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IC1 – Double Crossed
A helicopter passed over us yesterday, they circled twice but wouldn’t land. They dropped a brick with a note and a map
attached. It said “you are being tracked by a horde, if we land they’ll likely catch up and overwhelm us before we can
take you on board. We’ve set up a safe area, you can get to it by setting off some switches, Good luck!”
V 1.2
Starting Equipment, set up an equipment deck with 1 Pistol, 1 Fire Axe, 1 Crowbar, 1 Claw Hammer, 2 Night
Sticks and pans as follows.
Number of Survivors -4
Shuffle the starting equipment and deal 1 card to each survivor. If no one can open a door, take all the
equipment cards back, reshuffled and re-deal. Continue doing this until at least 1 survivor can open a door. Of
course if someone starts with a skill that allows them to open a door (such as break in) you’ll only need to deal
If you are playing with 4 survivors remove the red spawn point in the start area.
If you are playing with 5-8 survivors play with the set up as is.
If you are playing with 9 or more survivors add a second red spawn point in start area.
Special Rules
Only the red spawn points are active at the start of the game.
Spawn points should be spawned in the sequence Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, White and then Purple, starting with
the red spawn point at the top of the map (as shown above, in essence working clockwise from that spam
point). Skip any that aren’t active yet. If there are 2 spawn points in the same spot (9+ survivors) spawn them
both at the same time.
When the YELLOW Cross is taken the YELLOW spawn point becomes active.
When the WHITE Cross is taken the WHITE spawn point becomes active.
When the PURPLE Cross is taken the PURPLE spawn point becomes active.
Both GREEN Crosses have to be taken during 1 survivor phase.
If you only manage 1 put it back in the Zombie
phase and you’ll have to try again next survivor phase. When the both GREEN Crosses are taken the GREEN
spawn point becomes active.
Both BLUE Crosses have to be taken during 1 survivor phase.
If you only manage 1 put it back in the Zombie
phase and you’ll have to try again next survivor phase. When the both BLUE Crosses are taken the BLUE spawn
point becomes active.
Taking a cross gives the survivor 5 XP.
Any Survivor may leave via the exit point at the end of their turn if all the crosses have been taken, they are in
the exit space and there are no zombies in the space.
To win ALL starting survivors must leave via the exit zone.
V 1.2
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