powell, Mark Powell Communications
Welcome to
Dynamic Presentations,
one of a new series of courses from Cambridge
University Press designed to develop excellence in business communication in
English. The complete training package includes this book and CDs, an accompanying DVD
with worksheets and a dedicated website containing further games and activities, feedback
forms and full trainer’s notes. You can access this material at http://www.cambridge.org/elt/
The secret of successful presentations
Whether you’re pitching one on one to a client, talking a small group of colleagues through
the latest quarterlies or giving the keynote speech at a conference, becoming an excellent
presenter comes down to three things:
This course will help you both prepare and perform. By the
end of the course, you’ll know how to start and how to
finish, what to put in and what to leave out, when to stick
to your plan and when to depart from it. You’ll have an eye
for visuals and an ear for how to use your voice. You’ll have
a feel for effective body language and the ability to make
facts and figures unforgettable.
You’ll also learn proven strategies for handling any question
your audience might throw at you. And you’ll try out a range of dynamic presentation
techniques as you develop a style that is uniquely yours.
What about passion? Well, that’s mostly up to you! After
all, if you’re not fired up about your talk, why should we
be? But if you’re thoroughly prepared and feel confident
you can perform, you’ll be free to connect with your
audience. And all presentations, no matter how routine,
need to connect. Think about it. If the figures spoke for
themselves, you wouldn’t need to present them! In the
words of poet and biographer Maya Angelou:
If it matters to you,
it will matter to them.
‘People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never
forget how you made them feel.’
As you work through the ten modules in this course, you should always be thinking how you
can make the skills and techniques your own. If something doesn’t seem to work at first,
it may be that it doesn’t quite suit your style or it may just be that you need a little more
practice. Be prepared to have fun and experiment. By getting your trainer to record you, you
can analyse your performance using the online feedback forms (see page 94).
I hope you enjoy the
Dynamic Presentations
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